Rosehip for children under one year: can we give, receptions.
Using hips for children one year is heated debate and many questions: when to start receiving decoction or tea, how to cook, is justified and safe dose?
Поява на світ малюка – завжди свято для батьків. And naturally, so want, mother to baby is healthy and happy.
But the baby did not plant under glass dome and does not protect against all the world, that could bring him discomfort. In the first factor, which encourages parents to seek solutions to problems, have colds.
Modern pharmacology lets you choose Strengthening means, which is designed for every taste and budget.
But many people think about the naturalness immunostimulant. Brier meets all the demands on the naturalness, rich vitamin and mineral composition, benefit to the child's body.
But can you give broth hips Grudnicki? Let's take first things first.
Useful components are all parts of the hips: peel, pulp, bones. It can be bought at the pharmacy, and can independently gather at their summer cottage or in the woods.
But an increase in the bush should stay away from the busy highway, hazardous industries, dumps and similar sites.
So, what's so good for a child's body found in wild rose?
Trace minerals are copper, iron, potassium and other components, but in smaller quantities.
All components are in such amazing condition, which is very easily absorbed by the body of a child.
Питання – «Зі скількох місяців можна давати шипшину дитині і в якому вигляді?» – виникає у всіх батьків.
AND, vseho.yu above refers to the, whose children have not yet reached one year of age.
High biological activity, багатий склад і засвоюваність корисних речовин – це, undoubtedly, a big plus. But both negative.
For newborns this vitamin cocktail may cause allergic reactions.
Because their digestive tract virtually sterile and does not have enough enzymes to break down substances, falling food.
Allowed to give any drinks hips children 6 months of age.
So the question, or broth hips can be given monthly child, eliminates itself.
From the age of six months can begin to add in the hips foods. Give flesh is no more than one fruit, mixing with the already familiar mash or porridge.
We must carefully monitor the reaction of the baby during the day
If nothing alarming happened, then the next batch can be given a day or two, at least during the week dosage does not increase.
Use broth hips recommended for babies through breast milk only.
That woman is gently introduced into your diet decoction of rose hips, starting with a few sips.
Again, carefully monitor the condition of the baby. Якщо виникає дискомфорт – скасовувати відразу ж.
Before you consider options making drinks from the hips, important to know about possible dosage for a particular childhood.
Read more: How to brew a thermos rose hips.
Вживання напоїв з шипшини – профілактична або лікувальна міра. so, you need to follow certain rules.
The course is a week of continuous reception, after which followed a mandatory two-week break.
Otherwise, there may be an excess of vitamins (this also is) and leaching of calcium through diuretic effect
Many interested, how to brew rose hips, to keep all useful properties.
Because vitamin C when exposed to high temperatures tends to collapse partially.
pay attention, that boiling the fruits longer 10 min leads to destruction 25% nutrients.
Each subsequent 5 minutes to kill another 10%.
For kids enough to 3 st.l. berries, wash them and fill liter of boiling water.
Ask container in a water bath and torture during 5-7 min. Then cover and let stand still 25-30 min.
For kids need to 3-4 fruit, wash and chop them. Pour a cup of boiling water and let stand for five to seven minutes.
Then strain and drink give the child. For older kids 2-3 crushed berries added to black or green tea.
Brewed familiar way. You can drink, adding sugar or honey.
But copper added to the beverage at a temperature not more 60 WITH, to keep useful qualities of bee products.
Виникає питання – чи можна давати напій, honeyed, children under one year of age on or?
Honey let children from age three. Kids younger has no enzymes for processing, because there can be problems with digestion or allergies.
The best recipe is highly recognized version without boiling.
You must take 4-5 st.l. dry fruits, wash them and put in a thermos. Pour a liter of boiling water and leave overnight.
We will discuss the issue of overdose. This is possible in the case of very active and rich composition of natural products.
Failure to comply with recommended dosages according to age can lead to allergic reactions, digestive problems and other internal organs work.
But there are cases, when drinking any beverages hips absolutely contraindicated:
Not recommended for admission infusions, broths and teas with jaundice, as the rose can provoke infectious jaundice even in healthy children.
If parents are determined to improve child, зміцнити імунітет і допомогти боротися із застудою – лікувальні напої допоможуть в цьому.
Read more: rosehip tea for weight loss.
But !!! Follow the dosage for toddlers, Let's drink the recommended rate and consider all contraindications.
While vitamin fruit will only benefit.
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