The aqueous solution of propolis: and means for receiving recipes.
Propolis water solution is considered to be the most effective extract compared to other extract of bee glue.
Its powerful effect is due to good dissolving in an aqueous medium many nutrients.
Compared to The alcoholic nastoyankoyu – водний витяг втрачає набагато менше водорозчинних вітамінів і амінокислот.
- The use of aqueous extract
- Prepare an aqueous solution
- Instructions for use
- Pros drug
The use of aqueous extract
Water propolis tincture can be used by people, which are contraindicated medications containing ethyl alcohol, pregnant women and young children.
More water extraction can drip into the eyes. Alcohol tincture excludes this possibility.
Propolis extract water cures:
- eye Diseases. Propolis is a water-based does not develop cataract, helps improve vision in any diopters. Treats virus, fungal infections and pathology (ophthalmoherpes, conjunctivitis), restores cornea damage when it.
- Reduces the likelihood of radiation effects. Reduces sensitivity to aggressive factors.
- Treat diseases of upper respiratory tract. Improves the flow of mucus and pus with sinusitis (sinusitis), sinusitis. Reduces nasal congestion with rhinitis any cause. Relieves pain and reduces inflammation in otitis. Propolis aqueous suspension facilitates scratchy throat, loss of voice when laryngitis and pharyngitis.
- Treats gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis, alveolysis. Aqueous solution helps gum healing with periodontitis and prevents infection. There herpes virus, staphylococcus and other bacterial and viral infections. "Compatibility" in aphthous stomatitis stomatitis and fungal nature.
- When an internal application boosts immunity, reduces the incidence of SARS and other colds.
Prepare an aqueous solution: Receptions
Before, how to make propolis tincture in water, should be thoroughly crushed product. A piece of adhesive should be put in the freezer for 15 minutes.
After cooling, it becomes very fragile. Next, propolis crush in a mortar to obtain a fine powder.
To "correct" aqueous propolis, its preparation should not be accompanied by high temperatures, or lose stuff all the useful natural properties.
Recipe 1.
In thermos flask with glass (plastic secretes toxic substances in contact with propolis), put 10g of powder and pour 100 ml warm water.
Insist overnight and strain. This solution can be stored more 7 cold days.
Recipe 2.
Preparation of drugs in a water bath. Provides better release of active substances. In a saucepan of boiling water placed on a glass container 100 ml of water and 10 December crushed after cooling propolis.
Capacity shut tight lid. The mixture was kept in a water bath 1 year. The prepared solution was stored in a cold and dark 7 days.
In both methods of cooking liquid turns opaque milky coffee-colored with a pleasant smell tart. When storing some substances are deposited, as a solution before each application should stir.
The aqueous solution of propolis instructions for use
- In ophthalmic diseases 10% propolisnyy aqueous extract diluted in an equal amount of water. Instilled solution of 2 drops 2 times a day to four weeks. After 14 days off course again. Topical application of an aqueous solution in ophthalmology not only treats bacterial, viral and fungal diseases, but there are excellent prevention of age-related changes of the retina, lens and cornea.
- If ENT diseases, pathologies of the bronchi, viral infections, colds aqueous extract of propolis used in 5 drops. Admission is possible to 5 times a day. Just extract taken orally by 15 drops half an hour before meals, 2 times a day (so the result will be more pronounced).
- In pathological changes in the mucous throat, company, clear 1 st.l. propolis extract dissolved in half a glass of water. Extracts mouth rinse 3 times a day 5 minutes.
- In chronic, often recurrent diseases, After radiation and chemotherapy, to stimulate immune adults take water to extract propolisnyy 20 drops 2 times a day. Drink extract for 30 minutes before meals. Children can be given at the rate of infusion 1 drop per year of life baby. You can extract dissolved in milk and mix with honey.
- Bee glue capable block growth of abnormal cells – це активно застосовується для лікування міоми. Gynecological diseases propolisnyy drink solution 20 drops 3 times a day, diluting it in a glass of warm water. Also, use tampons with propolis. Just moisten a swab 10% aqueous solution and injected it at night. In addition, drinking water decoction of pepper and yarrow. Natural treatment stops the bleeding and inhibits tumor growth.
- For the treatment of nail fungal diseases aqueous extract is used as applications. Dipped in the preparation cotton pads applied to the affected nail on 20 minutes in the morning and evening. With a large lesion preparation can be left on all night. The aqueous extract is used to treat skin fungus. Just lubricate affected areas 10% solution. After the bath 3 times a day.
Pros drug
- Aqueous suspension Propolis has a broad antimicrobial action. More powerful, than its infusion.
- Microorganisms are not capable of inducing strains, resistant to propolis.
- For the treatment of fungal infections is more suitable aqueous extract. This is the best fungicide substances dissolving it in water, but not in alcohol.
The aqueous extract of propolis is used to treat many diseases, which can be treated alcoholic extract propolisnoy.
Єдиний мінус екстракту власного виготовлення – його маленький термін придатності. Pharmacy extracts stored longer, but the price is high enough they. The aqueous solution of propolis can be bought at the forum beekeepers, price should be precise.
Apiterapevty use propolis water at home to treat acne, papillomas, joint diseases, Many neurological diseases and inflammation. Preparations of propolis are good, each patient can find "his" recipe.
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Hello, ophthalmic application of the aqueous solution, it is normal that it causes so much burning when applied, I appreciate your comments to continue applying Melo, Thank you
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