Trains bees to winter: regulations.
Every experienced beekeeper know, how to prepare for wintering bees, a beginner should take note and strictly follow this wisdom
After the success of honey each season depends on proper and successful overwintering bees.
And in order, make it so, need to know some nuances, that come from years of intense and hard work in the apiary.
Strong bdzholosim'ya spring ensures good medosbora.
The number of working bees, their strength and endurance are directly dependent on, as well wintered hive.
To create the necessary conditions for successful wintering, Preparatory work is carried out almost the entire period of active medosbora.
A hive will help determine readiness autumn revision.
During this important manipulation, how Autumn audit hive, every beekeeper should clarify the following points.
This overall performance, which must evaluate each beekeeper. The review hive every detail matters.
Осіння ревізія – це лише перший етап підготовки до зими, which makes it possible to identify all available in the hive shortcomings and describe the scope of work.
You need time to correct any shortcomings or their natural, To ensure successful wintering insects.
For, to do everything on time, just need time to conduct an audit.
Найоптимальніший час для середньої смуги – закінчення chief medosbora.
At this time you need to carefully inspect hives, to make it in good weather to complete all work, without disturbing the normal rhythm of life of bees.
Wrong will claim, that training bees to winter begins only after the fall of revision.
Every experienced beekeeper knows, а молодий повинен запам’ятати – підготовка до зими починається практично з самої весни.
The question is, what to do at any time of the year. spring, except hives and care apiary honey plants for export, beekeepers hives treated with free or make new.
watching swarming processes and carefully weighed the opportunity and feasibility of separation of families.
Each of these stages has its own rules and time frame, to be considered and adhere, to provide insect comfortable conditions for hibernation.
Training bees to winter begins almost from the start of the main medosbora.
It is a light floral honey, toiler who bring the hive during this period, considered most appropriate winter food.
It is less prone to crystallization, the presence of a minimum of elements from valleys, що дає можливість стверджувати – такий мед не зіпсується й не знищить бджіл.
In winter, the bees need about 2 kg. on every street, they obzhyvutsya in the formation of the club.
That is, for every need bdzholosim'yu 25-30 kg. honey and 2-3 medovoperhovi frame.
It should be remembered, light varieties of honey best suited for wintering in its microbiological and physical indicators.
Dark varieties are more degrees of crystallization, detrimental effect on bees, especially in early spring, before the first flyby.
You also need to determine the presence in honey Padi stocks, you leave your toilers.
This can be done, honey sending samples to the laboratory.
And you can handle it yourself, Having quite a few simple manipulations.
It should take equal amounts of honey samples of feed and water reserves (spring or rainwater).
Thoroughly stir the liquid and add the same amount of lime water. The resulting mixture is heated to boiling on the fire.
Якщо ви побачите осад у вигляді бурих пластівців – запаси меду доведеться повністю міняти – падь присутній у великих кількостях.
This honey is not suitable for the winter and bring harm, if not death, your ability.
pay attention! Using only structured response to water. If the hand is no spring or rainwater, Take a simple wells or tap (but after filtering), place in a plastic bottle and freeze.
Then you need to defrost and carefully pour, trying to keep the sediment in the bottle. Such water will give the correct response.
Honey and structured water mixed in equal amounts. Then add 10 parts 96% ethyl alcohol.
Якщо побачите осад у вигляді пластівців – корми з паддю.
Another factor, which affects the quality of fodder (honey) may be poison, which enters the hive with honey plants in the treated fields.
It may be sunflower, buckwheat, esparcet and other crops, which are like bees.
In such cases proceed as follows: slot pumped full of honey and sugar syrup is replaced.
Feeding sugar begins after preparation and warming the nest.
This procedure is carried out in early September, when the weather is warm and the bees are readily syrups and successfully processed and sealed in his cell.
Read more: Вулик лежак – конструкція Bee and for beekeepers.
Syrup necessarily prepared in enamelware, to prevent oxidation. Water must be brought to a boil and let boil a few minutes.
Then remove the container from the heat and add sugar. Stir until dissolved, but do not boil !!!
Then the liquid to cool slightly and add concentrated acetic acid (3d of 10 kg of sugar).
Stir and let cool completely. Ask food should warm, better in the ceiling racks, Tonight.
This syrup is heated nest, activates the bees and they am completely desolate capacity.
After, as required reserves will be filled, insect must also 2-3 days to give food in small quantities (200-300 g.)
For, that they were relatively active state and were able to seal the feed comb.
Feeding sugar syrup should be done in a well ventilated hives, To avoid condensate collection.
Success hibernation depends on the quantity and quality of worker bees, that will warm the club and the spring can fly and provide first honey plants.
For, to increase the number of insects in preparation for winter, artificially create the conditions, when the uterus begins to sat.
You can do this at the end medosbora substitute frame, partially flooded along the edges of honey, have a good cell center.
Колір повинен бути світло-коричневим – в осінній період матки краще кладуть яйця саме в такі стільники.
Годування треба проводити цукровим сиропом весняної концентрації – більш рідким.
Then the inhabitants of the hive impression of summer and they readily carry the usual summer job, а саме – догляд за розплодом і годівля молодняку.
Artificial bee in any case should not be late, otherwise the young will not have time to fly and die in winter.
Well, if the fall nucleuses extension work with older sows, beekeepers are harvested from nests in summer, in order to avoid unnecessary swarming.
By this time the Queen in isolation already lay eggs and grow 2-3 beyond young bees.
They can be substituted into the hives needed to strengthen families before hibernation.
Collecting bees nest need a warmer, not to bother them, when they already begin to stray club.
It should take into account the natural characteristics of insects, they move around the hive during the winter and therefore lay the frame on their way with food.
If the nest is enough food, and to the movement gets malomedni frame, toiler in a state of suspended animation can not overcome it perish.
Read more: In force Act beekeeping 2017 року – врегулювання діяльності бджолярів.
Завдання бджоляра – правильно зібрати гніздо, Given the nature bdzholosim'yi.
Need protect bees from diseases and pests. bees Process better after passing the exit slot and the last brood, that all persons have been affected by drugs.
Perform thermal processing, using special guns for making drugs using smoke or steam.
Also, drugs are given together with fertilizing.
When creating the most comfortable conditions means the insulation hives for the winter.
In the wild bees themselves are able to take care of it. But there they choose a first housing, that can protect them in the cold.
On apiaries beekeepers offer to his players the housing, which they consider necessary and suitable for insects.
so, take care of the warmth and comfort it must apiary owners.
Якщо ви вибираєте відкритий тип зимівлі – вулики потрібно утеплити як всередині, and outside.
Most choose dry moss, straw, bolotyanu grass.
Not bad proved foam or polystyrene.
Top and sides of the outer side wrapped straw mats, levy cut corn stems and covered in fallen leaves vacuum.
Place to choose protected from wind and precipitation less inclined.
In this case, you need to carefully monitor the rodents, that can get in the winter to disturb the hive and the bees.
Утеплене приміщення для зимівлі бджіл – бджоляник, may be a ground, again and basement construction.
Найголовніше в цьому випадком – хороша вентиляція зимового приміщення для вуликів і можливість підтримувати в ньому вологість не вище 75-80% and the temperature is not below 0º.
Wherever your wintered bees, remember that, що підготовка до зими бджіл – саме ваша відповідальність, it affects the life and health of overwintered insects.
After all, "we are responsible for those, tamed ".
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