Забрус – лікувальні властивості, how to make. Medicinal properties have long been known zabrusu, that it is widely used in various fields of human activity.
beeswax – особлива речовина, which the bees seal their cells, when they are brim full of honey.
This is to ensure, to protect the contents of the cells from the effects of extraneous agents, collision which promotes deterioration of the product.
It provides long-term preservation zabrus honey, acting as a kind of caps, which protects it from damage.
This is achieved through a universal structure, which includes substances, possessing a unique set of properties.
Like many other bee products, zabrus used by man for their own purposes: as food and as a medicine. The latter is possible thanks to a whole bunch of healing properties, that this product has.
- Useful properties zabrusu
- Practical application zabrusa
Useful properties zabrusu
Composition zabrusa sufficiently studied. The bulk of it is wax, produced by special glands of bees. In addition to this substance, of the particles of pollen includes zabrusa, propolis, and ambrosia copper.
The combination of all components gives rise to an exceptional product of its kind. Honey stamp rich organic acids, vitamins, micro- and macro.
Many there and biologically active enzymes, contributing to the overall composition, which makes it truly unique.
Even the separate components of honey zabrusu have many positive qualities, and they give the final product. And together they are the true source of health.
The positive points are the following zabrusa:
- The bactericidal. This is caused by a large number of enzyme lysozyme, which is an antibacterial agent, detrimental effect on pathogens.
- Antiviral. Wax has a powerful effect on the overwhelming majority of known representatives of the viral world. in addition, characterized by, that it has no addictive, Unlike modern chemotherapy drugs.
- Anti-inflammatory. Bee derivative effectively eliminates any inflammation in the body, regardless of their origin.
- Hypoallergenic. Though, that part of the zabrusa pollen, copper, which themselves allergens, they do not cause allergies. Exceptions are possible in very rare cases. in addition, At the same zabrus and provides anti-allergic effect.
- immunostimulatory. Zabrusa multicomponent structure enhances the protective functions of the body, increases resistance to infections. Updated better body resists aggressive factors, improves its performance. Increases performance and mental activity.
- Regeneruyuchimi. Powerful performance wax renewal manifested in his ability to heal not only various minor wounds and skin defects, but rather to treat serious skin disorders.
- Anestezuyuchimi. Забрус – це гарне знеболююче, which is able to quickly eliminate unpleasant symptom of pain.
- absorbent. Wax is not digested nor absorbed in the intestine, thus acting as a sorbent, binds and absorbs toxins and all unnecessary body. Gently and safely removes waste out.
- antispasmodic. Beeswax can suppress the reflex contraction of various muscles, giving them a relaxing effect.
- Improve metabolism. Complex mechanisms of metabolism also subjected adjusted using zabrusa, and the positive trend observed treatment quickly.
- soothing. Wax has a relaxing and relaxing effect on the nervous system, bringing her to state standards.
Bee zabrus long shelf life, without losing its medicinal properties. Biological components remain active for about 2 years.
Practical application properties zabrusa
Most commonly this product is used in medicine. They successfully treat various diseases.
Всередину його застосовують – просто розжовуючи певну кількість препарату.
Then it can spit out, and can be swallowed. So even healthier. The therapeutic effect depends on the strength and severity of the disease pathological manifestations. Treatments also selected individually.
Read more: Mead with zabrusu
For external impact applied ointment, creams, which include a certain amount of beeswax. It can be independently made preparations, and produced by industry.
Here are some examples of properties zabrusa practice:
- With its antibacterial properties may treat infections mouth (stomatitis, gingivitis, Periodontal disease). Effective wax and angina, laryngitis and pharyngitis, caused by staphylococci and streptococci. Helps when he infected bacterial origin affected skin.
- The flu and other viral diseases or drugs zabrusa beeswax also have a beneficial effect on the body and help to overcome illness.
- Wax well reduces inflammation in the gut. Eliminates similar processes in the mouth and reduces bleeding gums.
- With zabrusa can overcome or reduce the expression of allergic reactions. Reception prophylactic doses, for example, when seasonal allergies, can do to stop the disease.
- After an illness of the body is weakened. Immunostimulatory properties of wax will help him quickly back in shape, if it is to take some time.
- Do not hurt and reception zabrusu and perfectly healthy people. This will minimize the likelihood of diseases. Especially recommended such a remedy small children and future mums.
- Beeswax due to its regenerative properties can repair the damage of various origins on the skin and mucous. With it faster healing of ulcers, cuts, abrasions. In domestic use less concerned ulcer. Will help restore youthful skin, get rid of wrinkle cream with their member zabrusom.
- Chewing wax eliminate pain symptoms, caused, example, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and pancreatitis. Treatment zabrusom effectively and rheumatic pain. It might as external and internal use.
- Ability this pcheloprodukty help normalize metabolism will order, who wants to lose weight, bring your weight back to normal, and thus improve the shape.
- Chewing sweet honey mixture will reduce tension, calm the nerves and feel much better. This option is best, than buying pills.
Read more: How useful zabrus
Treatment of bee zabrusom a positive effect, because it contains substances provide unique characteristics to it.
Given the inherent properties of a positive list, special beeswax can be considered a valuable medicinal, helping to successfully deal with numerous ailments bouquet.