Mask with oatmeal and honey for the skin: receptions.

Мед – лікувальний продукт, which is used not only to treat many diseases.

This is an excellent emollient and anti-aging agent, allows you to clean your skin.

Excellent nourishes the epidermis mask with oatmeal and honey facial.

With oatmeal and honey can not only remove dead areas, but also to cope with small wrinkles.

in addition, This therapeutic blend nourishes dry skin and, aging. In order to prepare nourishing mask must take such products:

  • oat flakes;
  • egg yolk;
  • copper;

Pour boiling oatmeal with milk and leave until, until the mixture is warm.

Pour a lot of egg yolk and mix. Remove makeup residues from the face and put the prepared mixture.

This is best done with a brush. Leave your stuff on 20 minutes, yolk should dry out and become a crust.

Rinse with warm water and a means of clean ice cube faces. This simple recipe moisturize even very dry skin.

  1. Mask for normal skin and combination
  2. Oatmeal Facial for oily and honey
  3. Mask with tea and lemon juice for aging skin
  4. Scrub with oatmeal and honey facial

Mask for normal skin and combination

Mix in a bowl equal quantities of honey and oatmeal. Then pour the mixture into tablespoon fat yogurt.

Thoroughly mix the ingredients and apply on cheeks, nose and chin.

It is advisable not to put on fat areas on the face.

If your skin is very dry, a mask can pour a spoon of any vegetable oil.

Suitable conventional olive oil and sunflower oil.

Instead of these components in oat mixture can pour yogurt or sour cream.

Oatmeal Facial for oily and honey

This tool is perfect for the purpose of caring for oily and combination skin. To prepare the material mix a tablespoon of honey and oats and add to 20 g sour cream and lemon juice.

The juice of citrus perfectly whitens skin, honey and nourishes.

With oatmeal you manage to remove coarse particles epidermis and slightly dry skin.

Remember, crushed flakes usually used for masks to care for dry and aging skin.

А цілі пластівці з упаковки – для приготування скрабів і масок для жирної шкіри.

Mask with tea and lemon juice for aging skin

This composition can smooth out fine lines. Put in a little bowl of oatmeal and pour strong tea leaves.

Tea should double over oatmeal. For this recipe flakes must be crushed into flour.

Pour into mush tablespoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey. Instead, you can use lemon juice Juice of any citrus. Suitable orange or grapefruit.

Scrub with oatmeal and honey facial

This scrub can be safely used to combat cellulite. To do this in a saucepan, mix cereal with honey and olive oil.

Then mix the ingredients to a homogeneous state and apply to clean skin from makeup.

hold composition 15 minutes and rinse with cool water. This mask perfectly refreshes the face and makes it more elastic.

Indications mask with oatmeal and honey:

  • acne;
  • loose skin;
  • shine;
  • with problem skin rash.

From time to time do not be lazy and cook yourself stores such treatment. Just a few sessions your skin shine with health and beauty.

Note, If you face powder, oatmeal preferably pre-crushed to powder state.

Usually oatmeal for improvement face and honey used for all skin types.

Indeed, as part of oatmeal contains retinol, thiamine and ascorbic acid.

These natural amino acids are effective in the fight against acne and acne.

If you recently made microdermabrasion inside, able to quickly heal wounds to make a mask with honey and oatmeal.

The combined effects of honey and oatmeal gives a stunning result. This quickly resume your face.


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