
Methods of treatment of osteoarthritis bee stings

Лікування остеохондрозу укусом бджіл – апітерапія.

At the time of bee sting in man there is direct interaction with cells.

Комаха виділяє особливий елемент – адолапін.

This enzyme has properties, exceeding the impact of many painkillers.

exept this, in the venom contains specific peptides, which help in blood thinners, improve the functioning of the heart muscle.

Benefits and contraindications

Recently treatment of bee stings is particularly popular. This is usefully, provided bee venom.

Therapy helps the bees to cure many diseases, from colds and ending stroke.

Бджолина отрута – найсильніший природний анальгетик.

It is known from the time of Galen, Hippocrates.

Bdzholovzhalyuvannya considered effective method, However, be aware, that there are some contraindications to this procedure.

When susceptibility to allergies is not recommended to give preference to such treatments.

Poison bee – комплекс хімічних елементів, included in the periodic table.

Важлива якість – позитивний вплив на імунну систему, which determines the state of the whole organism.

Simultaneously, the launch process, When the human body restores itself independently enter into force, to refresh cells.

Before therapy is necessary to pass the relevant tests.

Основне протипоказання – недуги, with infectious nature.

The role of apitherapy in the treatment

Apitherapy – лікування за допомогою укусів бджіл, and products of bees (copper, propolis, poison, pollen).

This method is the most effective non-drug therapy method, used in osteochondrosis.

This approach is characterized by a strong influence on the body, which can not be provided with many medicinal drugs.

Treatment of osteoarthritis bees helps to quickly get rid of pain.

At the end of the course the patient waits longer, durable disease remission.

The scheme approved treatment specialist bees. In this case, self contraindicated.

Nor can independently prescribe a treatment duration and frequency of adoption procedures.

The secret to a successful outcome in the medical treatment of bees is valuable properties of products, same method:

  • bee toxin is considered a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, which quickly reduces inflammation, occurring in the nerve roots. So, pain persists, reduced mobility of the spine is;
  • Poison has a tonic effect, he quickly activates the full blood flow in tissues, contained in the patient spine. exept this, improves the elasticity of cartilage, intervertebral;
  • лікувальний курс нагадує іглорефлексотерапію або акупунктуру – укуси бджіл здійснюються в важливі точки, located in the spine;
  • poison, produced by bees, has a strong warming influence of local mores, and is able to remove spasms in the muscles and vertebrae to eliminate the block (functional). Poison takes pride of place in the treatment of osteoarthritis.

The use of poison is based on anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect.

He is considered the most powerful anti-bacterial element in science.

If you choose the right dosage, you can trigger the flow of blood to the site of inflammation.

With this manipulation specialist reduces inflammation within days.

From the field, is exposed bee venom, derived pollutants and toxins.

It monitors the functioning of the endocrine glands, promotes activation of the CNS and PNS.

The body determines disease, and produces antibodies.

The circulatory system is no exception, so a beneficial effect is found in blood plasma, storage, as well as the blood-forming organs.

Treatment methods

In the area of ​​osteoarthritis using bee venom have an impact, contributing to the mobilization of reserve resources of the body.

Техніка виконання процедури з бджолами – точковий вплив на важливих точки, located in the spine.

Due antispasmodic and warming effect is the destruction of the block spine.

Methods bees copes with inflammation, flowing in a pinched nerve fiber, end of the spinal cord, which significantly improves joint mobility of the spine.

Improves blood circulation, which increases the elasticity of cartilage intervertebral.

In a similar way you can eliminate the pain of arthrosis and osteochondrosis, herniated spine and radiculitis.

Due apitherapy can successfully restore range of motion.

This technique differs quick and successful productivity of.

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