Oil propolis: properties, application, recipes prigotuvanya.

Oil with propolis, application is known from ancient Indian medical treatises, helps in the treatment of many diseases.

The healing properties of this miracle product, made of bee glue, widely used by people long before our era.

Due bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties, propolis even helps in the treatment of diseases, in fighting that inefficient methods of traditional medicine.

  1. Useful properties of propolis oil
  2. The benefits of propolis oil
  3. The use of oil propolisnoho
  4. Types of oil propolis
  5. Cooking oil propolis
  6. How to make oil propolis

Useful properties of propolis oil

The composition of bee glue oil and its unique properties.

This amount of useful and valuable substances not in any product or pharmacy drugs.

Butter contains propolis:

  • wax;
  • essential oils;
  • resin;
  • vitamins (BUT, group, RR, E, WITH);
  • minerals.

Oil bee glue solution is the most powerful immunomodulator, because its application after the most severe disease helps the body recuperate quickly.

Black wax effect on viruses and bacteria as antibiotics, so thanks bee product business well treated inflammation, respiratory, skin and fungal diseases.

The benefits of propolis oil

  1. A remedy can be made at home without the use of complex technologies and components.
  2. The substance has no side effects, no negative effects on the gastrointestinal tract, unlike medicines.
  3. Easy to use, shows how children, and adults.
  4. With proper storage keeps useful properties for 1 month.
  5. Contraindications to the use of oil propolis can be associated only with intolerance to bee products and liver disease.

The use of oil propolisnoho

As in traditional, and in the official medicine, propolis oil solution used in the treatment of gastrointestinal and nervous disorders, pulmonary tuberculosis, eczema and dermatitis, pain in joints and burns of varying degrees.

Remedy helps to heal festering wounds, ulcers, eliminating, helps with sciatica and hemorrhoids.

Oil propolis has a strong analgesic effect.

At its ability to reduce pain, it is several times greater than such popular anesthetic drugs, as procaine and cocaine.

His take to reduce joint, tooth, stomach pain.

Sensational confession oil with bee glue obtained in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Studies have shown, after applying for 5-10 oil solution propolis months in patients with advanced tuberculosis, was found to decrease toxicity and closing cavities in the lungs.

Oil of black wax helps with colds. It effectively fights viruses of influenza and SARS, even at advanced stage, When the patient's fever.

With its unique healing properties, prepared at home means with bee glue can be a separate drug preparation, and administered in combination with medication.

Types of oil propolis

Medicinal substances from bee glue prepared with different concentration, depending on the amount of biologically active component as part of the solution.

It can be 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%. The basis for the remedy are vegetable or animal fats, because it is prepared with the addition of various oils:

  • cream;
  • sunflower;
  • olive;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • thistle;
  • essential;
  • llyana;
  • cocoa;
  • vaseline;
  • lanolin.

Oil solutions based on bee glue can be made at home from goose fat, barsucheho or mutton fat.

As medicinal substances frequently used inside, of the total mixture can be added different ingredients to improve the taste.

Net oil propolis has a color from light yellow to greenish-brown and tart, specific taste.

Cooking oil propolis

To save most of the medicinal properties and active substances, when cooking oil solution propolis not use direct fire.

Dilute and mix components in the "water bath".

Bee glue are crushed to a fine grater or knife.

For this to be done more easily, it on 15 minutes are placed in the freezer.

How different cooking oils propolis same, only difference is the concentration of the basic substance and flavoring.

  1. Ointment for butterі – 100 g butter should melt on the "water bath" and add 15 g of crushed black wax. The mass melt to achieve maximum homogeneity, stirring spoon or wooden spatula. Once the vehicle was removed from the "water bath", he must add 1 Part of honey. (If desired, you can add a spoonful of cocoa powder). Ready-mix propolis with butter poured a jar of dark glass and store in the refrigerator.
  2. olive – Готується при змішуванні і розтоплюванні 80 olive oil and g 20 g of crushed propolis. After complete dissolution of the mixture cool and strain. Ready agent used to treat burns, and administered orally.
  3. Oblepihove – Для приготування змішують і розтоплюють на «водяній бані» 200 ml and sea buckthorn oil 20 g black wax. Ready mix is ​​determined by the expiration of the surface not rozchynyvshyhsya pieces of wax. They must be filtered through a double layer of cheesecloth. Black wax oil solution of Seabuckthorn can be drunk before meals, which positively affects the digestive organs. They also lubricate the skin inflammation and difficult healing wounds.
  4. Llyane – Для приготування засобу знадобиться розігріти і змішати 1 l linseed oil, 60 g beeswax and 100 propolis, crushed into crumbs. Tool permanently stirred, To achieve maximum dissolution for 30 min. The mixture must be filtered, to wax particles do not remain in the final product.
  5. Dog-roseDog-rose indispensable in the treatment of respiratory diseases, and in combination with propolis it becomes effective antiviral agents during the cold. 150 of rosehip oil, bought at the pharmacy, mixed into "water bath" with 15 was black wax. Through 30-35 min, when the components dissolve, You can add to the mix 1 a drop of liquid vitamin E. Medication taken orally, spreading in water or milk.
  6. Cocoa – Какао володіє хорошими противірусними властивостями. Before dissolve propolis in cocoa butter, it should crumble with a knife. To prepare needed 170 g of cocoa butter and 17-20 g bee glue. The ingredients are mixed and for roztoplyuyutsya 40-50 min, then means ready to eat.

How to make oil propolis

In the treatment of various diseases, unique healing properties of propolis oil solution can be strengthened a little honey.

He also has high antiseptic properties. in addition, If a used inside, it is diluted or washed down with milk.

If a person has individual intolerance of dairy products, butter washed down with boiling water.

  • Gastritis oil with bee glue take on 1 Part spoon 3 times a day 1 hour before meals. For the treatment of gastric ulcers increase the dose, but do not exceed more common use 5-7 Article. spoons per day.
  • When the pain in the joints of the oil solution make application to the sore spot. Zmazanni knee or elbow wrapped with foil and wrap something warm. Such treatment is 2-3 times a day 40-50 min.
  • When used tuberculosis 15% oil with bee glue 3 twice a day for 1 Article. spoon. Treatment continued 1,5-2 months, then make a break for 2 weeks and begin to make way again.
  • To treat burns oil with black wax is applied to the sore spot thin layer and does not cover. Grease burns need 10% mixture 2-3 times daily until complete healing.
  • hemorrhoids solution used for lotions or tampons. Для лікування використовується суміш з високою концентрацією – 15-20%.
  • In cosmetology to improve complexion, leveling skin tone, getting rid of age spots propolisne oil is applied to the face after steaming and exfoliation. The mask used no more 3 times a week.
  • For the treatment of angina 1 no. of the mixture is diluted in warm, but not hot milk, and drink 3 times a day.
  • For the treatment of inflammatory diseases of female tampons, propolisnomu soaked in oil from sea buckthorn or flax, inserted into the vagina to 20-30 min. 2 twice a day, morning and evening.

It should be remembered, the appearance of the rash, svirbezhu or burning sensation when applied externally possible in very rare cases.

But if appeared reaction to propolis or second product, Reception oil solution propolis should stop.

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