Hornet Bee enemy: methods of dealing with wasps.
Features living next to a man: as winter hornets?
Як зимують шершні – ті самі гігантські оси, which are so painful bite?
Because these insects are among the animals, are not able to maintain a high temperature of his body.
The logic device physical body, at subzero temperatures insects should be a piece of ice.
But every spring somewhere hornets fly, from intense activity in its food and reproduction.
How they manage to book, where they are hiding from the cold, а головне – чому ж вони не перетворюються в цей самий шматок льоду?
In systematics has a special family, який так і називається – шершні.
he, in turn, is part of a family called vespidae. So hornets no wonder so like wasps.
It is their closest relatives, that the way of life, reproduction and method of food is not very different from the so-called paper wasps.
But, their biological and behavioral characteristics of hornets are still.
Зазвичай ці комахи – одні з найбільших представників сімейства ос, live in different habitats and are not directly associated with human dwellings and agricultural land.
These insects can be called omnivorous, but still in its habits and preferences are, primarily, predators, that eat mainly other insects.
However, their behavior is difficult, strong character, unusual habits. These smart, audacity to brave the insects do not stop theft and hrabizhkamy.
By the way, they extract food, without using sting. To do this they sufficiently powerful jaws. A sting with venom exists for self-defense against large animals.
Шершень – це найлютіший bee enemy, capable detachment of a few individuals destroy a hive.
Then the robber eats and takes everything in its nest, that finds in the empty housing.
Adults also feed on the fruits of some plants.
They love fruit juice, mainly raspberries, ozhini, strawberries, grape. Even more, they prefer to feast on sweet fruit, for example peaches, apricots, plums.
Especially these insects like overripe fruit and berries.
in addition, They flock to the corpses of the recently deceased animals, in bodies which already started maceration, but not the process of decay.
Hornet Man special touches, but not afraid. He settles next to people, because there are more convenient to build nests.
And there are many food, because man is always focused around various insects. Little of, stocks food people are the source of most Hornets.
Example, adult under the noses of man can fly up to a piece of meat, which make mincemeat, cut a small piece and fly with prey in the jaw. Somewhere in the forest there such an abundance of food.
However, living next to a man dangerously. He is the only representative of mammals, who deliberately ruining the nests of predators.
Так що для людини шершні – це такі сусіди по планеті, that both help and hurt.
If you are not bred bees, these large wasps, settled near human habitation, most useful, harmful than.
But beekeepers in their accounts of hornets.
Шершні – такі ж громадські комахи, as bees or ants, which slot is the foundation of prosperity species.
Житла шершнів – це споруди з паперу, they do bark from young.
Nest building is rounded, which are located inside cells. This ball is suspended somewhere in a secluded place.
Its purpose is, to place eggs in paper honeycombs, then there larvae nurse.
Комахи – це істоти, which usually do not like to migrate away. Little of, most of these species do not migrate.
They prefer to live there, where they were born.
Any mass movement of horses, called locusts, метеликів та інших членистоногих – це швидше виняток з правил.
So, if the insect lives there, where there is severe winters, then, she adapted to, that they survive.
The whole rhythm of existence hornets in the harsh conditions of a temperate climate like the rhythm of life of bees and ants.
To survive and produce offspring every year, you need something or someone to donate.
Ants and bees sacrifice males, which quickly die after mating. This is done, not to waste resources on unnecessary are individuals.
In the main hornets are female. They are experiencing winter, and then become the founders of a new generation.
Young female leaves the nest parent by the end of the warm season, ie in late August or early September.
At this time slot size can reach two feet in diameter more, а в довжину і зовсім – близько метра.
During the maximum number of mature individuals they all leave the nest, swarming and mating.
This phenomenon may seem strange, because mating occurs before the onset of cold weather.
However, in this logic is happy wintering and subsequent reproduction.
Soon after mating, the males die, and females begin to free and solitary lifestyle.
They feed heavily, and in between meals seeking seeking a comfortable place for winter shelter.
Wintering should be the, To a pregnant female (and in that form they sleep), fell in suspended animation, was in complete safety. It should not find enemies, cold wind, а головне – люди.
For this approach, hollow, cracks in the rocks, various small cavity on the outside human dwellings, unheated buildings, hiding under stones, fallen tree trunks etc..
Inside the human houses, none of overwintering insects not hiding.
The point is, that at the onset of cold weather, when the temperature falls below 0 WITH, water insects should freeze.
However, this does not happen, because these creatures body water is replaced by glycerine, which inhibits all life processes, але головне – він не перетворюється в лід і не розриває стінки клітин.
If the insect late vidihriyetsya, it will die upon the occurrence of new cold.
When wintering in warm room female hornet should over time, that is the middle of winter, start building a paper house, to lay their eggs.
Even if it succeed anywhere in a cozy corner house heating hide from human eyes, it will be difficult to find material for the construction of hundreds, and their offspring she can not provide enough food.
So, normal female hornet carries all the burdens frosty winter in hibernation, hiding from the evil winds and other additional trouble.
spring, when it is daytime positive temperature resistant, female wakes up and starts flying around the territory.
From the first egg out working hornets, які все зроблять самі – добудують будинок, pogoduyut larvae.
Among eggs, later postponed, there are females and males. And everything starts over again.
If it does not threaten you (but it is never threaten anyone), not touch it. Let recreate new offspring hunters, collectors and lovers of sweets.
beekeeper, Of course, give this advice should not.
The point is, що шершні – це великі, mostly carnivorous insects. According to the rules ecosystems devices such organisms is never too much.
To ensure a large number of predators usually not enough food. And this rule applies to even the most successful creatures.
And then people from pursuing hornets any occasion, а частіше – без нього. However, People tend to assume fully justified fear driven to kill someone.
In summer, the owners of private homes is often a question of, how to get rid of hornets nest at the site.
Large stinging insects rarely show aggression away from their homes, but can attack man, if he accidentally turns next.
Hornets settle in the attic, in hollow trees, in any quiet and private places of rainfall.
So notice their home until very difficult, while angry insects do not fly with him, trying to expel the enemy from their territory.
Gardeners know, that the carnivorous insect pests destroying a lot on the site.
Is no exception and hornets: every day they collect hundreds of different bugs and caterpillars, bringing this distinct advantage.
But beekeepers consider the need to destroy hornets, because these predators hunt and honeybees. Often they are ruining and hives, stealing honey.
Оси і шершні – любителі солодкого. Therefore, suffer from their neighborhood and gardeners. During ripening of berries and fruit can damage the wasp significant part of the crop, choosing the most ripe and juicy fruit.
The emergence of stinging insects in the area and is a threat to its owners.
The point is, that in defending his home insect attack any creature, located near it. Suffer with children may, adults.
Unlike conventional poison wasps, hornet venom often causes a person severe allergic reaction.
If a large number of insect attack, for high sensitivity even possible human fatality.
Especially dangerous stings of wasps and hornets for children, pregnant women and patients with asthma.
Contact with the blood of even small amounts of venom can cause swelling of the bronchial tubes in them, causing suffocation.
An allergic reaction can escalate to anaphylactic shock. Many of the poison bites of many insects can even provoke a healthy human kidney failure.
In all such cases, the person needs urgent medical care, and in its absence the result may be the saddest.
Therefore, the question of, how to destroy the hornets nest at the site, sometimes the most urgent problem.
The single, accidentally fell into space insect is usually not dangerous. Attracted by the smell of sweets or fruit, wasps often fly in housing rights.
You can gently expel the intruder in the open window, but sometimes for some reason Hornet can long fight against the glass, not noticing exit. In this case, an insect easily provoke an attack.
When the wasp will start to crawl on the wall, close lid quickly neck, piece of paper, saucer or other flat object. Insects shake the jar outside.
If hornets and wasps fly into the house very often and a few pieces at once, colony they may be somewhere nearby.
In this case, unwanted neighbors have to fight. Before How to remove a nest of wasps and hornets, it must find.
This can be done, if you put somewhere a piece of fish, meat, sweet fruit.
Soon zletivshisya food insects will constantly run between prey and shelter found.
Trace them in the cellar. Identify construction hornets can be in different places:
In no case should not destroy the nest found. Angry invasion of wasps can attack even at dusk and in artificial light at night.
Number of housing taking off to protect insects can be a huge, depending on the size of the colony, and the effects of multiple bites will be miserable.
If hornet's nest in the country were found in one of the buildings accessible, it is easiest to use pesticides as aerosols.
Remedy hornets (Raptor, Kombat, Aktara and other marked "against flying insects") should generously spray the inside of sufficient size plastic bag.
Then quickly pull the bag for construction of insects and block access of air into it.
Evaporation insecticide insects quickly perish. You can uninstall, taking with it the nest.
There are several effective ways, how to get rid of hornets, when the use of aerosols for some reason can not:
If the colony is located on a stone, brick wall or earthen hole, the struggle of hornets can be carried out by fire.
Built from chewed wood fibers dwelling insects flammable. For greater effect can be spray gasoline or alcohol, liquid to fuel barbecue.
It is important to remember fire safety: if possible ignition of dry grass, wooden parts of the building and others., it is better to get rid of the insects are less dangerous way.
Upholstered in a hole OS can pour lots of boiling water. At the entrance is found necessary to pour about 5 liters of boiling water.
High temperatures and a couple of insects are killed instantly. But the drawback of this method is: colony can be very large, and die only of its inhabitants.
When hornets settle in a small wooden building, help fumigation with sulfur dioxide.
To obtain a fairly normal sulfuric Checkers, which is used for processing and storage cellars in the country.
Checkers placed in a metal container, burn and set in a barn, which found a nest.
Preferably rags or paper plug gap, through which the wasps can fly and disappear sulfur dioxide.
After processing facilities are not open during the day.
If you can not get to the nest, the question about, how to get hornets in the attic or under the house roof, have to decide little longer.
When they will surely go to the bait, it is necessary to add Paris green or any remedy for wasps and hornets (Dihlofos, Aktara and other chemicals).
Carrying a colony poisoned food, insect larvae destroy themselves and uterus, stopping the emergence of new species.
Working members of the colony gradually die from eating bait and naturally, as the duration of their life is not very big (to 1 week).
Usually, winter many colonies hornets and wasps die. Perezymuvavshi early spring females begin to search relevant for the formation of a new colony sites.
Instead of, to solve, how to deal with the Hornets in the summer season, can prevent their occurrence on the site.
Loosen the female from the search space, convenient for housing, by using fermentation odor.
A simple trap for hornets can be made of plastic bottles.
The upper half of its need to cut and turn, drooping neck inside the body.
At the bottom of the bottle to pour a little jam zahravshoho, beer, mixed with a little sugar, home brew or Braga.
Brought insect odor, getting inside the bottle through the neck, can not find the exit.
Caught Hornet remain trapped, until it is destroyed by man. In the same way you can catch and housing rights in zalitayuchyh wasps.
To prevent colonies of stinging creatures near human habitation, you need to carefully examine all the possible places of residence before the onset of warm days.
Discovered this time slot is easy to remove and burn, without fear of attack residents.
It is desirable to identify and smear pitch hollows in trees at the site or close to it, disassemble in barns and attics of large accumulations of junk, which can find shelter wasps.
Attractive for building nests cracks and holes in the walls of buildings need to close cement or gypsum plaster.
It is important to keep in mind while, that is a solution of clay material, suitable for building OS.
When pruning fruit trees should not be left in piles of cut branches in the area. Such accumulation of wood material can be chosen by the hornet colony device.
Rotten stumps serve as shelter for the winter for many pests, but can also attract stinging insects.
Only by destroying places, suitable for living unwanted neighbors, you avoid wasps dangerously close to humans.
Living well a few dozen meters from the country house hornets are useful helpers, exterminate many pests.
Forest area or belts give them enough suitable places for settlement, where insects will not stop people.
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