Bee zabrus, або медова печатка – це тонкий шар спеціального воску, by which honeybees seal their cells, when they are completely filled with honey.
Not only is it delicious and sweet bee products, but in addition also useful for medical purposes. He has a lot of attractive features, due to certain substances, that it contains.
This makes honey zabrus very valuable material, widely used in various fields of human activity. It is used in medicine, cosmetics and as a food product (prepare a tasty drink mead).
Мед – це похідне життєдіяльності медоносних бджіл, designed by nature for their food. Also very tasty and useful product, we also take.
The process of accumulation comb hive is complex and requires considerable effort insects. Obligatory condition of conservation reserves are cells after sealing, a cell will be filled with fragrant liquid.
This is done by zabrusa, which serves as a kind of cover, which protects the cell contents from damage.
Так що ж це таке – бджолиний забрус? This is a complex wax-like substance, produced by bees from certain components.
It consists, except wax, produced by special glands of bees and is part weight, includes other components: pollen, propolis, Pergamum,.
This thick mass, that forms on the surface of a thin film WTO, tightly Cell, thus providing inside honey guaranteed preservation.
The name of this special wax was so, actually after closing the cells located on the outside frame, rather their bar.
А тому і “забрус”. Bee zabrus, when considered in more detail, unique product.
In addition to complex composition, that includes a range of bee products, also interesting, containing a huge amount of biologically active substances.
There are vitamins, A particular, WITH, E and B, fats, proteins and carbohydrates, organic acids, essential oils, macro- and minerals, group of enzymes.
Read more: 11 medicinal properties zabrusa
not great, such combination composition, in which some components complement and enhance the action of other, able to provide striking therapeutic effect the human body. Therefore beeswax very highly valued as a natural drug.
Like other bee products, zabrus may be different. During medosbora bees wax allocation is more active, which is particularly reflected in its color. At this time he almost white, perhaps a bit yellowish.
Деякі використовують візуально більш темну “мокру печатку”, when zabrus and honey face. This fact does not affect the product itself. In the second case, it simply contains more honey.
The color may indicate weather conditions and time of year, when was sealed. In a bezvzyatochnyy, When bees are fed sugar syrup, color is brown seal. The same shade appears, when bees are used to close the cell old wax.
One bee product may differ from another taste, which is highly dependent on the type of honey, he closed. Cut from the scope of linden honey, will seal its flavor. Honey is another variety, naturally, taste changes and becomes identical to it.
Chemical composition and proportionality of certain elements in seals and various. Example, vitamins or macro- and minerals may be different amounts. This rate depends primarily of honey plants.
Zabrus considered a by-product of beekeeping. Why so? because, honey in honeycomb cells, being closed, distillation is not used. To get the honey comb to open.
Read more: Mead with zabrusa
beekeeper, to do so, lids must be removed with a knife. cut off their, You can access the basic product. Wax is out of print as if the whole process waste collecting honey.
However, removing a thin layer of translucent crust is not in vain. It also recycle some beekeepers, but very different.
Fresh cut wax caps always contain a certain amount of honey. They squeezed under pressure, zabrus getting dry and unique in its characteristics zabrusovyy honey. If this product is pollen and propolis, falling into honey at Spin.
This unusual combination makes it even more refreshing. Especially those, in this honey many such agents as lysozyme. For more percentage, than any other.
Лізоцим – це цінний біологічно активний фермент, which increases at times as antibacterial honey.
This product is especially recommended to give small children and very ill people. He quickly picks up weak immune system, helping to cure numerous ailments.
Like other bee products, zabrus nature endowed with valuable biological composition. It is because he has unique properties: biostymulyuyuchymy, antimicrobial, anestezuyuchimi, anti-inflammatory, and many other.
All these benefits of bee products people have long learned to use in their favor. Zabrus often used in folk medicine as a remedy nice and sweet, example, as a germicide with angina and oral diseases.
It is also used as a preventive measure to prevent colds and flu. It is also useful for teeth. Zabrus considered good vitamin support for the body, it applies in the case, if you want to boost immunity.
Effective with ulcer. As part of MAZ positive effect on the skin, accelerates its regeneration, because cosmetics, comprising zabrus, have also therapeutic effect.
Today, pharmaceutical companies evaluating all benefits of beeswax increasingly began to use this component for the production of various therapeutic drugs.
As a cosmetic wax used in creams, that rejuvenate, nourish and heals the skin and hands. It is used in hair dye. This fact reduces the negative impact of aggressive components of the composition and improves the appearance of curls.
Zabrus almost universal. It is permitted to take all, regardless of age and gender. You can give even the smallest children, it will be useful and pregnant women. If the product is taken as medicine, his effect on any organism appears extremely positive.
Net product usually buy privately, of beekeepers. This is not acquired single dose, and the volume, designed for prolonged use. Але купити продукт – цього мало.
For convenience, it can be decomposed in several smaller vessels volume, because the major banks handle can be awkward. Especially, If the product was left at the bottom. Plastic packaging is not designed for long-term storage of the product.
It is better to replace it with a glass. The product has low storage conditions. He does not need a refrigerator. It is quite normal room temperature. Єдине “але” – слід уникати прямого сонячного світла, so the best option would be closed shelf in the kitchen or pantry heat.
The maximum storage time of purchase 2 years. However, in practice, buildings, this figure is significantly reduced.
Why? because, just eat that yummy. Bee zabrus though not as famous as honey, but, Nonetheless, delicious and very useful.
Unique properties provide him a reputation as extremely valuable drug, What you should pay attention.
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