Водний екстракт прополісу на шунгітовой воді – це прекрасний засіб, used for medical purposes to fight inflammation.
It has antimicrobial, bactericidal action, znebolyuye excellent and regenerating tissue.
This is a liquid extract of propolis brown with a spicy aroma. За консистенцією – густий продукт, which may have sediment, especially if the drug is made at home and did not pass the proper cleaning of.
If you see a precipitate, you should not be afraid to take medication, as well as damage from this will not be exact.
The taste of the extract with bitterness, а при прийомі всередину відчувається деяке оніміння язику – нормальна реакція організму на продукт з анестезуючими властивостями.
Making tinctures is on schungite water enhances the properties of propolis, and increases the shelf life of the drug. Shung also acts as a filter: clears the composition of solids, metals, and harmful organic origin.
The aqueous extract of propolis on schungite water has excellent antibacterial properties, including development can be successfully overcome this terrible illness bacteria, as tuberculosis.
in addition, during viral infections spread use of this extract helps to cope with the penetration of germs, so people are not afraid of the flu, SARS, and herpes and other viral infections.
There is a list of diseases, in which the beneficial effect of the drug on humans has been proven in the research and experiments.
This is an incomplete list of diseases, are sensitive to propolis, namely its solution on schungite water. This composition is always more clinical studies, proving its effectiveness in fighting other ailments.
According to the instructions of the application aqueous extract of propolis on schungite water, dosage depends on the age of the patient.
Children from 1 року до досягнення 3-річного віку – не більше ¼ від чайної ложки не частіше 3 times a day.
WITH 3 to 8 років – 1/3 teaspoon same number of times. WITH 8 years and 14 – половина чайної ложки також до 3 times a day.
Adult and children over 14 years allowed the use of a teaspoon of the same number of times during the day.
Regardless of age, the drug should be about 20-25 minutes before meals. It is recommended not to exceed dosages, and not to use means more than a month.
Be sure to watch for reaction. If there are any adverse effects promptly discontinue use of the product and consult a doctor.
In no case do not use the drug the presence of allergies to bee products.
In the three-liter jar put about 300 g Shungites, which before rinse and dry.
Then it must pour clean (better filtered) water and leave to infuse for 3 days.
Once the required time will be, Pour the resulting liquid to a new container so, so as not to disturb the sediment, formed.
In the three-liter jar should remain about half a liter of solution, that we do not need in the future to prepare drug.
But this fluid can be used for the manufacture of cosmetics (masks, scrubs, pilinhovyh warehouses).
In the resulting schungite water without sediment should add propolis: per liter of liquid 100 grams of propolis. The mixture withstand a water bath 35-45 minutes, then cool.
The prepared extract is best stored in a dark glass containers in a cool place until 2 weeks. Schungite water without propolis can remain effective for six months.
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