Bee house: treatment of bees
Treatment bees in apibudynku (apitherapy): sleeping on the hives.
Bee house is a small device, who need honey bees.
These insects can make their own hives, but in his apiary beekeeper engaged in manufacturing.
Some beekeepers make such buildings with their hands, following recommendations.
To build a house for bees, read its structure, application and method of manufacture.
Mainly, There are two types of hives, а саме – горизонтальний і вертикальний.
Horizontal looks like a box, using lateral installation increases the size of the device.
Regarding vertical hive, it contains several layers, expanded framework for bees.
To improvise his own hands, use special drawing, consider the number and size hive of bees.
Before you do buildings, make accurate drawings house, given all the details and the details.
As for bees, they belong to the demanding insects, who want comfortable and cozy accommodation.
Важливо дотримуватися особливий пункт – стан погодних умов.
Bee house must be protected from cold winds and temperature fluctuations figures.
The structure insulated sides, and do not forget the ceiling.
To make such a house, Wooden boards are required.
As for the nails should consider the fact, they must meet the diameter.
A special drawing indicating the location of the entrance for the bees.
To increase the lifespan of bee equipment, must maintain its marketability, and to carry out preventive maintenance work.
It is interesting! If you are interested in the most simple, original and affordable method of creating hives with their hands, Use plastic bottles.
First make the scheme alleged house of the bees.
This house is perfect for hot weather.
Remember, apiary that attracts many unwanted insects, example, carp, wasps and hornets.
This phenomenon is a threat to bees, since axis carried out attacks on them, kill and steal honey.
To prevent such a dangerous situation, using plastic bottles make a kind of trap with his hands.
It is designed for third-party "guests". To this end, cut plastic bottle, which has a narrow neck.
It is firmly fixed on the surface, and used as bait honey and jam, which add a special tool, а саме – кислоту борну.
The diagram indicates the type of hive future and building technology.
As for appearance, it resembles a human habitation.
It is a frame of input, and roof.
exept this, note the location of boundaries, separating units.
When creating schemes ask for help from experienced professional beekeepers.
Read: Wintering bees in the hive without a bottom.
It is worth mentioning, bee house that is used in the treatment of many health problems.
This treatment method has a special name, а саме – сон на вуликах за допомогою лежака.
Air, filled with bees, rich flower nectar and propolis.
When a person inhales this mixture, carried out a qualitative and efficient cleaning of the respiratory system.
Therapy is effective for ARD, bronchitis, and cough.
It helps in the process of post-operative rehabilitation and in violation of proper metabolism.
Before the procedure, treatment experts advise to wear headgear universal, which prevent the penetration of bees in human hair.
Do not apply any perfumes, as the smell afraid of bees, and cause aggression.
Benefits strange house and honey from the hives of bees products has long been known.
Increasingly, these products used to fight oncology.
Thanks to special technology and features beehives made restoration of old cells, which leads to increased activity of new cells.
This hive of bees helps in strengthening the immune system, and actively affects human aura.
Use about one hundred and fifty thousand insects. Houses are made for curative effect.
They are lager, and small holes, intended for inhalation.
For the construction of using special schemes and calculations, and as a feedstock use only quality materials.
Insects are placed in four hives.
Two hive set so, to obtain a special lager.
The air inside soaked beekeeping products, which produce bees (pollen, copper, propolis, and wax).
A man lies on a sunbed, to breathe freely. At constant noise of insects in humans have elevated mood, breath easy, lack insomnia and headaches.
Many experts recommend such therapy.
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