Honey plant ERANTHIS zirchasty: medoproduktivnost.

Весенник зірчастий – Shibateranthis stellata (Msxim.) Nakai.

Perennial herb, to 10 – 15 cm height, the family Ranunculaceae.

It occurs in mixed forests, on the slopes and scrublands.

  1. Appearance
  2. Time zatsvitanya
  3. Nektaroproduktyvnist


Stems naked, upright, with at root with leaves 1 – 2, rarely more, top with leaves mutovchatosobrannymy, the rest of the bare stems.

Flowers solitary, white, 8-Flap, fragrant.

nectaries extended, vyyamchati above or dvolopatovi, or tube, in number 5 – 8 pcs.

Time zatsvitanya

Flowers for 10 – 15 days, flower produces 1 – 2 days.

Nektaroproduktyvnist and medoproduktivnost

Good honey plant and pylkonos. Bees visit flowers well during the day and collect nectar and pollen.

Nektaroproduktyvnist 100 flowers in Primorye was 18,3 mg sugar.

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