
How to apply correctly zabrus

How to apply correctly and bee zabrus benefit.

The use of bee zabrusa lies in the field of medicine and some cosmetic, truly unique product.

As external and internal means, He has long and successfully used in folk medicine in the treatment of various diseases.

However, his action only positively, and therapy always produces results. This phenomenon is explained by the presence of a powerful zabrusu a number of biologically active substances, providing a beneficial effect on the entire body of the patient and helps him recover faster.

bee products, zabrus, very easy to use. It has no contraindications, except individual intolerance, so that it can take almost all. Age also does not prevent. Zabrusom can be treated adults and children.

  1. Benefits zabrusu
  2. Internal use zabrusu
  3. External application zabrusu

Honey seals useful in:

  • nasal inflammation;
  • bacterial Oral infections;
  • various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Viral lesions of the body;

They can take in order to lose weight, who wants to have a slim figure. Application zabrusa pregnant and nursing mothers are also not banned.

Крім того – це відмінна профілактика взагалі будь-яких захворювань, as well as a means of strengthening the immune system. But there is nothing nicer, how to use the medicine as sweet. If you do this consistently, no disease no longer cleave.

Industry zabrus comes in handy form for use in the form of lozenges. But most of beeswax purchased privately. In this case, it will have to make focusing on spoons, Tea and Dinner.

Internal use zabrusa

Zabrus often used in medicinal purposes. Відповідь на питання як їсти такі ліки досить простий – його потрібно просто жувати до того моменту, a piece of loose talk. Usually enough 5 minutes. Then you can spit.

Read more: How useful zabrus

Many people wonder if you can swallow and what happens zabrus, if this happens? So make it possible and even necessary.

All components, that it contains, harmless. If swallowed, they make the body of harmful effects, and additionally clean the intestines of toxins and harmful savings, acting as a sorbent.

Good to swallow and all zabrus, who are prone to constipation. beeswax beneficial effect on bowel problem, contributing to its proper functioning and healing.

The use of seals as a drug effectively and in many other diseases. How to make zabrus in different situations?

  • При ЛОР – захворюваннях періодичне жування допоможе швидше перервати перебіг патологічного процесу. First, it should be done every hour for a couple of days. Then as several prevention. But now the number of techniques to reduce 1-2 times a day.
  • Children's respiratory diseases, both acute, and in the chronic form of treatable zabrusom, if you give it to your child 1 ch.l. 2 or 3 times a day. It is worth considering, that the child may not like the taste of pure product, and therefore it should be pre-diluted honey.
  • Zabrus and will help with bad breath. To refresh breath enough to make the product 1 Article. spoon 3 times a day. Cure bleeding gums and waxes, and other oral problems. The course is calculated in this case individually, to eliminate the symptoms.
  • people, suffering from diseases of the teeth, recommended regularly chew zabrus. This will slow down the process of decay. Patients teeth is, Of course, restores, but will keep the rest.
  • The positive impact of beeswax gives the work of the gastrointestinal tract. After daily chewing product for some time are inflammation of the stomach and duodenum. Take for 1 ch.l. two times a day. He also effective in pancreatitis.
  • When the pain in the stomach can also be treated wax balls, as they have anesthetic properties. When the discomfort should be taken to zabrus 0,5 ch.l. before meals.
  • This substance can be removed allergic reactions. Active components, which are composed of bee products provide strengthening and stimulating effect on the immune system. Take medicines should 3 times a day for several months, but should be careful, he is also a means of allergen.
  • Those, who suffer from asthma may also include this product in the list of drugs. Chewing wax helps reduce symptoms or even negate signs of disease, if it is in the early stages of development. Take necessary prior to the attack.

Read more: Composition and benefits of bee zabrusa

External application zabrusa

In addition to oral, zabrus is used in the form of medical applications, creams and ointments for topical use, used to address various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including articular rheumatism pain.

For this pharmaceutical companies produced a large amount of drugs, successfully help cope with illness. The positive effect it does and with radiculitis.

Preparations zabrusa also help to deal with various skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema), inflammation of the dermis (boils and ulcers). Treat wounds, poorly healing, slaughter of different origin.

In cosmetology based on beeswax make special cosmetics for care, which has the effect omolodzhuyuchuyeyu. All products are designed for use on the skin of the hands and face. Zabrus may also be a component of hair colors, that nourish and strengthen them, making hair healthy and beautiful.

The components can improve metabolism, stimulate circulation, increase efficiency. And at long application can not fear the emergence of resistance to it (immunity) pathogenic agents.

Bee zabrus – безцінний подарунок, which give people striped industrious insects. Due to its excellent and versatile properties, this bee product helps treat various diseases huge list of highly successful.

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