Honey electrically own

Honey electrically own hands.

Медогонка радіальна з електроприводом – це той агрегат, which should be in every beekeeper, if he wants to produce honey without any problems.

This unit is indispensable for professionals, and for lovers.

But the cost of electric drives for honey is high enough, so many people think about homemade devices.

  1. How to make the device itself
  2. Installation drive

How to make the device itself

Honey electrically own hands is quite simple, if you have basic knowledge of electricity and Technology.

It's enough to read the existing photo sets and on their basis to create something for themselves.

Fortunately, Today there are many detailed instructions with photos and videos, how to make honey pumping apparatus for yourself.

Consider the simplest option.

For its implementation will need the following materials:

  • drill, Bulgarian;
  • medium-sized container type barrels;
  • teeth;
  • shelf of the refrigerator;
  • paint for metal;
  • small wooden board.

This may not use, example, galvanized buckets, because zinc worsens quality honey.

Honey with electric drive alone

When choosing a container for honey, you can see the photos, materials and shapes used for this.

In the bottom of containers made two holes, because that will remove honey.

In the center of externally attached wooden board as the basis honey.

Its set so, so it does not overlap previously made holes.

Any honey is, a centrifuge.

Rotating, it separates the honey from sotoramok.

Rotation can be manually, and by about (Examples of various products are pictured).

You can either buy, is expensive, or take a photo of yourself- or video tutorial.

In addition to using the rotational drive element type bicycle pedals.

Holders of honeycomb frames made from refrigerator, attaching them to the rectangular frame made earlier.

This structure connected via the pedals (manual option) or about. Of course, електропривод для медогонки – це найкраще і найбільш практичне рішення.

How to connect the individual parts, You can look at photos and videos from the web.

Read more: What is the best honey.

It should also be taken into account, Beekeepers reviews that indicate discomfort using improvised units in large apiaries, that is suited only amateur beekeepers.

Installation drive

Any electrical running on honey. The drive can be either self-assemble (it is quite difficult to do even with a detailed picture of the process), or purchase.

Do so drive: acquire DC generator G-108 or R-21, pulleys, strap, fastening.

With honey off the regular drive, measure the diameter of the shaft and drill large pulley on it, installing it on top.

At the plate device attached with a pin M8 ripped sleeve. Small pulley mounted on the generator, previously it rozsverlenyy the diameter of the shaft.

Generator attach heels, then connect a voltage 12 AT. protochuyemo on pulleys ledge 8-mm groove and dopylyuyut a file to its triangular wedge-shaped form.

Then put the strap and pull the spring. The drive is fully prepared.

If done the right thing, it should not fundamentally differ from such seemingly improvised drives, these different photo. In addition, it should work properly.

Electric circuit honey in the simplest form shown in photos.

1 – бак, 2 – кришка, 3 – вниз підшипникового корпусу підкладається спеціальна пластина, 4 – корпус, 5 – знімна кришка, 6 – провідний шків, 7 – ведений шків, 8 – гайка для фіксації, 9 – хомут, 10 – вісь, 11 – болт з’єднання осей, 12 – болти для кріплення двигуна до хомутів, 13 – руховий баранчик, 14 – пластинка Г-подібної форми, 15 – підшипники, 16 – вісь, 17 – болти кріплення пластини, 18 – гвинти для знімних кришок, 19 – ремінь, 10 – двигун, 21 – виступи, 22 – стяжки, 23 – хрестоподібна підставка, 24 – стійки, 25 – стійки у вигляді трикутника, 26 – бакові проріз и, 27 – отвір для медового зливу.

Of course, make medogonku this, as the picture many online stores, unlikely to succeed, but a homemade version of this does not lose its practicality.

In addition, it is much cheaper, than buying a complete new model, which for lover will have special advantages.

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