In the apiary is time, When insects feed beekeepers have.
In such cases, along with sugar syrup and ynvertom to feed honey bees used sieves.
This aqueous solution of various concentrations of honey.
This is the best food for a family for several reasons. The resulting mixture is rich in vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances.
It is alive and most of the characteristics close to the nectar, which also serves as the basis for making bees honey.
Sugar also processed bee, if no other food sources, but this is just food carbohydrates and can not be considered a complete substitute for natural food.
Inverted sugar syrup better, but it can not prepare well, to present as part of all substances, necessary for the full life of the hive.
Natural Honey sieve, therefore more useful for insects. Take inventory and turn in this dressing they also willingly.
Convenient practice of feeding bees and the beekeeper well-fed. Honey in good beekeeper is always, not difficult to cook food.
For a mixture not necessarily need fresh component, You can use last year's surplus collection.
Product, pending family in cells, always comes natural, and they almost natural bees to feed quickly increase the number of, less wear during its processing, better winter and not get sick.
The main use for feeding only qualitative and not infected with honey.
The food sweet solution insects in spring and summer, medosbora and when there is no need to support a family of bees until they go honey plants.
Use it to stimulate egg and uterus and increasing the active population to early departures for nectar.
Medications also can distribute, spreading agent in the composition. Honey sieve is used for feeding bees fall, the period apiary prepare to winter.
Nutrient mixture prepared with different concentrations depending on the goals, facing beekeeper.
It can be average, hustohyu and liquid. The first dealt insects as an incentive feeding.
Другу – для того, so that they can fill the missing feed stocks.
early spring, after purification flyby and the first revision of beehives, becomes clear, how much food is left in bees.
If a feed, that was left in the winter, all eaten, or little, a frame with a full no honey, beekeepers bees begin zahodovuyut sheep.
Especially important for feeding such weak and poorly perezymuvavshyh colonies, which will be difficult without the help of man to enter into force.
Only when satisfactory carbohydrate and protein reserves, warm and cozy nest beehive, insects grow well and increase population, needed to work on the main medosbora.
Honey nice composition and feed the bees in the Nucleus. To the family increased, should stimulate the uterus to the egg.
Maybe this time, When workers bring honey bees will. If you give a fat, when no good medosbora, This will create the illusion medosbora and uterus begins to actively lay eggs.
Prior true medosbora hive population will be a major.
Read more: We work in the apiary autumn.
Summer honey solution support families in regions, where there is a large gap between medosbora.
When long non-flying weather, If you install a prolonged time to rain, bees also need a small portion of food, until they can fly on their own nectar.
In sugar syrup mixed with drugs, example, for combat varroatozom.
In general, Autumn honey bee feeding cattle held on the same basis and at the same time, that feeding sugar syrup or invert.
The difference is only, it is more quality food for insects. Before feeding clean extra frames, shift slot and put the trough.
Novice beekeepers it will be interesting to know, How to cook honey bees to feed fat.
Every effort just, and the process does not take long.
Read more: Feeding bees sugar syrup in the winter.
Honey solution does not keep long. In hot weather it quickly sour, so it should not do with the stock.
It is better to stir fresh portions for each feeding.
At one bee family at a time spending 1 – 1, 3 l. fed or fed to 5 l. with an interval of several days.
The solution is poured into a ceiling racks and install them on raft, to bees it easier to take.
Place the food inside the hive. Use a frame with honeycombs, which poured fat.
Frames put on the diaphragm, and the family is itself brings food, where it should. Apply hives and feeders, drinking banks, plastic containers with holes cut through.
Very easy to feed bees with plastic bags. This will require a little more container volume, that will be used for distribution.
She placed the package and pour into fat. The edges tightly knotted. Packages of food are laid under the roof of the hive in the framework, usually insects quickly take content in cells.
This method is convenient by the fact, that does not provoke theft of bees, as happens when working with open container, when the sweet smell fed honey poured right at beehives.
Distribute the fertilizer evening. The number and frequency of feedings set individually
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