Bee moth tincture: useful properties, application.

Bee moth tincture, мотилиці або воскової молі – перспективний, but poorly studied bee products.

This insect is a pest, destroying cells and prevents the larvae of bees.

Worms wax moths are able to eat, for which it got its name.

Бджолярі борються з вогнівкою різними методами – виморожуванням, cautery, chemicals, and only a few people know about the healing qualities of drugs based on it.

Scientists know almost everything about the development, diet, structure of insects, але дуже мало – про користь, which can bring moth.

In folk medicine, tincture Wax moth has long been used as a remedy for tuberculosis (tuberculosis) and age-related disorders, but at the end of the XIX century Russian scientist I.I. Mechnikov summarized under these theories a scientific basis, continued his quest homeopath SI. Mukhin.

Further, there is evidence of structure and mechanism of therapeutic action of the extract, allowing to reveal its potential as a biostimulator with a large spectrum of action.

During World War II, Soviet scientists developed a means of adaptogenic, immunostimulating properties for use on the front, and one of them was the tincture Wax moth.

Studies were classified in view of the special importance, but in recent decades the scientific community once again awakened interest in this product.

  1. Composition and properties
  2. Production of the drug
  3. Dosage
  4. Contraindication

Composition and properties

Настоянка вогнівки бджолиної – рідина бурого кольору, which included included:

  • вільні амінокислоти – 20 with 28 known (glycine, Alan, serine, lysine, histidine, Arginine and other);
  • monosaxaridi;
  • disaccharides;
  • nucleotides;
  • fatty acids;
  • bioactive compounds;
  • minerals (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, molybdenum, cobalt and other);
  • enzymes;
  • aromatics.

Унікальні властивості настойки мотиліци – прямий наслідок харчового раціону комахи.

The larvae feed on wax, ambrosia, honey, which contain many bioactive components, acting on the heart, state vessels, the blood.

Particularly noteworthy are the compounds:

Цераза і протеаза – ферменти з антибактеріальною дією, аналогічним ефекту ферменту лізоциму – він руйнує клітинні стінки бактерій.

anticipated, що за рахунок дії цього з’єднання настоянка має бактерицидну дію на Mycobacterium tuberculosis – туберкульозну паличку, XVII century ago with the main indication for its reception was tuberculosis.

Also means help relieve clots in blood vessels and tissue repair in postinfarction state.

Interesting, що цераза і протеаза – травні ферменти wax moth, necessary for the absorption and processing of wax.

Ekdisteroyidni hormones.

In the body, they are involved in protein biosynthesis, affect the activity of the nervous system, cell division and tissue regeneration.

By some measures, these hormones similar to anabolic steroids, but do not cause androgenic or other pathological changes.

Empirically proven, their reception has the following advantages:

  • ​​антигіперглікемічний ефект – вони приводять рівень цукру в крові до норми, converting glucose from the blood into glycogen in the liver;
  • hypocholesteremic action of hormones caused by inhibition of cholesterol biosynthesis and its inhibition of intestinal absorption;
  • hepatoprotective properties manifested in the ability to stimulate tissue repair of the liver with hepatitis and protect them from oxidation processes in diabetes;
  • hormones stabilize cell membranes, protecting tissues from damage and destruction;
  • anemia ekdysteroyidy activating blood and red blood cell production;
  • adaptogenic and restorative qualities, that improve stamina and increase body resistance to adverse factors of endogenous and exogenous nature.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid, which has antihypertensive properties and antistressornym.

An important feature of bee moth tincture of action is its ability to slow blood clotting and reduce blood pressure as a result of optimization of heart and blood vessels, and smooth muscle contractions.

Cardioprotective properties occur also in increasing resistance to drugs, що застосовуються при ослабленні скорочувальної здатності міокарда – серцевих глікозидів.

Because absorption features they can easily cause overdose, especially chronic administration, but eliminates the infusion of toxic effects due to the antioxidant properties.

Read more: Fighting wax moth in the apiary: land storage.

Moth tincture is also used for the treatment of broncho-pulmonary system, gynecological pathologies and reproductive disorders, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as general issues of immunity, metabolism, Nervous system disorders.

Production of the drug

Основні труднощі при приготуванні настоянки – дістати якісну сировину.

Used only large bee moth larvae.

Larvae Wax moth

The closer they are to the period okuklivanya, less digestive enzymes synthesize, especially young people contain nutrients in sufficient quantities.

Основа рецепта настоянки вогнівки – живі личинки, so basically it is prepared themselves beekeepers.

To prepare the extract used alcohol strength 40% and larvae in proportion 1 to 10.

For the record: one big larva weighs about 0,2-0,25 gram. Composition infused in a dark place, then filtered.

Terms insisting on the recommendations of different authors range from a week to two months.

To prepare 20% tinctures proportion of components will 1 to 5.


The standard recommended dosage 41% настоянки – три краплі на кожні десять кілограм ваги два рази в день за півгодини до їди.

When tuberculosis and other serious diseases dosage was increased to five drops per ten kg of body weight three times a day.

Before first use must ensure there are no allergy or individual intolerance, began receiving several drops.

Звичайний курс прийому настоянки – три місяці з перервою в два тижні.

Other authors recommend the first year of taking the drug without interruption, в подальшому – по два курси на рік.

Фахівці з народної медицини допускають застосування настоянки у дітей – по краплині на кожен рік життя протягом місяця, but studies on the impact of the drug on the body of children and pregnant women does not exist, so there is reception, essentially, at one's peril.

Read more: Allergy to wax: features, treatments.


As part tinctures, found potentially toxic or damaging tissue connections, but especially its actions require careful use in the following cases:

  • with low blood pressure;
  • with bleeding disorders or concomitant use of drugs, anticoagulants;
  • myotropnoyi during pregnancy because of the action and relaxing impact on smooth muscle of the heart and cancer.

Definitely contraindications to the use of bee moth tincture is an idiosyncrasy or reaction to alcohol.

Wax moth tincture provides the body biostymulyuyuchu action, including cardioprotective, antihypertensive, adaptogenic, antioxidant, hypocoagulant properties.

Potentially, it can be used in therapeutic practice as a means to recover from heart attacks and strokes, as well as increased physical or emotional stress.

Подимитися коментарі

  • Is it possible to buy the finished product from the state or where it can be purchased ,Please reply


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