
Bee pollen benefits for women


Bee pollen benefits for women: how to use correctly.

Benefits pollen undeniable and proven research, but for women it has special advantages.

Бджоли використовують її для приготування перги – «бджолиного хліба», which is the main source of protein and nutrients for insects.

Some argue, that regular consumption of pollen prolongs life for decades, others are confident in the ability of the product to give physical endurance and stimulate the brain.

  1. Storage
  2. Properties


There are several hundred components of bee pollen, but scientists continue to make discoveries and bring new features.

Its diverse composition includes vitamins, minerals, whites, fats, carbohydrates, organic acids and bioactive components.

In terms of application and the properties of bee pollen for women of greatest interest are the following components:

  1. Protein. They range from 25 to 30% product weight, причому до половини цієї кількості – незамінні амінокислоти. They are used by the body to build tissues and are involved in other processes. Acute shortage of amino acids interfere with normal life and eventually can lead to death. exept this, пилок містить ферменти – каталізатори багатьох біологічних процесів.
  2. Vitamins and Minerals. It includes almost all essential vitamins (BUT, E, WITH, group, n, R), macronutrients (magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, chlorine, sulfur) and minerals (copper, iron, zinc, manganese, fluorine, chromium, Selenium, cobalt).
  3. Fatty acids. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, who make up 50% the total number of fatty acids in pollen, involved in tissue repair, regulation of metabolism and normalize blood pressure.
  4. Phospholipids (lecithin). Participate in building cell membranes and removing excess fats from the blood and liver.
  5. triterpene acids. Normalizes blood circulation in the blood vessels and blood pressure, relieve pain and prevent heart arrhythmia.
  6. phytosterols. This plant steroids, able to normalize hormones through their compensatory properties. They also reduce cholesterol.
  7. Flavonoids. Їх основна функція – антиоксидантна, however, they have anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antihypertensive properties. Флавоноїди – необхідний елемент підтримки структури колагену шкіри.
  8. Hormones. Researchers in the course of practical experiments on animals found in pollen composition hormones, the effect of which is similar to estrogen.


What is useful for women bee pollen and what benefits it brings regular use?

Цей продукт – природний адаптоген і регулятор обмінних процесів, because the positive aspects of its applications range from the general tone of the body to treat specific diseases.

  1. Filling the deficiency of vitamins and minerals. In the course of practical experiments on rats it was found, that animals are able to live on a diet of pollen and water, and their life expectancy increases as compared with the control group. Some advocates say apitherapy, that pollen can serve not just dietary supplements, a complete food for humans. Due to the presence of the most essential vitamins and minerals product is able to compensate inadequate diet and normalize the functioning of the body.
  2. Improve fertility. Problems conceiving a child can be caused by a wide range of reasons, pollen but in many cases can be very effective. If the violation fertility associated with the violation hormonal, bee pollen normalizes it by content and plant steroid hormone components. In diseases of the reproductive organs it acts as an anti-inflammatory, detoxication and antioxidant agent. It has also the ability to affect mood Product, energy and brain function, that can help with infertility due to psychological factors.
  3. stress relief. Pollen increases resistance to overload woman: physical and mental, and recovers and normalizes the organs and systems after surgery, illness or fatigue. Due to the ability to stimulate the nervous system and metabolism product helps resist fatigue and apathy.
  4. Relief premenstrual symptoms and effects of menopause. Pollen compensate for hormonal imbalances and works as a sedative, relieving irritation and anxiety.
  5. Getting rid of excess weight. Lecithin is a part of pollen helps remove excess fat from the body, activates the burning of calories and acts as an antidepressant. High nutritional value of the product, including proteins, vitamins, minerals, allows longer maintain a feeling of fullness. in addition, product normalizes metabolism, violation of which is often caused by obesity.
  6. Improve skin condition, hair, nails. Possibilities of bee pollen women is not limited to its valuable nutritional qualities, and it is effective as a local agent for food and Recovery. Vitamins and bioactive compounds composed of such masks allow rejuvenate skin, activate metabolism and flush toxins. Foot and nail wraps hair with pollen restore their structure, protect against breakage, give shine and healthy look.
  7. Protection against varicose veins. Vitamin P (Ruthin) – ефективний венотонік, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Equally important components of healthy vessels are fatty acids and flavonoids.

Read more: Pollen Pregnant application

Many tests and research conducted for the full disclosure of the composition and properties of pollen, but still there are unknown elements.

Researchers have synthesized a kind product, but attempts to use it for feeding bees invariably failed.

Bee pollen panacea to compensate for errors in diet, reducing stress and regulating processes in the female body, including hormones.

There are reports about the possibility of treatment with the help of inflammation, infectious, nerve, metabolic diseases.

Pollen increases resistance to stress and overload, helps in weight reduction, promotes skin beauty, hair and nails.


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