
Propolis: healing properties, application, storage.

This product has long been known to people, treatment propolis actively used by our ancestors.

The first mention of it is found in writings, created over many years BC. it is.

There are two variants of the name: перший варіант – прополіс від «ПРО» – перед і «ПОЛІС» – місто, in Greek form phrases to the city, protection to housing.

Bees use it to create and strengthen the hive, so, protecting the hive from external factors.

Другий варіант походження терміна – «Прополіс», Latin meaning gloss, atone. That also corresponds to the true purpose of matter.

Medicinal properties of propolis are described by many researchers in different periods of life. On the origin of bee glue debate still exist, and there is no single answer.

So Dr. Kyustenmaher, who lived in the XIX century, promoted the theory of internal origin of matter. He claimed, produced by digestion of bee propolis collected pollen and various resins.

Research Dr. Resha differ from theory Kyustenmahera. In his writings scientist describes the process of creating, bee collecting different pitches and discharge trees without treatment gastric.

A bee collects resin, processes salivary secretions, then placed in special bags on their hind legs. As such, the material used for the structure and protect the hive.

Given the, that bees collect material for the manufacture of a miracle product in late summer and autumn, when the plants bloom virtually no, rather it suggests the origin of the component from a tree resin with a specific treatment bee salivary glands.

Useful properties and chemical composition of propolis is confirmed.

  1. What is and what it looks like?
  2. What is the treatment of propolis?
  3. How does the propolis in the form pervysnnomu?
  4. How does the body?
  5. What helps propolis on alcohol?
  6. Treating propolis?
  7. Contraindication
  8. A natural gift for children
  9. Why use propolis in the treatment of children?
  10. Treatment during pregnancy
  11. Using in cosmetology
  12. men

What is and looks like propolis?

The chemical composition similar to the composition of vegetable resin and contains unique acid, which produces the bee while chewing.

The composition of matter is ambiguous, in different seasons and in different areas it can vary greatly.

Why use propolis, you understand, Below is examining material. Bee glue contains various resins, Balz, wax, essential oils, natural dyes, pollen.

What is propolis, that people use in the treatment of?

It includes the following vitamins and minerals:

  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • Selenium;
  • iron;
  • phenolic compounds;
  • amino acids;
  • chromium;
  • copper;
  • nickel;
  • silicon;
  • cobalt;
  • silicon;
  • titanium;
  • strontium;
  • vanadium;
  • lead;
  • flavones;
  • vitamins (group C, E, n, R);
  • brown.

Bee products in raw form has a pronounced bitter taste.

How does the propolis in the form pervysnnomu?

Колір бджолопродукту варіюється від жовтого до темно – коричневого. Its consistency resembles tar, sticky and viscous form of a Freshly, which over time hardens and becomes brittle substance, comparable with dark rosin.

For, to melt propolis, it must be heated to 80-105 °C. If the outside temperature is -15 WITH, propolis on the following conditions is very fragile and easily destroyed by physical force.

When collecting bee glue, beekeepers heat it in a water bath to remove impurities.

However, all useful properties are preserved during prolonged heat treatment, which is a huge plus! During the season from one hive can be obtained about 50-150 g. substance.

Keep bee products should be in a cool dark place. Bee propolis is recommended to pack a white paper or a plastic bag.

Unacceptable storage of beekeeping products with substances, possessing a pronounced flavor. Optimal storage temperature is 10-20 ° C above zero, The room should be ventilated well.

The benefits of propolis for the body with proper storage is invaluable. Hold a medicine in the refrigerator is not recommended, so it loses all useful properties.

Shelf life when properly stored propolis is 10 years.

How does the body propolis?

Bee glue can be classified as drugs antibiotic action.

What helps propolis alcohol on the human body?

Bee glue is an excellent antiseptic, well protected from germs, viruses and fungi of various etiologies. It is used in the manufacture of ointments for tissue repair after torn, purulent wounds.

Treating propolis?

Pcheloprodukty provides positive trend in the treatment of these diseases: diabetes, stomatitis and other diseases of the mouth, including angina.

It helps in removing the pain in otitis, sinusitah, urological diseases, effective during the recovery period after surgery. Bee products widely used to treat infants.

Before, how to make propolis inside, should consult a physician.

Essential oils and natural antibiotics, comprising the propolis, compete successfully with many pathogens: viruses, athlete, bacteria, fungi, various infections.

The use of bee products tuberculosis treatment has a positive effect on the dynamics of the disease. Bee glue is unique medicines of natural origin.

How to use propolis, which dosage and duration depends on diseases and general physical condition.

Its use is based on the following impact:

  • shoots, reduces pain, effective aspirin, paracetamol and even novocaine;
  • accelerates tissue regeneration;
  • neutralizes heavy metals in the body, and resin products in the lungs;
  • activates the thymus gland in the brain, responsible for immunity;
  • helps restore joint;
  • prevents the increase in virus cells;
  • improves venous blood flow;
  • effective in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • struggling with migraine;
  • reduces the negative effects on the body with thyroid disease;
  • combats fungal diseases, including the thrush.


Like any other product, Used man, propolis has contraindications:

To prevent side effects from the use of this drug, should start with a low dose. Before drinking propolis, make sure no allergic reaction.

Головне в будь-якому лікуванні – не нашкодити своєму здоров’ю.

A natural gift for children

This product of bees, is unique. It contains useful components for superior saturation composition of honey.

Therefore, before you use this drug for the treatment and prevention of diseases in children, must ensure no allergic reaction.

Treatment of propolis tincture not recommended for young children, especially the first year of life. In the diluted product used for the treatment of skin and mucous membranes of the body.

Well proven Throat Spray, ointments and creams based product. Preference should be given an oil solution.

The concentration of essential oils and amino acids they yield alcoholate, but much safer for the baby, spyrtovmistnyy than medication.

Baby on 4 years can give an alcohol tincture in treating colds. Before use it must be diluted with water or other liquid (milk, herbal teas).

Note, that for each year of life used one drop drug.

Why use propolis in the treatment of children?

Treatment of bee products helps with angina, eliminate inflammation and swelling of the tonsils, removes heat.

In otitis use cotton swabs in your ears, soaked medicines. Significant improvement in the patient's condition is characterized by the influence of drugs on the immune system and local effects on the affected mucosa.

This is a great natural component to maintain and restore the child's body.

Treatment of propolis during pregnancy

During pregnancy and lactation can be used as a medicine bee glue in the absence allergy to propolis.

Propolis has a positive effect in a number of diseases:

  • tonsillitis;
  • angina;
  • pharyngitis;
  • otitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • herpes;
  • diseases of the oral cavity;
  • SARS.

The use of bee glue clearly benefit any woman, and during pregnancy, especially. Concerned issue, Why use propolis for pregnant women, pay attention to the natural origin component and its uniqueness.

During pregnancy, the immune system weakens, the body needs increased amounts of vitamins, this is important for pregnant women during propolis can bring enormous benefits only weakened body.

Особливо актуально вживання бджолиного клею під час сезонних простудних захворювань – це допоможе підняти захисні функції організму і знизить ризик захворювання.

Can I chew propolis in its pure form in pregnancy?

Given the bitter taste of bee products, Not every girl can take his position in pure form. also, when long chewing teeth drop out propolis.

However, there are alternatives to using drugs: alcohol and water infusions, creams. Add a small amount honey improve the taste of bee products, and she will eat it.

Propolis tincture is not only therapeutic properties, but contraindications. The main factor in the lack of use of allergy, because it can affect the unborn child.

Before starting treatment expectant mother bee products be sure to consult your doctor.

The use of propolis in cosmetology

On the basis of propolis produce different cosmetic products for problem skin. Using propolis, useful properties it surprise you.

Cream and ointment-based antibacterial products have bee, zahoyuyuchuyu and antifungal effect.

Their use helps treat acne, is excellent for the prevention of new pathological entities in skin problems.

Regular use of masks bee glue promotes smoothing of wrinkles, prevents new. It perfectly regenerates the skin and saturates nutrients.

Well proven propolis tincture in hair care. Regular use of alcohol tinctures for the scalp helps get rid of dandruff and restore hair structure.

If you add a little cream or drugs in body lotion, This will help eliminate pain and redness of the skin after sunburn.

Propolis tincture is widely used in the manufacture of various sprays for feet. The healing properties of infusions aimed at softening rough skin of the foot, healing of fractures of the feet, it effectively combats fungus.

Propolis men

A useful product of bees for a strong half of mankind. Reflecting on propolis, benefits and harms for men, You can definitely lean to the positive terminal.

Outdoor use infusions and creams give the skin softness and relieve irritation after shaving. Actively used pcheloprodukty the treatment and prevention prostatitis.

Use the matter can be in different forms: pure, in alcohol and water infusions, in candlelight.

In the absence of contraindications and allergies to bee products use pure product should be no more 15 m per day. It relieves pain and eases, prevent recurrence of infection, increases the potency.

Bee glue has a number of advantages in relation to drugs, producing pharmaceutical companies. This is a great natural gift, He treats the disease and prevents them.

However, side effects of propolis is very insidious. Do not use it more than one month, own immune system will weaken and cease to block the pathogenic impact of the environment. Everything is good in moderation!

Things to consider: before, start treatment bee products, consult your doctor.

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