Structure modonosnoyi bees. Biology and anatomy of bees.

Бджола – комаха, which belongs to the family of arthropods. Its closest relatives are ants and wasps.

In adults it is difficult to discern the membrane body, although they are.

In general, this insect is composed of the abdomen, head, legs and wings. As you can see, seems simple structure of bees, but not so simple in reality.

The entire body is covered with hairs outside, and they have different length and different in its purpose. Some hairs have senses, pilose cover and this often saves a bee from hypothermia.

  1. The structure of the head bee
  2. The structure of the breast bees
  3. The structure of the abdomen bee
  4. The structure of the circulatory system bee
  5. The structure of the digestive system of bees
  6. Differences in the structure of worker bees, uterus and drone

The structure of the head bee

Durable skull protects organs, located inside the head. Here is the brain and nerve center. At the head of its top located 5 eye. Two of which are complex and large. They are able to capture all the nuances and details of, what's going on.

The structure of the head bee: 1 - upper jaw; 2- Powder; 3 - vusik; 4 - compound eyes; 5 - simple eye; 6 - crown; 7 - forehead; 8 - clypeus; 9 - upper lip.

In the center of the head there are three simple eyes. They are weak, but they can catch the insect can shape and contours of objects. It is through these eyes hard worker moving in the dark and can look for your home.

The structure of bees helps them to work and clean the whole body. The continuation is head antennae, They are organs of touch and consist of 11 particles.

This insect antennae can move in different directions.

Chairman of normal worker bee has a triangular shape, а у трутня і матки – круглу. Although outwardly very similar to the insects. The structure of bees working different sizes and internal organs.

In difficult mouth bee. The upper part is represented lip and a strong jaw. It is with the help of hard worker may bite intruders and rozkusyty cells. The lower part of the oral cavity resembles the proboscis.

This body of an insect collects nectar and bring it into the hive. The length of the body is 5-8 mm. Most considered nosy Caucasian bees. This can be seen in the photo.

The structure of the breast bees

Breasts are composed of four chitinous rings. It is here built legs and wings.

Крильця – сама нетривка частина тіла комахи. This wear wings die toiler. In thoracic muscles are, that promote movement wings.

The structure of the thoracic and abdomen:
1 - perednospinka; 2 - serednospynka; 3 - zadnospynka; 4 - propodeum; 5 - stebeltse; 6 - spiracles; 7 - abdomen tergite; 8 - sweet iron; 9 - sting; 10 - pleyroni; 11 - voskovydilni cancer; 12 - eternity abdomen; 13 - Fundamentals feet; 14 - eternit serednohrudey; 15 - Fundamentals wings.

Insect wings two pairs, while they relaxed along the body. During the flight, the wings and straighten connecting two together. This is due to the hook, which provides grip.

No muscles in the wings, their movement is carried out by the movement of the abdominal muscles. With loads hard worker capable of traveling at speeds 25 km / year. If no encumbrance, the 65 km / year.

legs. In addition to wings attached to the abdomen legs. They perform a supporting function, of insects 3 money, while the front pair shortest.

With legs hard worker makes cleaning your body, They are also involved in gathering pollen and pollen formation.

On the front legs are legs brush, in which the insect can carry out cleaning large eyes. At the front of the legs is deepening, which invests in insect antennae and makes them clean.

In this case the antennae are many receptors, to help the bee to navigate in space. Regular cleaning is a must antennae bdzhiltsi.

Middle legs less mobile, than the front. Their end is process, which helps clean the cells and reset after collecting pollen. The rear legs are the longest and zmitannya special brush to dust and pollen formation.

Chita will: The life expectancy of bees

With hind legs insect who throws pollen in the hive. It should be noted, and that the brush hairs on the legs is just in honeybees.

The structure of the abdomen bee

The structure of bees, rather, belly is. It consists of seven rings of chitin, that little go at each other.

With this structure insect can slightly increase or decrease the size of the tummy.

The internal organs of the abdomen:

  • heart;
  • genitals;
  • intestines;
  • excretory organs.

Ends belly and anal ring sting. Most, that the sting is only honeybees and uterus, of drones it is not.

1 - trachea; 2 - head air bags; 3 - December air bags; 4 - abdomen air bags; 5 - spiracles; 6 - branching tracheal tubes.

Honey bees use to protect the nest sting, in addition, in the uterus that body is involved in the process of laying eggs.

Almost all processes in the body control the muscles bees.

Using insect muscles regurgitate nectar from zobik.

Chest and abdominal muscles help push food through the intestines.

Toiler muscle strength is high and allows drag on a flat surface load, weighing in 20 times the body weight of insects.

The structure of the circulatory system bee

Unlike many insects and humans, circulatory system of the bees is not closed.

Circulation bees:
1 - aorta; 2 - p'yatykamerne heart; 3 - dorsal diaphragm; 4 - abdominal diaphragm (The arrow shows the direction hemolymph).

It passes through the aorta and arteries, and then sent to the internal organs for washing of cells.

Blood carries oxygen no bodies on.

Air enters the cell through special tubes vozduhovodnyh.

The heart is a muscular tube, which moves with the diaphragm in the abdomen.

This body currently consists of five Valve.

The structure of the digestive system of bees

It begins mouth. It is through the mouth absorbs the insect feed. Then there are the esophagus and intestines. Most, size big belly, hard worker so it can collect stool.

After a winter bees all waste products accumulate in his body. Only during the spring overflight of the insect gut cleared.

noteworthy, half the digestive system is designed to convert pollen and nectar into honey. In the mouth is a salivary gland insects, allocating secret, containing enzyme invertase.

Mingling with the enzyme, nectar enters the esophagus, where over time zryhuyetsya and again enters the mouth and is then in cell. honey, essentially, is vomiting bees.

Even with esophageal food gets into the stomach, where processed. After that carbohydrates absorbed in the intestine, and fats are digested only partially. They are excreted almost unchanged.

Read more: Hierarchy bdzholosim'yi

After coming thick stomach and small intestine, in which nutrients are absorbed. Colon resembles a long bag, which collected stool.

Differences in the structure of worker bees, uterus and drone

Drones have a size twice, than ordinary honey bee. They have a very developed sense organs and vision. Everything needed to quickly find cancer. Their purpose is to find the Queen and her insemination.

In winter drones are expelled from the nest, as they only eat, sleep and walk outdoors, while consuming three times more food, than ordinary toiler.

queen bee apparently not too different from the toilers. It is slightly larger and longer, has oblong abdomen with developed sex organs.

The color of Queen's virtually identical to the color of toilers, so in large families it is hard to find, through its marker denoting.

Most, Formation of the uterus that it knows the smell. The body of the Queen is a special gland, that secrete a substance with a specific smell.

Genitals cancer developed, is at the back of the bag with the sperm of drones. This happens laying larvae of worker bees and drones.

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