Agree, the word "Taiga" sounds very romantic and mysterious.
One can not help feel the fresh smell of pine needles, cones crunching underfoot, and comes a feeling of infinite space.
Few people know, that the vast taiga expanses during the season bees collect honey, which is considered one of the rarest varieties.
So what he is amazing and helpful? Let us know.
- What are the plants and in which regions of going to med?
- Storage, calorie and useful product information
- General taiga beneficial properties of honey
- Traditional recipes for the treatment of taiga honey
- Honey composition of the top boreal plants and berries
- Useful properties of goodies for female beauty
In some places impassable taiga are cozy lake, small glades, swamp, on whose territory grow various herbs. Тому тайговий мед – це honey grasses, but it is absolutely safe.
The point is, it is environmentally clean area, exhaust air without waste and unpolluted soil allows excellent herbs grow.
But taiga honey in various biological and chemical composition. The main honey plant this variety are rare:
Collect different types of honey taiga taiga in all corners of Siberia, але найвідоміший регіон – Алтай. Each grade honey has a sharp, well recognizable taste. Shades taiga honey may begin and end in white dark brown.
He slowly crystallizes, resulting in formation of large crystals. But the delicacy still retain its pleasing color and delicious taste.
Depending on the season and collecting this honey can contain about 40% glucose and 5% less fructose.
If you take a day for 100 grams of honey, you can fill 1/10 part of the daily need for nutrients.
Note, that treat extremely high in calories: 100 gram of product for nutritional value substitute 4 orange, 200 grams of meat or 100 g fat cottage cheese.
Just imagine: 1 kg of fatty mutton yields on the energy value 1 kg taiga honey, and that 3 150 to 2 780 kcal.
He accepted with headaches and mental disorders, and if insomnia, then a spoonful of honey healing just eat and drink milk. Everything, through 20-30 minutes are sleeping man, as a baby.
By the way, children: Recommend taiga honey and give kids. The product strengthens young organism, boosts immunity, rich in trace elements and iron. А залізо – перший помічник у лікуванні анемії.
honey, as proved by scientists, provides paralytic effects of alcohol in the blood. So you can safely give a drunken man, so he quickly came around.
It's simple: take 100-150 grams of honey and 30 Feed them neatly minute man, suffering from intoxication. After drinking all portions glucose rapidly absorbed into the blood, and from intoxication will be over.
After this period, drug ready, and you can start treatment. Use candles 2 times a day, inserting them into the anus.
Будь-який натуральний мед – це найкращий крем для шкіри, але тайговий – просто унікальний сорт.
because, that It includes a large group of medicinal plants, sort of promotes healing of rashes tracks, will be the first assistant in the fight against acne and enlarged pores.
Taiga honey is good for the skin, aging. Its fairly thin layer should apply on face, massage the skin, and after 3-4 Such procedures significantly, that wrinkles become less.
Useful restore skin delicacy, promotes blood flow, making the skin soft and velvety, both 17 years.
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