How many bees in one hive? Hierarchy bdzholosim'yi.

How many bees in one hive? This rather interesting question is haunted by many people, as a, how can they count.

Because they are constantly moving, do not sit in place in anticipation of summarizing accounting or audit.

To begin, apparently, from the, що бджоли – це унікальні комахи, with a complex organization. No other creature in the world can compete with them. Each bee can live and fully exist only within their colonies.

If it is separated from relatives, then after a few days dies. Бджола – комаха колективна і може жити тільки в великій зграї собі подібних.

  1. Composition of bees
  2. How many bees in the hive
  3. The life of bees
  4. Video

Composition of bees

As you know, Bees differ pronounced matriarchy. At the head of each family is матка – королева. It is a nest of individuals responsible for procreation, and strengthening the power of the family.

Also in each hive drones and workers are individuals. Трутні – це самці, головна життєва мета яких – запліднити самку. It can not not everyone. Once the drone completed its mission, he dies.

Also by the end of the season is gathering honey, they die, only this time at the request of the family, which drive them home to certain death.

Робочі бджілки – головна складова бджолиної сім’ї. Their number is quite varied and depend on, time of year the yard. Мета їх нетривалого життя – збір меду, cleaning slot, growing brood, ie, those individuals, which keeps all "home".

How many bees in the hive?

Each slot has a uterus, hundreds of drones, tens of thousands of individuals working. Uterus one day can lay two thousand eggs, of which will be new individuals. Number depends on the strength and performance of bee "Queen".

By laying the entire season is over, than 150 full of thousands of eggs in the comb. Each cocoon passes all stages of ripening and ready for birth about three weeks. All individuals, appeared in the hive, a certain period of time will make the number of nests.

From 5 to 15 the first days of his life a little bee preparing to work and fulfill its mission: it removes the focus, eat, gaining strength. Approximately 18 day bee ready to produce wax and starts construction.

Then she works in the notch and watching the life of the hive, gaining experience. Only after passing all stages (only about 30 calendar days) Bee honey is ready for collection and fulfill its main purpose.

At this time we can observe its first flight and work. Read more: Win nozematoz bees

All family members can be seen only in the evening, looking at the cover of the hive. On the surface they can not count, but there is reliable information that, How many of them inside during certain periods of the calendar year. framework for

For spring characteristic fewest number of individuals within the nest, as not all survive the winter. And last year's bees so wear on the collecting honey and its processing, that is simply not able to survive the cold season.

For this season characterized by only about 2 thousands of individuals. Further, літня пора – цвітуть сади, green tree, flowers bloom. Це найкращий час для життя великої кількості бджілок – близько 60 – 90 thousands in each nest.

Just formed a new brood, queen lays eggs and actively comes time to harvest. Autumn bee drones are expelled, since they are no longer needed. Also working individuals begin to die, are already exhausted your body.

For this time of year is characterized by some 30 – 40 thousands of species of bee swarm.

The life of bees

To understand, What depending on the season comes this difference by the number of individuals in the nest, should deal with the life expectancy of each species of bees.

Матка – це довгожитель в вулику. She lives and gives an average of brood 2 to 4 years.

Life expectancy drones may be quite different. They become sexually mature in about two weeks after the appearance of the light.

Some life on this and ends, just as they can fertilize the womb (it takes about 10 healthy drones), and can safely live and to fall only to die in the cold, being expelled individuals working.

Read more: characteristics of bees karnyka

Some of them are worthy of honor and did live through the winter nest. true, this possibility falls just ten and only, when the uterus is not fertilized. Working bees also have a very high lifetime.

Середня тривалість у них – 35 – 40 days. Those bees, vyvelysya that in July-September, will live longer than those, be born in spring. true, summer-autumn brood certainly not survive the next gathering honey, but, probably, die in winter or early spring.

It is through life in nature and there is a huge difference in the number of bees in a hive for the year.


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  • Hello
    I'm looking for a queen
    Carpatica for my apiary in France
    if you can give me a link or address found insemikovanoyi or fertilized queen, the, Of course, thank you cordially

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