birch pollen: picking, useful properties.

Пилок з берези – досить корисний для здоров’я компонент, which is very underrated and little is used to treat various diseases.

This substance is most known as an allergen, because all kinds of pollen, especially small, considered the cause of hay fever, as they sprayed the air, enter the body, allergies, and cause him to attack.

It should be noted, that even birch pollen has limited application because allergenic properties, It perfectly helps in several other situations. Therefore, if the product is no backlash, it can be used safely.

  1. How to collect pollen from birch
  2. Benefits birch pollen

How to collect pollen from birch

Of course, many are accustomed to use bee pollen, because it has a very valuable properties, moreover, it is easier to collect, especially if there is an apiary.

But then blooms birch, when bees are winter, so collect the required number may have to.

Collection start in March, the peak flowering plants. At that time the largest concentration of the desired material. Choose a sunny day and begin flowering collect earrings, where pollen is not poured.

The material is dried in the shade, example, on the window, then extract the necessary raw sheep, this, that the microscope can only see.

Benefits birch pollen

Береза – рослина, all of which are very useful for the organism. The described raw material, in particular, has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system of the brain, physically strengthens, useful for rehabilitation.

Birch stimulates recovery after hemorrhage, eliminates anemia. Therefore, the product very indicated for children, with physical illness or behind in development.

The recipe used in this case following:

  • mixed pollen and copper in equal amounts;
  • Children take a teaspoon every morning drug;
  • дорослим – двічі в день перед прийомом їжі, half an hour, tablespoon.

Зміцнення організму – це зовсім не все, making birch. In using the drug, can seriously help the digestive tract, if he has a problem.

So, raw material has an antibacterial effect, inflammatory, analgesic, normalizes microflora, eliminates constipation and other problems.

Doctors recommend combine finished product "Linetol" with pollen follows:

  • morning host 20 ml with a tablespoon previously prepared mixture of pollen and honey;
  • The same evening dose of herbal mixtures, but 1 ml of the finished product;
  • курс прийому – 30 days, then to make 2 week break and repeat it.

Birch pollen quickly restores the body, his condition improves, gives a burst of energy. The only contraindication to its use have allergies.

In all other cases it will be a great helper in the house to increase efficiency as physical, and mental.


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