Treatment of bee mite bipinom spring, autumn.
Обробка бджіл біпіном – один з можливих способів treatment varoatozu, contagious disease invaziynnoho, caused by ticks.
Beekeepers well known, mites that are present in small quantities in all apiaries permanently and completely get rid of them is very difficult, if not impossible.
With a minimum percentage of viable enough zaklischennosti bdzholosim'yi, properly develop and maintain the proper level of their performance.
When the mass of the parasite as it radically changes.
Such as varroatoz disease can quickly weaken colonies and even lead to their death.
Therefore, measures to prevent outbreaks of the disease and spread it to the apiary beekeeper should be conducted regularly.
The most effective treatment is considered himpreparatamy, one of which is bipin.
Біпін – це системний акарицид контактної дії.
Активною речовиною цього препарату є амітраз – одне з найсильніших і ефективних речовин, designed to combat mites.
Форма випуску біпіну для бджіл – скляні ампули, packed in a cardboard box 10 pcs. Обсяг однієї ампули – 0,5 ml.
Outside bipin looks like colorless or slightly yellowish transparent liquid and has a specific unpleasant and pungent smell.
This means relates to compounds of the third class of danger (conditionally toxic) and subject to the conditions of preparation and use is safe.
In the doses recommended in the instructions bipin no negative impact on the general state of bee colonies, level of performance and individual development of each individual insects, included in their composition.
Keep the medication should dry, well protected against the penetration of sun light, at positive temperatures, range which can reach 30 ° C.
Bipin retains its properties over 3 years from date of manufacture.
Treat bees need only bipinom, When the family is no brood. Restrictions apply and the period medosbora.
According to the instructions, bipinom treatment available only at positive temperatures.
It turns out, що залишається всього лише два періоди протягом року коли потрібно обробляти бджіл біпіном – Spring and autumn.
In the spring this time falls at the time of clearing the flight of bees and lasts until the beginning of the first medosbora.
The drug overwintered mites destroy the old bees, allowing new stay healthy and strong, energetic and hardworking.
But in practice, often handling bees from mites spend the fall bipinom.
If the hive after plidnooho season there is a high degree zaklischennosti, begin the process of destruction of the parasites in the hive bee can immediately after the last pumping honey.
Home drug treatment is performed at a stable temperature drops, when insects begin to form a club and prepare for hibernation.
These days, the bees will not fly for tricks, gathered together in the hive, which will guarantee higher quality disinfection.
Disinfected bee family after being treated more comfortably survive the winter and spring to get large and strong will.
Bipin, in the form, in which he produced sale, is a concentrate for processing must be dissolved in water in certain proportions according to the instructions.
The resulting working fluid necessary to use within days after preparation.
After this period of its use should be abandoned and a new cook, if there is a need.
The main container of solution kept firmly closed, because the drug is quite volatile and can quickly evaporate.
When preparing the medicine should increase given in the instruction of the drug, as even slight excess of recommended doses entail the loss of not only tick, but also many bees.
disinfection process bees from varoatozu – справа відповідальна. To process was efficient need to know how to handle hives bipinom. In fact it is a snap.
First you need to determine the capacity, through which the drug can be delivered directly to the bees.
Less well this choice is, which often have to recruit new solution, same processing will take longer and be more troublesome.
Обробка біпіном бджолиних сімей – надійний і давно перевірений спосіб боротьби з варроатозом.
It is equally effective for small and large apiaries.
This drug, which will save bees from parasites, reduce the likelihood of disease outbreaks and help keep productivity and viability of each individual bee.
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