
Lemon, garlic and honey for cleaning vessels

Cleaning vessels garlic, honey and lemon: receptions.

Malnutrition, sedentary lifestyle, age-related changes in the body leading to the formation of fatty deposits on the walls of blood vessels.

For cleaning vessels can use drugs or resort to proven folk remedies.

Today we consider the cleaning recipes based on garlic, honey and lemon.

  1. Why do I need to clean vessels?
  2. What are the recipes used for cleaning vessels?
  3. What are the benefits of garlic?
  4. Korist fragrant citrus
  5. Honey around the head
  6. Recipe unique cleaner vessels
  7. How to make natural medicines for treating?
  8. Recipe for cleaning vessels with olive oil
  9. Contraindications to self-cleaning vessels

Why do I need to clean vessels?

Fatty deposits called plaque, and such changes in the blood vessels can cause heart attack or stroke.

The point is, that fat vytonchuyut arteries, distorting their shape and lead to complete blockage.

But one clean enough, starting treatment, you need to follow a diet and do exercise.

Principles of treatment:

  • Disclaimer alcohol.
  • Compliance vegetarian diet. First of all, be excluded from the diet meat (replaced fish) and products, which contains large amounts of cholesterol.
  • You need to drink plenty of water, close 2,5 liters per day.
  • The diet filled with fruits, vegetables, fresh juices.
  • Drink more green tea, it is also good for cleaning vessels.
  • move more. You can do exercises at home, practice 30-40 minute walk, swimming.

Full Review your lifestyle, Try to observe the above advice every day.

What are the recipes used for cleaning vessels?

Найвідоміший і дієвий рецепт для очищення судин – засіб з лимоном, honey and garlic.

All the products are good for the body, and means can be used for regular cleaning, and for preventive.

What are the benefits of garlic?

Часник – це скринька природних корисних речовин. In the acute garlic are fatty acids, phosphorus and zinc, iodine, iron, magnesium.

It is used to treat colds, since garlic has antiviral and antimicrobial properties.

Useful garlic to fight skin parasites, it is indispensable when cleaning vessels, as dissolve cholesterol plaques and salt deposits.

Also garlic cloves prevent blood clots, used to prevent tumors.

Korist fragrant citrus

Lemon is rich in vitamin C and is often a key ingredient in the remedy for colds.

In many delicious citrus fruit pectin, it removes from the body toxins, breaks down cholesterol plaques.

Lemon also helps to cope with such problems in the body:

  • Print toxic substances from the body.
  • Makes the elastic walls of blood vessels.
  • Accelerates metabolism, normalizes digestion.
  • Cleans the blood.
  • Provides vitality, has a tonic effect.

Honey around the head

Мед – головний пом’якшувальний інгредієнт!

Natural sweet treats contain vitamins and minerals, it heals wounds, soothes irritated skin and sore throat, nourishes our body nutrients.

All of these products, connected in one recipe, effectively compete with deposits on the walls of blood vessels and have a positive impact on the entire body:

  • enhances immunity.
  • Restores natural metabolism.
  • O harmful substances and a beneficial effect on weight loss.

Recipe unique cleaner vessels

To make a unique product with natural ingredients we need:

  • Лимони – 9 PC. middle-sized.
  • Часник – 2 head (10 cloves).
  • Natural honey – 1 liter.

Take the lemons and peel them from the skin, after cleansing citrus cut into small pieces.

When cutting, remove the fruit seeds.

Further, peel garlic and cut it too. Now put in a deep bowl of lemons, add garlic, pour honey on top.

Thoroughly stir mixture, Coming substance and translate into a deep bank of glass.

Jar is covered with thick cloth or gauze, consisting in 4-5 layers.

Hood does not need to close, mixture will infuse 1 week, and it needs fresh air.

Through 7 Days mixture is filtered so, that separated lemon and garlic. The point is, these 2 given ingredient juice, and with it the beneficial properties of honey.

How to make natural medicines for treating?

with lemon, garlic and honey turns viscous concentrated liquid, you want to take 1 teaspoon before meals 4 times a day.

Курс лікування – від 4 to 5 days.

In using the therapeutic mix, should drink from 2 liters of clean water per day.

Many of lemon juice and garlic gives the load on the kidneys, fluid and helps them work properly.

Course admission garlic-lemon mixture with honey is made 1 once a year.

Recipe for cleaning vessels with olive oil

Applying for cleaning vessels recipe for olive oil, be careful: this tool allows the load to the liver!

To prepare, take 1 garlic and 1 lemon, clean them, Cut and fill 1 cup olive oil.

Then shift the vehicle into bank, naryvayut of cloth, insist 7 days and filter.

Take warehouse 3 twice a day for 1 teaspoonful. It is better to dissolve the oil mixture in a glass of clean water and taken before meals.

Курс лікування – 7 days.

Reviews recipes are proof, that means, which includes lemon, garlic and honey, has softer, has a pleasant taste and texture.

Contraindications to self-cleaning vessels

Despite the healing properties, preparations based on garlic, honey and lemon are some contraindications.

The infusion should not take before bedtime, Lemon provides a tonic effect on the body.

It is best to drink medicines 3-4 hours before, both lie in bed.

In the liver and gastrointestinal tract tincture taken not recommended.

Часник – основний інгредієнт препарату – подразнює стінки кишечника. And welcome home drug can cause more damage, than good.

With careful use tincture, If your body is prone to allergic reactions.

But pregnant women, nursing mothers and young children garlic-lemon mixture with honey prohibited use.

tincture, consisting of lemon, garlic and honey, great help for cleaning vessels, excretion of salts and pollutants.

If there are no contraindications to receiving, feel free to use tool.

It is not only cleanse the vessel, but also increase immunity, healthier body.

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