Inhalation nebulizer

Inhalation of propolis with nebulizer for bronchitis.

Inhalation of propolis reduce inflammation of the lower airways, promote liquefaction viscous mucus, relieve wheezing.

Propolis is widely used in ointments, nastoyankah, candles.

However, for the treatment of broncho-pulmonary system propolis to apply it in inhalation.

Then its essential oils and resinous substance are dispersed very fine condition and deeper into pathological inflammation.

  1. Indication
  2. Effects of propolis
  3. How do inhalation
  4. Methods of


  • acute protracted bronchitis
  • chronic recurrent bronchitis
  • asthmatic bronchitis and asthma
  • obstructive and non-obstructive bronchitis

It is proved that inhalation of propolis and receiving drugs inside his offer salubrity tuberculosis.

Effects of propolis on the upper and lower respiratory tract

  1. Propolis has strong antibiotic properties, reduces inflammation and stimulates the immune system and bronchial mucosa of the mouth and nose.
  2. Improves sputum evacuation, reduces its viscosity.
  3. Reduces stagnation of mucus and pus with sinusitis and sinusitis.
  4. Restores damaged mucosa in diseases of the throat, relieves pain.
  5. Relieves irritation and dry cough with tickling.

Warning! For "quality" procedure should inhalation of vapors propolis to hold their breath 15 seconds.

Then volatile therapeutic agents will work at full capacity in the bronchi and lungs.

Therefore, the first inhalation should be short-lived 0,5-1 Minute.

Every day a growing one breath and a breath.

Gradually bring to 6 delays breath. При перших інгаляціях можливий спастичний кашель і першіння в горлі – цього не треба лякатися, such procedures are better tolerated!

How do inhalation

  • Recipe of pure propolis. Grind 3 g bee glue, add water in an enamel pot (about 200 ml), heat. respirable couple 5-6 times per inhalation, holding breath. course inhalation 10 days.
  • Recipe tincture propolisnoyu. Tincture taken on the basis 1 Article. l. per cup of boiling water. The method is the same inhalation, as with pure substances. Tincture has more irritable action, than pure propolis. Therefore, people with dry and irritating cough better use of water extract or pure substance.
  • Inhalation of propolis and royal jelly. On 30 ml propolisnoyi tinctures take 10 g and royal jelly 300 ml of water. Such inhalation find truly magical properties debilitated patients. The technology of, as in the simple inhalation of propolis.
  • Recipe for better expectoration. Prepare the broth mother and stepmother, Marsh, misleading, Salvia, calendula and chamomile (by 1 filter bags for herbs 300 ml of water), added 20 propolis tincture drops. Inhalyuvaty usual way. This solution can gargle with pharyngitis and sinusitis wash nose at.
  • Inhalation nebulizer with propolis. The device allows you to spray fine particles of the drug. The small particle size, produced by a nebulizer, allowing them to penetrate deep into the respiratory system and to provide a therapeutic effect. With steam treatments not achieve this effect.

It should follow certain rules:

  1. Положення при проведенні процедур – сидяче.
  2. During the procedure, you can not talk.
  3. When inflammation of the throat using a mask (each set is an adult and child mask). Air is drawn from the nebulizer and is available through the mouth.
  4. In diseases of the bronchi (including the alveoli and bronchioles), trachea and lungs using a mouthpiece, Air is drawn through the mouth.
  5. When cold complete nebulizer is a special cannula, drugs for inhalation through the nose.
  6. After the procedure, can not eat, smoking and go out at least 1,5 hours.

Methods of

How to use solution 0,9% sodium chloride (nat. solution). Before the procedure should be diluted 1 ml of tincture of propolis on 20 ml nat. solution.

Then take one inhalation 3 ml. Depending on the location of the disease using a mask, mouthpiece or cannula.

The solution is poured into the nebulizer TV inhalyuyut its evaporation (about 10 minutes).

Inhalation of propolis in the nebulizer is not only effective cough, undead, sore throat, They are successfully used for such serious diseases as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Help to arrest the smoker's bronchitis and strengthen immunity airways.

Inhalation of propolis can be used in combination with antibiotic therapy.

Bee glue several times increases the intensity of antibacterial agents and sulfonamides.

It reduces their negative effect on the patient. Good results show monotherapy and inhalation of dry and wet cough, undead.

У будь-якому випадку – з прополісом одужання настане в рази швидше.

Подимитися коментарі

  • Will you please send more specific instructions on nebulizing propolis? Thanks!!

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