Лікування аденоми простати бджолиним підмором – досить результативний засіб в боротьбі із захворюванням.

How are drugs, and that there are ways to relieve the patients?

Аденома простати відноситься до доброякісних утворень передміхурової залози – головного органу сечостатевої системи у чоловіків.

  1. How does pidmor
  2. How to choose pidmor
  3. Alcohol tincture
  4. The broth in pidmori
  5. Contraindication

How does pidmor

Drug therapy and physiotherapy to help achieve a positive result, but traditional medicine has in its arsenal of ways to treat disease, these include bee pidmor.

The bodies natural way bees bee called pidmorom. known, all products, produced by this insect, make special healing power.

ЇЇ невелике тіло – комплекс біологічних елементів, that carry enormous benefits to the human body.

Therefore, the secret healing power of bee pidmoru with prostate adenoma in its composition:

  • в тілі включені всі похідні її життєдіяльності – меду, Royal jelly, propolis;
  • a wide range of essential vitamins, minerals
  • amino acids;
  • hormonopodobni enzymes;
  • хітозан – головний діючий елемент бджолиного тіла, its versatile properties, have a positive effect on metabolic processes, known powerful antioxidant effect.

Complex components except the vigor and strength returns to man health, helps to cope with many diseases. The list includes diseases of the genitourinary system.

In adenoma pidmor provides a comprehensive impact:

  • fights the viral and microbial infections;
  • relieves inflammation: improves blood vessels;
  • activates blood circulation;
  • exhibits antispasmodic effect;
  • increases resistance;
  • toxins;
  • strengthens the immune system.

The result is a spasm and pain at the time of urination, Secret cancer does not accumulate, normal blood circulation, which helps to eliminate toxins from the body, eliminates inflammation.

The growth of prostate tissue gradually stops, gland reduced in size, thus avoiding surgery

Advantages in pidmoru, that it has no negative impact on the liver, but rather, helps the body remove the burden of medicinal drugs.

How to choose pidmor

For those, who decided to proceed with the treatment of prostatic adenoma bee pidmorom, it is important to choose the right material, which will prepare the medicine.

In beekeepers always available dead bees, but not all are suitable for internal use. Example, these insects, which in large quantities are in the hive after hibernation, not suitable.

They have a lot of feces, damage from it will not, but still unpleasant odor, medicine is unpleasant to drink.

And the nutrients are less, than insects, who died in the summer and fall. This is the most valuable pidmor, as fed fresh bee pollen and nectar plants.

When buying pay attention to the condition trupykiv insects: they must be solid, durable and fluffy.

The presence of mold is unacceptable. Навіть незначний запах – привід відмовитися від покупки. The dead bees on the scent reminiscent of the seeds and animal feed.

If you can collect yourself pidmor, then to collect the required number of them slowly and stored in a freezer.

Dry in the sun, in the dryer for vegetables, on the stove or oven (temperature not higher 45-50 ° C). Only quality pidmor, endowed with recreational force of nature, able to give energy to the body, to overcome the disease.

Alcohol tincture

Від простатиту найефективніші ліки – настоянка підмору на спирту. For its preparation pidmor well grind in a mortar or coffee grinder. This is done, to the nutrients dissolved in alcohol.

The process of making such a:

  • half-liter container half asleep pidmorom;
  • pour alcohol strength 70 C, on 2 fingers above the raw;
  • Two weeks insist in the dark, shaking occasionally;
  • after cooking spoon could stir honey.

Exist 2 uses infusion from adenoma.

  1. In the first case taking drug three times a day 10 drops, diluted in water.
  2. In the second, single dose increased to 15 or 20 drops (around half a small spoon). But in his day drinking 2 times in the morning and evening after meals.

Start drawing use with caution, first week drink no more 3 drops. When people see, the body does not react negatively to the active components of drugs, the dose may be increased.

In addition to the groin can be applied ointment. For its preparation take flaxseed oil, because it has properties deeply penetrate the skin structure, add the well-milled pidmor, mixed and infused in a cool place.


When alcohol consumption is not recommended, pidmoru prepared with broth:

  • need 500 g water;
  • tablespoon minced raw;
  • bring to a boil mix, gas is reduced to a minimum and still mloyat 2 years;
  • After cooling, strain the broth.

On his harvest stock not necessary, properties it retains only 3 days provided, that it will be stored in the refrigerator. treated month, Taking a day on a tablespoon, morning and evening. Course of treatment carried out every 6 months.

There is a way to prepare: broth to add a spoonful of honey and spoon alcoholic solution of propolis. In this case it is enriched with additional components, and pleasant to drink it.

Keep broth, prepared for this recipe, permitted week. Drink 2 twice a day on an empty stomach 3 week. Until the next cycle should wait 6 months.

Usually enough three course repeat, but on the medication should not be forgotten. Traditional healers believe, the effect of the treatment will be better, if you start it in New Moon.

Read more: The benefits of beer for men pidmoru


Special barriers in applying bee no pidmoru, bee products and those securities, that in addition to the benefits for the human body does not influence the other.

Therefore, precise portions and courses exist, but should not be too zealous, overdose active substances can unpredictably affect the heart and kidneys.

Contraindications medication will:

  • intolerance to bee products;
  • fever;
  • kidney problems:
  • serious violations of the heart.

To learn, as the body reacts to bee pidmor, should rub dry bee on the elbow bend and hold minutes 5.

If a response to the chemical composition of the skin redness and itching insects, then, allergy present.

Treatment BPH pidmorom bees leads to a marked improvement, in many cases avoids surgery.

But there are men, are too fond means, ignoring medical advice. This can not be done, аденома – захворювання непросте, tends to degenerate into a malignant form, so, without medical supervision can not do.


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