Can honey with pancreatitis: benefit and harm.
Pancreatitis is a serious disease of the pancreas.
The disease may have chronic and acute.
Many questions arise in the patient, who learned his diagnosis difficult.
What medications accept? How to help yourself with folk remedies?
Can honey with pancreatitis? How to live with this disease?
Життя сучасної людини – це постійний стрес. We experience for parents and children, nervousness in the workplace.
All the time somewhere in a hurry, this welter of sometimes not make it in time to eat.
Snack sandwiches on the go and drink cheap coffee.
Our body starts to fail. From malnutrition, there:
Hike to the medical center doctor physician or gastroenterologist inevitable.
Діагноз – панкреатит, sounds like a sentence. But do not despair.
Treatment of the disease can not only cure, but the folk remedies.
Підшлункова залоза – це орган, responsible for enzymes in the body.
If iron, begins to fail, all enzymes and toxins, enter the bloodstream and damage other organs:
У давнину – цей орган називали «pancreas», which means in translation "all meat".
Role in people's lives, pancreas, very large. Just two decades ago, people suffering from this disease, which for 50 years.
Now, a younger disease. blame: chips, car, zhuyki, foods high in preservatives and carcinogens.
For cancer, такі продукти – просто справжня отрута.
Read: ATidvar hips with pancreatitis: benefits and contraindications.
The main, in the treatment of pancreatitis to detect disease. Діагностика проводиться за допомогою УЗД – ультразвукове дослідження.
In more severe cases,, хворого можуть відправити на МРТ – магнітно-резонансну томографію.
Remember, acute pancreatitis, can manifest themselves unexpectedly.
You could still, not how to hurt.
В цьому і підступність цієї хвороби – несподіваність.
Your health care provider, be sure to pick up the diagnosis and treatment, you want for you.
You may need hospitalization.
Do not refuse, and pancreatitis diabetes, serious diseases.
Any doctor, tell you, that disease pancreatitis, important to follow a strict diet.
The attacks of the disease, frequently, occur during festivals and hearty meal.
fried, salt, peppered, жирне – все що ми любимо поїсти, Oh, a dislikes pancreas.
Often the doctor, asking patients, Is it possible to eat honey with pancreatitis?
Since, in diseases of the pancreas, sugar and products containing it, take prohibit, Honey is nectar with pancreatitis, is only to treat sick person.
You. But after, as exacerbation subsides, not in large quantities and, If the patient has no diabetes.
bee products, namely honey, складається з моносахаридів – фруктози і глюкози.
So, pancreas easily handle honey. Sugar, on the contrary, Iron can not handle it.
Nutritionists advise patients to abandon sugar at all.
Sweet amber, as in the old days called this bee nectar, is a natural antiseptic.
If you take every morning on an empty stomach, a teaspoon of honey and drink boiled water, it is possible to achieve stable remission for a long time.
The main, Diet should be comprehensive.
Read: Perge with pancreatitis: treatment and prevention.
If you learn to eat with pancreatitis, you too long to forget about your illness.
In the acute phase, repeat, one can not eat, only drink water and put a hot water bottle with cold to the sore spot.
After the attacks, gradually introduce foods in the diet. These diet foods, can be used, for all diseases of the digestive system.
Example, colitis, enterokolіt, ulcer, proctitis, cholecystitis, erosive gastritis.
For, to produce medicinal recipes based on honey, Buy only natural honey and beekeepers tested.
Take aloe and honey. leaves of plants, must be at least three years.
Mix in a ratio of one to one.
Eat before meals, once a day, tablespoon.
Aloe Honey, help relieve inflammation and pain.
Vegetable oil and honey. In equal proportions, should take a teaspoon twice a day.
This recipe helps with constipation, which often occur with pancreatitis;
Milk and honey – розмішати в склянці молока десертну ложку меду.
Thoroughly stir to foam. Drink and thereafter, do not eat four o'clock;
chamomile flowers, pour boiling water and hot water bath.
After cooling, add honey to taste, take three times a day for half a cup, before meals.
Also this recipe, You can add, lemon balm herb, St. John's wort, hips.
Get vitamin complex. Для лікування підшлункової залози – цей відвар дуже корисний;
Treatment of pancreatitis propolis, we may, at all stages of the disease of the pancreas, as well as the treatment of erosive gastritis.
Take propolis, add it to 100 ml of ethanol, of honey, stir well.
Take a few drops, to start once a day, then double.
This recipe should take caution, patients have revealed erosion.
propolis tincture with pancreatitis, can be very useful, if you start taking, after a phase of exacerbation;
Another recipe, молочний кисіль при панкреатиті – milk and honey, starch, little vanilla.
milk kip'yatimo, Starch is diluted in cold water, add to the boiling milk and constantly interfere.
Cook about 8-10 minutes. Cool and add honey. This tasty drink, to drink, whenever you want.
It has a calming effect and obvolakuyuchu. Honey Jelly, very good take for gastritis.
Everything, The above recipes, you can use, along with your medications, or as maintenance therapy.
As you can see, pancreatitis due to honey, can be an easier course.
Perhaps, you do not fully cured from the disease, but bee products, help you, to fight.
Example, Honey gastritis, live easier.
In this article, we told you, What is pancreatitis. Who to contact in case of aggravation.
Modern medicine today, has a large range for examination, treatment and prevention of this disease.
So, to treat the disease can and should. Cheers and remember: мед – це головний помічник у боротьбі з хворобами.
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