What shall I do, If your home is no longer wander wine?
Rare winemaker not experienced problems with the fermentation of wine.
Sometimes a long wort starts to wander, sometimes wanders, but poorly.
Sometimes, process completely stops.
Consider the main problems with fermentation, are found in home winemaking.
Active fermenting wine without adding wine yeast usually begins 6-12 hours.
With wine yeast wort starts to wander after 2-3 years. But do not worry, if we went south, and grape (any other berry or fruit) juice and did not begin to foam and fizz. Sometimes the work of wild yeast begins three-day.
The degree of their activity is influenced by many factors: raw, and room temperature, sugar and mash.
so, should just wait until 3 days and only, If wort still not started to wander, start to panic.
some house wine recipes other than fruit and berry raw materials used and water.
If the fluid is too cold, active fermentation will have to wait a long time. The water temperature must necessarily be less than 15-20 C.
A few days of active yeast multiply, what they need oxygen. Only after this work begins to transform sugars into alcohol.
If you just sealed container using Hydroseal (punctured gloves), wort not have time to be enriched with oxygen, As a result of fermentation or be too weak, or do not start.
To avoid this, the first few days wort should give wander in open containers, covered with a clean cloth or gauze. Then yeast is first multiplied, and then begin to act.
To insure, Some winemakers add to the wort in a hurry yeast starter (it is usually prepared with water, sugar and a small amount of unwashed berries or fruit).
So often comes, it is doubtful, wild yeast that will really work.
But we should not forget, temperature starters must be the same temperature wort, otherwise the yeast will die.
If the room temperature is inadequate (lower 10 or higher 30 C), fermentation of wine may not happen.
The point is, at low temperature inactive yeast, and at high and it does threaten death.
To avoid the risk, should establish mash container with room temperature 15-20 C (or slightly higher). Importantly, that is the same temperature is maintained constant.
Usually homemade wine бродить за рахунок диких дріжджів – мешканців шкірки фруктів і ягід.
But they are quite capricious, What wort sometimes wanders a little or process all stops, winemaker and remains at a loss.
To prevent this, You can add a weak wort, wandering a bit dirty raisins (close 5 d of 1 l wort) or grapes (by 1 berry on 1 l wort). Інший варіант – внесення разброженних винних дріжджів.
Fermentation can be stopped after the defeat wart fungus. Mold produced through the use of poor quality (rotten) raw materials and hygiene rules violation: dirty hands, poorly washed container.
Save moldy mash practically impossible, so better to take care of cleanliness in advance.
leaking water seal, which do not leave bubbles, often gives the winemaker to understand, that does not wort ferments.
But carbon dioxide while still leaving fermentation capacity through holes invisible to the eye.
A must, in which air enters, begins to slowly turn sour, turn into vinegar.
To protect themselves, should gloss over clay (test, silicone) clash neck tank with water seal cover (elastic gloves).
The high sugar content of the wort interferes with normal life yeast. Ideally sugar should be less than 15-20% and at least 10%.
If the rate is much higher, sugar begins to act as a preservative, much stops fermentation.
To this trouble happened, wort sugar should be checked using the hydrometer and if necessary, dilute it with clean water (15% of the total wort).
If no device at hand, have to rely on your taste. Занадто солодкий сік – доведеться доливати трохи води.
If a recipe wort, wandering need making sugar, it is desirable to do so finely (Sugar is usually made in equal installments every 2-3 days).
The low sugar content for mash unwanted, because yeast will simply not eating.
Fermentation in this case is too weak, and the wine is ready to be a low strength (usually no more 8-10%).
If the sugar content below 10% (ie sour mash), need making sugar (by 50-100 d of 1 liters).
Too thick mash, poorly exposed mechanical filtration, wanders too bad.
If using raw materials with low content of juice (some varieties of apples, rowan, Cherry and others.), the wort is desirable to add water (not more 15% the volume of wort).
Sometimes there is little fermented wine, If the main mass of yeast is at the bottom of the fermentation tanks.
To help process, it is advisable to periodically clean mash mix by hand or with a wooden spoon.
When the strength of the wort reaches 12-14% (If wine yeast were added, it is permissible up to strength 15-18%), there is dying yeast.
so, have to go to drain the wine from sediment. If the expected get wine greater strength, permissible to make a little alcohol (close 5-15% the total volume of the resulting wine).
Signs, що бродіння завершено успішно – відсутність бульбашок з гідрозатвору (fall swollen gloves), the appearance of thick heavy yeast sediment on the bottom of containers, lighting fluid and its characteristic aroma and taste wine.
And higher alcohol by volume 12% (rarely 10%).
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