How to treat eye honey
Treatment with honey eyes at home: Honey drops for the eyes.
Мед – це продукт, which is known for its beneficial and healing properties since ancient times.
This food called nectar of the gods and the symbol of immortality.
In this article we will talk about honey eye treatment at home.
History Honey has its roots in the depths age legends.
It is known, honey originated in the Stone Age, many thousands of years ago.
Of course, Historians can not reliably claim, how to collect honey and beehives look while.
But it is safe to say, that the healing properties of nectar, people learned almost immediately.
The first scientific work about the healing properties of honey, has become a multi-product "Anabazys", scientists from Greece Xenophon.
His teachings continued philosopher Aristotle, who for many years studying not only the properties of honey, but the habits and behavior of bee colonies.
By the way, цікавий факт – Аристотель і сам займався бджільництвом.
Traditional medicine has a long history. Recipes and methods of treatment survived to the present day.
In remote villages, still living grandmother travnytsi, are taken, herbal cure, himself and all, who refers to them via.
In their recipes they use honey. indeed, such treatment is often effective many modern medicines.
All these data are studied and confirmed by scientists in many countries.
Read: Can honey at adult, baby.
The first mention of honey eye treatment, made physician Avicenna, medieval physician and philosopher.
Він навіть написав книгу «Тракрат про уксусомед» – про лікування оцтом і медом.
But this article, recipes do not contain vinegar, because it is dangerous for the eyes.
With honey, can cure eye diseases such: redness, inflammation, watery, conjunctivitis, cataracts and glaucoma.
Мед для очей – для деяких людей це звучить дивно, but really treated. Honey Eye
What recipes exist in the modern world through honey for eye treatment?
Example, you can make honey eye drops. As they prepare?
Mix water with honey, Shake it well. Remember, dishes in which you mix everything, must be sterile.
Water with honey brought to a boil over low heat. cool.
Eye drops are ready. Bury your eye 2-3 times a day, one drop in each eye.
This recipe is good to use in inflammatory diseases and slozotochyvosti.
Read more: Honey and pressure: ways to use, contraindication.
Honey for eye treatment, use mixing various herbs.
Example, хвороба «більмо» – так вона називається в народі, Recipe for treatment:
Take peeled onion, small, 1 of honey, 200 ml. clean boiled water.
All mix and the resulting drops instilled into the eyes 2-3 times a day.
Лікування зору медом – це методи, time-tested, because of its curative components: carbohydrates, sucrose, fructose, B vitamins, WITH, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron.
Найголовніша умова для апітерапії – якісний мед. Get you in the famous beekeepers.
also read: Shelf life of honey: what does.
In the treatment of, do not forget to eat. Since all, you are inside: food, beverages, ліки – це впливає на ваші очі.
It is therefore very important, your daily diet and lifestyle in general.
Exclude from your food spicy seasonings, fatty, fried, flour and sweet dishes.
Treatment of eye diseases with honey, should be made in consultation with a physician ophthalmologist.
He will explain when to use honey drops, lotions or add enough honey in your daily diet.
Very popular medical cosmetic purposes. Для шкіри навколо очей – це просто допомога в збереженні молодості і краси.
Ever since Cleopatra, Egyptian queen, Honey was used to improve skin.
Especially effective this divine nectar, Wrinkles around the eyes.
The ancient books are many descriptions of the use of honey for rejuvenation.
Modern cosmetic campaign, is often used in their creams, bee products:
But you can at home, cook mask, lotions, honey-based creams Eye:
All the above given tips, suitable for face and neck.
Men can also use honey facials, especially after shaving.
Deleted irritation, redness and discomfort.
also read: How many grams in a tablespoon of honey.
Since treatment with honey, Make sure to start, that you are not allergic to it.
Reaction to honey, can occur at any age. Its manifestations can be seen through 30 minutes after eating:
Whatever the symptom you have not manifested, immediately see a doctor.
So, using bee products, Be careful and cautious.
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