Propolis and cough

How to treat cough propolis: recipes use.

In the season of colds you try to avoid virus, strengthens the immune system by various means, but was still coughing?

For those, who wants to quickly get rid of the problem, Propolis is a good solution cough.

This product of bees can cure colds and improve overall health.

Finish reading the article until the end and learn, How to do it.

  1. The properties of propolis in the treatment of cough
  2. How to eliminate the cough propolis
  3. The use of propolis zhuyok
  4. Irrigation throat
  5. Inhalation
  6. Friction
  7. Drink milk and propolis
  8. tincture
  9. Preparation of extract
  10. Treatment of cough in children
  11. Contraindication

The properties of propolis in the treatment of cough

Propolis different complex and variable composition. On the amount of useful items it affects climate, season, plant species, state bee.

In the composition of propolis is a large number of resins, essential oils, vitamins, alcohols, wax, amino acids and other nutrients.

Generally they include more than 50. Cough treatment propolis positive results because, he:

  1. Reduces inflammation.
  2. Has antibacterial, Antiviral, antioxidant, furhitsidni and analgesic properties.
  3. Accelerates tissue repair.
  4. Displays the body of poisons and toxins.
  5. Strengthens the immune system.

The use of propolis in combination with antibacterial agents to prevent violation of the gut.

This product can also exacerbate the effects of some medications, which will speed up the healing process.

Using propolis at home, to remember, it is an effective natural antibiotic, which affects only pathogens.

Read: Treating propolisnyy holstyk.

Even after prolonged use bacteria can not form a resistance to product.

How to eliminate the cough propolis

Кашель – це симптом не тільки простудних захворювань. This feature appears, When developing a neurological disease or heart disease.

Because folk remedies can be applied only after the test and the actual diagnosis.

The doctor should know about additional methods used.

This will avoid complications.

To eliminate cough propolis is used as tinctures, inhalation, washing, juyok.

It is used for physical therapy and taking medication together with.

This product can be taken in early fall for the prevention of colds.

The use of propolis zhuyok

The easiest way to use propolis as a gum. You need to take a small piece of chewed bee product and a quarter hours.

After a few hours of rest and repeat the procedure. Doing this requires not more 5 once a day.

Irrigation throat

Effectively acting prescription cough propolis for gargling.

It is made so:

  • take 10 g and put in a pan;
  • pour 100 g of boiling water;
  • keep the mixture over medium heat until dissolved propolis;
  • broth and cool treats.

Conduct rinsing using this tool needs more 10 times a day. After a few days of the treatment of sore throat fail.

Propolis bronchitis even help get rid of the chronic form of the disease. Good effect provides the use broth.

It is made so:

  • boil a pint of water;
  • take a tablespoon of dried St. John's wort;
  • hold on low heat for five minutes and cooled slightly;
  • added 50 drops of tincture of propolis;
  • gargle.

Swallow broth is not required.


beeswax used in inhalation.

They are trained so:

  • 50 g beeswax is ground;
  • pour 350 ml of water;
  • warehouse hold on simmer fifteen minutes;
  • cover head with a towel, lean over the pot and breathe deeply.

To relieve symptoms of colds procedure makes twice daily.

This solution can be used several times. Before making inhalation, it should be heated, to form pairs.


Bee product can be used for outdoor applications. Propolis ointment prepared, which rubbed the chest and feet.

As a basis for drugs are fat bear, badger, goose or any other.

Prepare the way so:

  • take one part and propolis 5 pieces of fat;
  • placed in a pot and a water bath mloyat, do not forget to stir;
  • When the consistency is smooth, Ointment can be used.

Rub the chest need to sleep. This recipe can be used, If the child is ill.

In children may have difficulty inhalation and rinsing, because friction fit perfectly.

Drink milk and propolis

Everyone knows, that warm milk and honey works perfectly with dry cough and catarrhal diseases.

It softens, soothes, envelops and warms the throat, improves discharge of phlegm.

Milk with propolis cough gets rid of irritation and nasal congestion.

If you drink drugs evening, it provides rapid sleep and quiet sleep. In the beverage can be added to water or alcohol tincture.

Finished drug available over the counter or make yourself.

For health effect should:

  • bring to a boil 250 ml milk;
  • cool slightly;
  • added 10 propolis tincture drops.

If you drink this milk every night, you can quickly get rid of sore throat and cough.

To remedy was pleasant to use, can be sweetened with honey.


Propolis tincture cough preparing a:

  • propolis in quantity teaspoon or 5 d combined with 50 ml 70% spirit;
  • leaving the composition in a cool place for six weeks;
  • occasionally jar with medications need to shake;
  • after the expiration of the infusion is filtered and put in cold storage.

You can prepare the infusion of beeswax in water.

For this:

  • 30 g propolis pour distilled water in quantities 100 ml;
  • holding structure in a water bath 45 minutes;
  • then drugs should be cool, Strain and refrigerate.

The largest number of bee propolis produce fall. So use it to prepare medicines for colds preferably during this period.

For product is not spoiled, it must be stored in a clean, dry glass container, tightly closing lid.

Preparation of extract

At home, you can prepare a liquid extract and alcohol.

The first variant prepared as:

  • propolis crush;
  • mixed with alcohol, acetone or chloroform;
  • must comply ratio 1: 2;
  • infused medicines 10 days;
  • filtered and put in storage in a dark room.

This feature saves half the properties of bee products.

Alcoholic extract of propolis can be obtained as follows:

  • 100 g chopped product is placed in a glass bottle;
  • added 500 ml of alcohol;
  • put on half an hour in a dark place.

For complete dissolution of the substance container of medicine preferably periodically shaken.

Treatment of cough in children

With beeswax can treat children. This means safer, than many syrups, since it includes no preservatives, dyes and flavorings.

The use of propolis tincture help improve the health of the child in the first days of treatment.

To relieve the baby cough, should be applied tincture, concentration of alcohol and propolis which is less, than is used for colds in adults.

Instructions for use and dosage should be carefully observed.

If a child is not allergic to bee products, To them it was easier to drink medicine, you can add honey.

Inflammatory processes in the respiratory system eliminates using:

  • ointments for grinding;
  • warm milk with propolis;
  • gargling.

If the baby began to show the first signs of colds, you need to give him a cup of warm milk with five drops of tincture.

This drink can relieve nasal breathing, soothe irritated mucous and eliminate cough.

For best effect to give it better at night. Treatment is more effective, If your child before bedtime rub his back and chest propolis, with melted goat fat.

Mark improvement in the treatment of the child can immediately. The next day, the baby starts to breathe normally, and cough becomes wet.

Respiratory tract infections go faster with this product. Children with weak immune system in early autumn can begin taking propolis for the prevention of colds.

In these cases, the infusion should take over 10 days, then make a break for six weeks and repeat the course.


Though propolis and is completely natural product, He has a number of contraindications.

Do not take means, if ever receiving bee products cause adverse reactions of the body.

Caution should be treated with propolis preparations, if there are jumps in blood pressure, developing diabetes.

Propolis pregnancy and breastfeeding can only be used after consultation with a specialist.

In no case can not be treated using propolis at:

  • stock hypersensitive individual components of the drug;
  • rinokon'yunktivitы seasonal allergic origin;
  • skin diseases as eczema;
  • asthma.

Due to the mass of useful properties, propolis can be considered an indispensable product for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, different types of colds and cough.

But before using it does not hurt to consult with a specialist.


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