
Beehive Lanhstrota-Ruta

Beehive Lanhstrota-Ruta own hands, drawing. У природі бджолині сім'ї зазвичай живуть в вертикально витягнутих, narrow, secluded places. Стільники з запасами

7 years ago

Beehive of plywood with their hands – it's just

Beehive of plywood with their hands: drawing, a photo, video. For building bee houses today use a variety of materials, а не тільки традиційну

7 years ago

The construction of the hive for bees

The construction of the hive for bees: how to make the right. Every beekeeper knows that, that wild bees living in natural hives: дуплі

7 years ago

Japanese beehive

Japanese beehive: design and Benefits. Recently, domestic beekeepers pay attention to the experience of foreign colleagues. Багато пасічників Америки і Японії

7 years ago

Hives foam

Hives foam (polyurethane) widely used in modern beekeeping. They are easy to maintain, easy to clean, they are warm and light, але досить

7 years ago


Beehives own hands: drawing, a photo. Subsequently experienced beekeepers try to apply new technologies in their apiary. Для цього вони

7 years ago

Hives "Biboks"

Hives "Biboks" (Bee-Box): advantages, specifics. Finnish houses for bees, or hives biboks, have long been used in the Nordic countries, але вітчизняні бджолярі

7 years ago

Hives "Lysonia"

Polski hives "Lysonia": species, reviews, a photo, video. Beekeeping in the hive with foam known in Europe more 30 років і набуває

7 years ago

Beehive Prokopovich

Beehive Prokopovich: drawing, a photo, Pyotr Prokopovich Video - born in Chernihiv region, Known as a man, who invented the first folding beehive,…

7 years ago

Beehive in a hollow tree

Beehive in a hollow tree: how to make, video. Wild bees are slightly different from domesticated. У них своя організація праці та особливості

7 years ago