Bee's royal jelly for children: benefits and contraindications.

Маточне молочко – унікальний продукт бджільництва. Its produce worker bees, which process honey and pollen salivary glands.

In Freshly form is a thick jelly-like mass from white to cream color.

It is also called "royal jelly", the reason, they fed life queen bee a beehive.

Для зберігання комахи поміщають засіб у відповідні воскові осередки – маточники.

  1. How useful pcheloprodukty Children?
  2. Contraindications and side effects
  3. Method of production of royal jelly
  4. Reception track of the first year of life
  5. Using older children
  6. Using students

Why use royal jelly for children?

«Королівське желе» – могутній біостимулятор. Provides positive dynamic in many diseases, by correction of the internal systems of the body.

Royal jelly wonderful children raises immunity, improves metabolic processes in the child's body.

Controls work hormonal system. Prevents and reduces irritability, neurological disorders in children and adolescents.

When you receive the product showed a significant increase appetite, in children an interest in life, they become more active and mobile.

Cosmetics containing royal jelly eliminates flaking and dry skin in children of all ages. And also provides a stunning effect on problem skin, contribute to eliminating acne in the transition to adulthood.

Contraindications and side effects

During the study the effect of royal jelly on the child's body was found the following contraindications:

  1. Addison's disease;
  2. allergic to bee products;
  3. idiosyncrasy;
  4. fever.

When taking the wrong course or excess length in children, the following side effects:

  • hyperactivity, irritability;
  • sleep problems;
  • nervousness;
  • dry mucous;
  • allergic reaction.

This is due to intense composition "royal jelly», which contains abundant natural active substances.

Method of production of royal jelly

Considered most useful native royal jelly. This product is pure, not subjected to treatment. Milk stored directly in the mother liquor at low temperature. Even a minor breach destroy the product storage.

Due to the complexity of storing and transporting the product in its pure form is almost inaccessible ordinary consumers.

Але існує альтернативний варіант – використання маточного молочка в обробленому вигляді. Pharmaceutical firms produce medicines, containing milk, various forms of release.

You can buy milk for children in granules, in rectal candles, as tablets for sucking. There are various creams and cosmetics containing royal jelly bee. The choice of dosage form depends on the type of disease and the age and child.

Read more: the useful properties of milk drone larvae

Admission to the first year of life

Молодих матусь хвилює питання – what age You can use the royal jelly. Numerous studies have proven the effectiveness of royal jelly for children from the first month. Drugs administered with newborn 20 day of life.

Especially important product application for premature babies. Royal jelly regulates all processes in the body, improves appetite. Considerable weight gain, improve the overall condition of children.

Milk acts as the strongest biostimulator, activates metabolism. To treat infants used rectal candles containing product.

Dosage amounts Newborns 2,5 mg 2-3 times a day, from the age of five must use candles containing 5 mg substance. Рекомендований курс – 1 month, followed by a break in 2 months.

Put candles needed in the morning and afternoon. Milk is a strong stimulant, increases the activity of the body. Evening and at night the use of medications contraindicated, it can cause insomnia and irritability in baby.

Infants are often concerned about problems with the gastrointestinal tract, Kolka, increased gas production, overgrowth. This lowers the digestibility of nutrients and minerals to children's body.

Using Royal Jelly, can significantly improve the health of the baby. It affects the gastrointestinal tract, helps restore the normal microflora, provides general tonic effect. Reduces the risk of candidiasis stomatitis and mouth of the child.

Also important is a medication based on royal jelly for kids with muscle tone. It promotes muscle saturation of the necessities and more rapid recovery of normal.

Ideal as prevention during seasonal diseases, acts as an antibacterial and antiviral agent. This raises their child's body defenses.

Royal jelly provides invaluable assistance to parents in the treatment of diaper rash in infants.

Alcohol solution of milk (1 of the product on the 5 parts water) should be applied at the first signs of diaper rash to damaged or inflamed skin.

The solution dries quickly on the skin, formed film should be left on the body. It helps remove the child zudu.

The use of royal jelly older children

For the treatment of older children can use royal jelly in granules and tablets. It is an excellent natural antibiotic and ymmunostymulyatorom.

It is recommended for diseases such:

  • intestinal dysbiosis, mouth;
  • upper respiratory tract infection;
  • physical and mental overload;
  • neurological disorders, mental instability;
  • weakened immune system;
  • periodontitis, stomatitis;
  • SARS, GRZ;
  • malnutrition;
  • anorexia;
  • gastritis;
  • anemia;
  • flu.

Багатьох цікавить питання – як приймати даний продукт. Medicinal products based on bee royal jelly subjected to almost complete destruction under the influence of gastric juice.

У зв’язку з цим рекомендований спосіб прийому – це розсмоктування в під’язикової області. In the mouth there is no aggressive environment. Granular product very soon dissolves and enters the bloodstream through the mucous mouth.

In tablets should dissolve 2-3 pills for 30 minutes before meals. The child should be clearly understood, that medicine can not swallow, but dissolve! Course duration is 15-30 days. Contraindicated use of the drug in the evening and night.

Read: Medicinal properties zabrusu

Receiving royal jelly for students

Reception pupils and students during exams, a period of intense physical and mental stress royal jelly will help prevent fatigue, enhance the child's body resistance to overload and stress.

During these periods, it is recommended to take the child in the morning on an empty stomach 1 mg to bdzholoproduktu 1 kg. Admission course 15 days, followed by a break 10 days, then the course can be repeated.

"Royal Jelly" well established itself as a tool for prevention during seasonal epidemics. It is quite simple to use granules, according to instructions manuals.

To increase the effectiveness of substance should be taken "royal jelly" in conjunction with other bee products: honey, propolis, ambrosia. Before, like taking drugs, must ensure no allergies.

As a means of rehabilitation after injury, wounds, deferred transactions, and to use this product. It promotes more rapid recovery of the child's body, reduces the risk of complications. It strengthens the immune system and restores.

Перш ніж почати лікування дитини будь-яким бджолопродуктом – в першу чергу необхідно проконсультуватися з педіатром, verify the absence of contraindications and allergies applicable product

Royal jelly bees permissible to eat from the first months of life. Promotes normal growth and development of infants. Eliminates nervous and mental disorders in older children.

Facilitates adaptation of the child in schools, communicating with peers. There is an excellent preventive and antibacterial agent for many diseases.

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