Bees in August

Work Beekeeper with bees in the apiary in August.

There is a summer, and with it ends next season.

Although bees produce more nectar from flowers, fixed period medosbora has been completed.

If the hive apiary is controlling, registered a gradual decrease in daily gain.

Striped toiler also hear Fall: they cut working hours, kicked drones.

Саме час прибирати атрибути активного медозбору – магазинні надставки і другі корпуси, and reducing opening notch.

What else should be done in August, to ensure proper maintenance of bees?

  1. Revision
  2. Pumping and cleaning hives
  3. Autumn additional feeding
  4. Attack and methods of prevention
  5. The harvest depends on wintering


Prior to the last decade of the month beekeepers conduct routine audit. For her distinguished warm windless day.

When viewed evaluate two important parameters:

  1. force family;
  2. the amount of feed stocks.

Each beekeeper worked their performance criteria, but there are general rules.

Usually harvested about half sotoramok: leaving several of full, remove damaged and incomplete.

Works with bees in August

Surplus can grow moldy or rodents popsuvatysya.

Leave cell, are fully obsyzheni insects.

We'll have to completely remove a whimsical wintering types of honey: heathy, Rape, honeydew.

This food is not suitable for winter food of bees.

you remove, substituting them for the cells with a quality product, which was assembled in the main medosbor.

Bees in August are quite aggressive, and the work must be done carefully, avoiding sudden movements and using protective equipment.

Про повноцінність сім’ї судять по інтенсивності розплоду – осередки з ним залишають в гнізді. It is this seed will have to survive in the cold season.

The more bees will spend the winter, those more successful will be a complex process. Conscientious owner interested in a prosperous wintering his players, and that he cares enough quantity of food.

How many frameworks leave family? From 5 to 10 full sotoramok, containing high-quality honey, as well as 3 frames of pollen. If stocks lower, settle the question of fertilizing.

In the center of the nest with brood cells pose, з боків – медово-пергові, і далі – з медом. Beehive carefully insulated, to establish barriers eye of rodents.

Prepare and facilities for the winter: them repaired, disinfected and dried.

Pumping and cleaning hives

Business in the apiary in August include pumping from selected mature pcheloprodukty sotoramok.

This is followed by a control survey. If there are flowering plants: pumpkin, cucumbers, burdock, motherwort, heather, kept the possibility of supporting, and sometimes a trade trick.

The process of evacuation of honey from the honeycombs requires compliance with the basic conditions:

  • single bright room;
  • inaccessible to bees and wasps.

Before working again examine the scope. Fully completed copies lay: they are left as feed stock or pumped later, fall.

Now things are beyond, honey filled and sealed by two thirds or more.


  1. WordHex accurately reveal, removing the wax caps. It uses different means: than, heated hot water, forks, steam, electrical devices. Найпростіший варіант – зрізати верхівки ножем, thinly and evenly, seeking minimal damage cells.
  2. Ready for processing frame is placed in medogonku, where the sweet product is extracted by centrifugal force. The device is set in motion by hand or by an electric motor. Amber liquid splashed on the walls of honey. Cassettes with the framework overturned several times, ensuring maximum yield of valuable liquids.
  3. When the tank is picked honey, fresh flavored product is poured through a sieve into a clean dry container.
  4. Some beekeepers recommend defend natural sweetness 2-3 day. Then remove the top splyvshi foam and wax particles, ready to pour honey into containers for storage or sale.

Quality is not mature product flows, and falls tape. Experienced beekeepers immediately ready for measuring humidity refractometer honey, оптимальний показник – не більше 18-20%.

When the staple pumped, begin to restore order. Hive frames are sorted and dried.

To avoid wax moth, room fumigated with sulfur dioxide twice, following a two-week interval.

Autumn additional feeding bees

Optimum start feeding earlier: insects better process it, yet are warm nights.

How to feed the bees? Apply sugar syrup, zakypyachennoyu diluted with water in equal proportions 1:1 (liter of water per liter of sugar).

Nutrient bees in August

Finished syrup is poured into wooden racks, set in the hive. Денна норма – 0,5-1 l per family.

Also with dietary supplement insects provide additional scope, which was to make processed food.

Having syrup, bees activated, begin to fly in search of nectar and pollen sources.

As growth promoters and improving defenses used needles, garlic, Pauline, деревій – у вигляді екстрактів або відварів.

Uses and industrial additives: "Virusan", "Polisan", "Bee". Nutrient to finish until the bees do not stop taking syrup.

By the end of the month again check stocks, доводять їх до норми – на повну вуличку комах не менше 2 kg of honey and 0,3 kg of pollen.

Given feeding each hive has 23-30 kg nutrient stocks.

The attack bees and prevention methods

In late summer notch cut not only because of cold weather, а й з-за загрози нападу – в цей період він зростає.

Time passed trick main, and prowling alien wasps and bees rozbiynytsi, which attracts the finished flavor treats.

Bee attack in August

Control hives and organizing action against attacks is a must program, make up the work with bees in August.

What shall I do, If the attack began on the family? Immediately close all notch.

Overview victim hive and damage assessment conducted not earlier 8-9 pm.

Beekeeper compared with a fire attack: it is easier to prevent, taking preventive measures.

To leaked seductive scent of nectar, all holes and cracks in the hull carefully closed, eye limit to the size of a bee.

Experts advise not permanently leave the apiary: you need to carefully observe the behavior of winged wards.

It is important not to provoke insects. Feeding and review jacks make the evening after termination fly.

The procedure is performed accurately and quickly as possible, leaving spots around syrup or honey hive.

It is forbidden to dry the frame with the remnants of nectar in the street or elsewhere, available for cruise lovers toilers and other goodies.

The harvest depends on wintering

beekeeper, who believe their profession beekeeping, know: пріоритетне завдання в серпні – підготовка до холодного періоду.

Its start immediately after the main medosbora. To create conditions for the emergence of young individuals, provide full and sufficient reserves, підготувати приміщення для зимівлі – турбот в кінці літа досить.

Defending winged nursing from hunger and cold, beekeeper not only retain their wards, but also ensures high yield in the coming season.

Strong and healthy families, which successfully underwent winter, Spring developing actively and quickly start effective work.

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