
What breed of bees select?

Nowadays people, studying the basics of beekeeping, repeatedly faced with the question on selection of breeds bees. For each area can approach or another species of bees. And according to the choice of breeds expect a particular mining bee. Also bees differ on many factors, that affect their sensitivity to environment and development opportunities.

Species of bees formed in certain climates influenced by natural selection. It is possible to identify a number of characteristic features, bees that distinguish one breed from another. These features include color, the value of bees, long proboscis, fecundity females, zlostivіst, disease resistance, roylivost, voskoproduktivnost. Some include features to breed honey productivity, but this feature can not be attributed to any particular distinguishing features of the breed, Since different species in different conditions manifests itself in different ways.

To select breeds should take into account all of the above features.

Serednoruska breed

Bees large, long proboscis 5,9-6,35 mm, body color dark gray, no yellowing, Seal honey light (dry), propolisuvannya nests weak, Bee did not dobrozychni, to cell, taken out of the nest, much worry and hang in clusters . Strongly tied to once discovered source medosbora slowly, for 2-3 days, go from worst to best source. For hardiness, resistant honeydew toxicity, nozematozu and European foul brood unaware equal, roylyvost very strong. For fertility, serednorusski cancer (maximum 2-2,5 th. eggs a day) second only to Italian. Spring families development starts later, than southern species, and ends in mid-June. Family bee, this r, outperform on honey productivity of bees of other breeds at average annual and relatively late, strong and stable medosbora linden, buckwheat and other honey plants. When the bees make honey medosbora first store in the nest, а потім вже – в розплідну.

Ukrainian steppe breed

This southern branch serednorusskoyi rock and therefore has a lot to do with it, although some experienced the impact of Carpathian breed, The body color of gray purebred bees, slightly smaller body size, than serednorusskyh, but long proboscis (6,4-6,55 mm). For hardiness, disease resistance, fertility of females, features spring of families and efficiency of different conditions medosbora they differ little from bees breed serednorusskoyi, but less roylivy more peaceful, than they.

Krajina breed (Karnik)

Bees gray with a silvery tint, slightly smaller srednerusskyh, but much larger than the gray mountain Caucasian, long proboscis 6,5-6,8 mm, enterprising in finding sources medosbora. In hardiness and disease resistance inferior serednorusskym bees, but slightly superior in this respect gray mountain Caucasian. They are peaceful, moderately roylivy. Characterized by a very early and intense spring development, so much better than other species pollinate orchards and effectively use the main spring medosbor. Good pollinators Clover, only inferior in the Caucasus.

Carpathian breed

It is a very eastern population kraynskoy. The size of the body bees yield srednerusskym, but surpass them in length proboscis. The body color slightly lighter. We can not exclude, that to some extent she experienced the (as a result of the partial result of crossbreeding) influence Ukrainian steppe cattle. Bees peaceful, Seal honey "intermediate". Winter hardiness weak, but slightly higher, than gray mountain Caucasian. For fertility of females is slightly inferior breed serednorusskiy, significantly surpassing the mountainous Caucasus, roylyvost moderate. Bees this species effectively work on the main medosbora, well-pollinate clover.

Yellow Caucasian breed

Bees are somewhat larger in size and more prolific, relatively gray mountain Caucasian, long proboscis 6,6-6,7 mm, bright yellow color, peaceful, much roylivy, nozematozu sensitive and foul brood. These bees are quite common in Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan and the North Caucasus, but vigorously replaced gray mountain Caucasian, and metiziruyutsya by mating with this breed.

The gray mountain Caucasian breed

By coverage on the globe and popularity of this breed ranks second in the world after Italian. The body color is gray bees, little lighter, than srednerusskyh and Ukrainian, body size and less, than all other species of bees. Довжина хоботків – 6,6-7,25 mm. Myrolyubyvi, weak roylyvosty (3-5%), vidshukuvannya enterprise in food sources and the rate of change of the worst sources for the best (not more 1 day), efficiency in clover pollination bees do not know this breed equal. Quietly working on cell, taken out of the nest for review, thievish, much propolisuyut nest, Seal dark honey ( «Wet»), prone to "silent" changes females and their coexistence, upon the occurrence of even a relatively weak medosbora severely restrict egg-laying queen and therefore accumulate some reserves of honey, which constitute a first rozplidnu, and then store in the nest.

Gray mountain Caucasian bee bees much more efficient use of other species relatively weak and not sustainable medosbor, especially polyflernoho type, and medosbor any force of legumes and Phacelia. In dry years with very meager conditions medosbora by the number of harvested honey are significantly superior to other species of bees.

The bees gray Caucasian mountain rocks are widely used for industrial crossing with other breeds in areas with relatively poor and moderate medosbora. Caucasian bees are trafficked to Western Europe, USA, of Kubusch. Example, in France they crossed with Italian and local (mellifera), hybrids obtained are characterized in different species 20-40% higher productivity, but because they prefer almost 40% beekeepers.

However, in Ukraine Caucasian breed poorly adapted to the climatic conditions. For wintering need to take care of special conditions. The gray mountain Caucasian breed loves, when it was exhibited in early stages, so the bees can quickly make the first circled with warming. proved, if unfavorable winter and early bees exhibit, it becomes much easier to air, than beehouse.

Among the negative qualities of the breed: weak winter hardiness, hypersensitivity to the valleys toxicity, nozematozu and European foul brood, and lack of fertility of females. Therefore, the highest economic effect gives the family-hybrids 1st generation by crossing gray mountain Caucasian females with drones srednerusskymy.

Italian breed

This breed of bees (not inferior srednerusskym) with bright yellow stripes, long proboscis 6,3-6,6 mm, peaceful, enterprising food sources in vidshukuvanni, prone to theft of bee, Seal honey white («Dry»), roylyvost moderate, hardiness weak, very sensitive to toxicity padevogo, nozematoeu and European rot. Spring families development begins relatively late, lasts a long time and a very high level, fecundity females up 3-3,5 th. eggs a day. Ця порода – найпоширеніша у світі. In areas with strong sustained year medosbora, family of Italian bees do not know equal to Medoproduktivnost.

Far breed

Сформувалася на Далекому Сході в кінці минулого – початку нинішнього століття в результаті безсистемного схрещування головним чином українських степових і середньорусських бджіл і в значно меншій мірі – кавказьких (gray and yellow) and Italian, as well as natural and artificial selection.

Far bees inhabiting the territory of the Chita and Amur regions, Amur and Primorye Territory. There bee with yellow and pure gray, long proboscis 6,3-6,75 mm, slightly smaller body size, than serednorusskyh. The fertility of females is low (within 1,1-1,6 th. eggs a day). Printing of honey "intermediate", propolisovanie nests weak. For hardiness and fertility of females breed only slightly inferior serednorusskym, different strong roylyvistyu, but less so, than serednoruskoyi, and on its superior peacefulness. Spring bee colonies development begins relatively early and proceeds rapidly. Effectively uses medosbor main linden. In Western Siberia, these bees and their hybrids with significantly exceed local Medoproduktivnost. У період головного медозбору бджоли складають мед рівномірно – і в розплідній, Shop in the nest.

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