How to make ambrosia, how to eat ambrosia?

Перга – один з найбільш корисних продуктів бджільництва.

About her many useful properties described, but not everyone knows, how to make ambrosia correctly.

Today we will try to answer this question and know all the beneficial properties of bee cerago.

  1. Useful properties
  2. Features cooking with honey
  3. Perge honey: recipes and daily admission rules
  4. As a means affects the body?
  5. How to make?
  6. As ambrosia take young children?
  7. How to take granules?

Useful properties cerago

Perge rich in vitamins and minerals, nutrients, that our body receives from other products.

What treats ambrosia:

Features cooking with honey

not great, that each apiary started producing this amazing product.

Perge bee prepared by special technology, and product value is high enough.

Price is also due to the small number of products. If Honey bees produce many, то бджолиної перги – мало.

But the result justifies the money spent, головне – це пити її правильно.

Perge honey: recipes and daily admission rules

For preparing a mixture of honey you need a chilled Perge and, properly, copper.

Perge tolchetsya in a mortar to homogeneity, and top it added liquid honey.

All components take in equal amounts, and after cooking spread mixture into glass jars, tightly close them.

If you are going to store long honey drugs, they better roll cover.

Accept it means depending on the purpose and type of disease.

  • If you want to boost immunity? Eat 1 tablespoon per day.
  • The aggravation of diseases? Increase to 30 gram (2 Article. spoons) day.

Children are allowed to give 1 to 15 grams per day. The rate depends on the age of the child, older than he, the more his body needs natural medicines.

As ambrosia affects the body?

Useful bee products stimulates cell growth, speeds up regeneration.

It is necessary to drink before and after surgery, to speed wound healing, seams, restore normal blood circulation.

Among pediatricians ambrosia bee is also very famous. Its yield young children. As children make ambrosia, tell later.

The point is, ambrosia that strengthens the immune system of the baby, it promotes proper development and growth.

Perge Men also very useful. Tool enhances potency, has antitumor properties.

Very often it is drunk for the prevention of prostate cancer.

How to make?

Take the product on an empty stomach twice a day. for 1-3 hours before eating should eat 1 teaspoon.

Не радимо приймати її перед сном – це дуже активний продукт, it can cause insomnia.

Means placed in the mouth, then carefully rozzhovuyetsya.

It is not recommended to drink it with water before, as you swallowed mixture.

Take ambrosia on an empty stomach twice a day.

Курс прийому – один місяць. Then take a 30 day break and resume reception.

Experts recommend taking along with ambrosia other products of bees: Royal jelly, tincture of bee pidmoru, and you can drink herbal teas.

This comprehensive treatment increasingly influenced by natural drug.

As ambrosia take young children?

CED is often called bee bread. This is a very nutritious product, by which a protein is superior 6 meat times. It contains vitamins A, AT, E.

Vitamin A is necessary for a growing organism. It speeds up growth, helps during the last eruption of teeth, strengthens the immune properties of the organism, increases the natural resistance to infection.

More Vitamin A improves eyesight, which is especially important in an age of computer technology and tablets.

Vitamin E is beneficial for children and expectant mothers, when it occurs lack anemia.

But unfortunately, Vitamin E is destroyed during cooking, and it can only get from drugs or fresh food, have not undergone heat treatment.

Вітамін В – це фолієва і пантотенова кислоти. They play a huge role in the formation and restoration of normal metabolism, This vitamin is needed and after exercise.

We see, ambrosia that is very useful for children, Besides bees use it for growing their larvae.

Many mothers do not give this product to kids 3 years, fear allergic reactions.

It is right, and before taking any drug pre consult your pediatrician.

Talking about, eating ambrosia children, Perge better to prefer shops with beekeeping. Do not go to the apiary and buy there product without documents.

baby to 1 was enough 1/5 of a teaspoon a day. Children from 3 years are 1/3 teaspoon of 1 once a day before meals.

The children of older 10 Recommend take years to remedy ½ tsp.

In the first few techniques to monitor the reaction of the child. You should alert rash, diatezni cheeks.

How to take granules?

The product granules can be bought in a store. From a security standpoint it's even better.

Granular means adopted to rate 21 day, then take a break of ten, and receiving renewed.

Оптимальна доза на добу – 10-15 granules for adults. You can drink it once or divided into 2-3 techniques.

Remember, granulated ambrosia that also affect sleep. Its ability to continue to Tonic 18 hours.

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