Основний медозбір – це найбільш очікуваний, time-consuming for any apiary, because at that time most honey plants bloom, and bees can collect the largest number of honey products.
Medosbora initial period depends on the area, climate, weather, Regional locations, as well as the main honey plants flowering time.
This period must be carefully prepared.
Spring willow trees begin to bloom. Later blooming white and yellow acacia, slowly blossoming linden flowers and meadow.
Collecting honey from acacia lasts for fourteen days. During this period of time the bees make honeycomb filled with delicious, useful and valuable honey.
One recent blossom honey plants over the period considered sunflower.
During the day, one family gathers around four kilograms of sunflower nectar from one.
Before, as insects release for this action, beekeeper must check their condition and health, because the bees need a lot of energy and strength.
Often after wintering there is a large number of weak families. This situation requires urgent action.
Найбільш оптимальний варіант – об’єднання двох різних сімей перед майбутньою подією.
Insects can produce more than two months medosbor, в деяких випадках – менше двох тижнів.
A great harvest is in the case, when kept warm weather not only during the day, but at night.
Rare rain with thunderstorms, usually, not interfere medosbora.
Start collecting honey in the spring can be determined by the control hive.
If there is a large percentage of nectar, can begin.
At this time the insects do not show aggression, they do not respond to extract frames with honey from the hives.
Hear the hive buzz, as insects remove water.
Beekeeper should not disturb the insects during the spring collection. If there is an urgent reason to review, the, best, wait till evening.
When the review is conducted in the morning, observed performance decline in bees 20-35 percent.
Association of bee colonies in autumn or spring.
Most, this procedure takes place before the main tricks, when two families unite into one.
If no parent in the family and individual brood, it can be combined with another family.
To do this, remove unnecessary and unwanted frames. Those frames, which have bee, placed on the diaphragm.
The night will unite two families.
It is important to get it right, especially before collecting honey.
Finding drone brood in the family, it is possible to combine two families.
When using this method before the main event apiary uterus should cover cap for twenty-four hours.
Regarding family otrutnevevshey, it should hold in a cool place overnight, then make the merger.
To avoid fights, insects must be carefully podymity, so that they can take more honey crop.
If you are queen-trutivka, it must be destroyed. Best, carry out this procedure at the beginning of spring and summer.
Some do it in autumn, to strengthen the family in the winter.
For a successful union of two families fall, you must use simple newspaper.
Both her family prohryzut, to connect. Many beekeepers do not recommend spending data manipulation autumn.
Best, deal with this matter before the main medosbora, namely after hibernation and exhibitions.
At this time, all the bees are sterile, therefore can not show overt aggression towards immigrants.
As for weakened families, they need to pidselyty stronger and durable. If the family is weak uterus, kill her.
All activities are held in the evening. Need to pick up strong and healthy parent specimen, put in appropriate box, to bring to the strong family.
Near strong nests should be left free space, encircling it with Aperture, which set cell weakened bees.
They should sleep, morning to release the uterus, get rid of the diaphragm.
Using useful recommendations, Each beekeeper can spend a good combination of bee colonies.
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