
Bee pidmor. Tincture with vodka

Tincture with vodka beer pidmoru: benefits and application.

Продукти бджільництва – це не тільки повсюдно використовувані copper, wax, propolis, Royal jelly, but bee pidmor, which is used in the form of powder or tincture prepared on alcohol or vodka. summer and winter

In the hive there is a constant and fast change of generations of bees: lived 1-2 summer months and 4-9 – взимку, insects die, beekeepers and their bodies are collected and dried.

Traditional medicine using bee pidmoru proposes to treat cardiovascular disorders, urinary system, lowered immunity, and strikes, giardia, infection and even cancer.

in addition, many experts recommend occasionally guzzle rate product for the purpose of general health improvement.

  1. Collection and preparation of drugs
  2. Properties pidmoru bees
  3. Methods of application tinctures
  4. Contraindication"

Bee pidmor: features of the collection and preparation of drugs

In specialty stores, selling bee products, You can buy a small bottle of dark glass tincture prepared with beer pidmoru.

On the one hand, this is a great option for those, who do not want to waste time cooking preparations own hands or not sure, I could make it right.

However, buying the finished product often can be confident in compliance with all terms of collection of raw materials and production, because really quality tincture bee pidmoru vodka will for self-manufacture, especially since the recipe is very simple.

so, бджолиний підмор – як вибрати і на що звернути увагу?

Pidmor, harvested in summer, вважається найціннішим – бджоли в ньому молоді, clean, eat fresh pollen and nectar, but it is difficult to collect, as the insects at this time often accidentally killed, away from the hive.

Winter pidmor has bee, who died during the winter.

It more waste, but bee venom weaker, but such raw materials often offered, так як його легше зібрати – варто лише вигребти the hive.

When buying winter pidmoru should pay attention to three aspects:

  1. beekeeper who uses drugs for the treatment of hives against varroatozu (tick), because after treatment, example, popular "bipinom"A tincture of pidmoru DDT remains and it is suitable for external use only;
  2. варто поцікавитися причиною загибелі комах – якщо стався bee sea sickness, Even from the use of raw materials, including the preparation of liqueur with vodka, should be abandoned;
  3. it is also important how often beekeeper vyhribaye dead bees from the hive, if you do it once, spring, it will pidmor or even rotten with mold, and can accumulate large amounts of feces, they are not harmful, however useful they also did not.

Значення має зовнішній вигляд бджіл – тільця повинні бути чистими, no traces of mold, well dried.

Quality pidmor has a nice honey smell without traces of rot or putrefaction. Shelf life of raw materials does not exceed a year, and allowed to keep it as frozen, and in a dry place away from light. preparation

Найважливіше і складне в приготуванні препарату на основі бджолиного підмору – це вибір якісної сировини.

Making proper infusion does not cause any problems and the use of alcohol pytan.Dlya, moonshine, vodka, but with the latter still easier.

Cooking pidmor

  1. Pidmor dried milled powder. You'll probably use a coffee grinder, but with some effort required degree of grinding can be achieved in a mortar. Стандартне співвідношення компонентів настойки – столова ложка порошку на 0,2 a liter of vodka, but some advise proportions 1: 1, 1: 2, 1: 5. Since the use pidmoru were found side effects, the concentration of each material can determine for itself.
  2. Рекомендується використовувати непрозорий скляний посуд – це захистить склад від випадкового потрапляння світла. The mixture should be kept in a dark place 3 week, tightly closed lid.
  3. For disclosure of all its useful properties shaken every day the first week, and then again in 3 days. With the settling of the powder extract is clear and becomes brown. Before use, it can drain, but not necessarily. Finished tincture bee pidmoru stored for three years in a cool place.

Із бджолиного підмору також роблять відвар – одна столова ложка сировини вариться в 0,5 liters of water for two hours.

For local use prepare ointment – столову ложку подрібненого підмору змішують тваринним жиром і млоять годину на водяній бані.

Не менш ефективний і масляний екстракт підмору – з ложки подрібненої сировини і склянки рослинного масла. Finished drugs stored in the refrigerator in a container of dark glass.


Bee pidmor contains a number of components, determining its antioxidant, antiseptic, Wound healing, protypromenevi, Cleaning and other properties:

  1. Хітозан і його низькомолекулярна форма – апізан. It covers the body of the bee aminosaharydom hypocholesterolemic and detoxification effect. Also found immunomodulatory, hepatoprotective, antibacterial property.
  2. Melanin. Natural dark pigment reduces the accumulation of radionuclides in the body, normalizes microflora and intestinal peristalsis, as well as showing enterosorbent. There is a natural antioxidant and adaptogen.
  3. Heparin. Anticoagulants, which prevents blood clots.
  4. Apitoksyn (bee venom). It is used as a vasodilator and analgesic, which accelerates blood circulation, enhances appetite and increases efficiency. Апітоксинотерапія з використанням підмору – м’якший, bites and venom than a finished product, way to use the beneficial properties apitoksynu, which has serious side effects.
  5. Fat bees. For some properties it even more valuable, than fish, and easier to digest. Жир бджіл є основою для формування організмом людини ейкозаноїдів – похідних поліненасичених жирних кислот, affecting inflammation, heart condition, vessels, bones.
  6. Micronutrients. The body contains about thirty bees elements of the periodic table.
  7. Complex amino acids, enzymes, substances with hormone action, fiber.

So, bee pidmor – продукт широкого спектру дії, affecting the operation of all major systems and organs, and product properties do not change, як би його не приготували – це може бути і розведений порошок, liqueur and vodka.

Basic properties pidmoru:

  • inflammatory;
  • adaptogenic;
  • antitrombotichnі;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antiseptic;
  • protyvotoksychni and krovoochyschayuchi;
  • regenerative;
  • anticancer;
  • painkillers;
  • antioxidant;
  • lipotropic;
  • improves blood circulation and normalize its pressure vessels;
  • stimulating metabolism.

Methods of application tinctures

Tincture take, usually, foreign exchange after food intake duration of one month.

Different authors suggest the following dosage and application advice:

  • для загального тонусу і очищення організму в день приймають кількість крапель за кількістю прожитих років – половину вранці і половину ввечері;
  • for removing Giardia take into 30 drops of tincture three times a day;
  • in diseases of the heart and blood vessels, diabetes every day to take 20 drops;
  • in diseases of the genitourinary system (uterine myoma, prostate cancer, disorders of sexual activity) every day take a tablespoon of liqueur;
  • from the blows used lotions with infusions pidmoru beer with vodka, what it moistened cloth or cotton wool and applied to the affected area;
  • для схуднення і нормалізації обмінних процесів – за півгодини до їди 15 drops three times daily, break between courses of two months;
  • in the treatment of cancer by 15 minutes before meals three times a day, drink two tablespoons liqueur, dissolved in water with honey.

The most common is the first Recipe, так як він адаптований до вікових потреб організму – з часом знижуються відновлювальні функції і, in accordance, there is an increased need for external stimulation.


Перше і головне протипоказання до використання бджолиного підмору – allergic to bee products. in addition, alcohol content imposes age restrictions.

In pregnancy, use tincture is not worth not only because of alcohol content, but the lack of research, proving safety for the fetus bee pidmoru.

Some experts do not advise to use alcohol tincture pidmoru people with hypotension, as a means capable of dramatically lower blood pressure.

Pidmoru combination of beer and alcohol in any form (wine, beer) even when used alone can cause this effect, because the tendency to reduced pressure using other methods of cooking preparations, but infusion.

Бджолиний підмор – цінний продукт бджільництва і універсальне народний засіб від різних захворювань.

Many believe, що настоянка підмору бджіл на горілці – це знахарське зілля, the use of which has nothing to do with "normal" treatment, Others do not take this medium for aesthetic reasons.

But, it contains components from the broad spectrum of activity, normalizing the work not only of individual organs, but the whole body, as tincture bee pidmori applied at rates of specific diseases, as well as to the overall tone and lift immunity.

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