drone jelly (The homogenate) men, women and children.

In the storerooms of nature is absolutely everything necessary to defeat any disease.

Mankind, that every generation is increasingly weakened by environmental changes of the planet background, consuming spoiled food, unhealthy lifestyle, It is mercifully reveals new secrets.

More recently,, in the early 90-ies, в апітерапії стало використовуватися новітній засіб – молочко трутневе.

  1. Pcheloprodukty based drone brood
  2. Drone lotion for men
  3. Drone jelly for women
  4. Drone jelly for children
  5. How to properly take homogenates?
  6. Milk drone use
  7. Contraindication

Pcheloprodukty based drone brood

This milk product called beekeeping similar to royal, actually, більш точне його назву – трутневий гомогенат.

It is the larvae of the male population hives, crushed and subjected to one way of preserving:

  • freezer;
  • mixing of liquid honey;
  • to alcohol;
  • Adsorption mixture of glucose and lactose;
  • lyophilization.

The composition and drone Royal jelly about half are identical. However, the first has some properties, that make it truly unique.

Drone lotion for men

To achieve the main goal the existence of the droneFertilization barren queen bee, in the biological composition of males bee nature inherent maximum steroids.

Therefore drone homogenate demand especially for the treatment of male urogenital system.

Трутневе молочко для чоловіків – потужний засіб, stimulating the formation of androgens, restoring biochemical parameters of prostate and testis, retreating before him impotence, prostatitis, adenoma, male infertility.

Any disease is easier to prevent, than cure. To preserve the stability of men's health to a ripe old age, should regularly take drugs with drone brood for prevention.

The more richness in vitamins, micronutrients, ліпідами – причина, in which the drone jelly taken to enhance sexual function, muscle, increase efficiency, strengthening the immune system and even rejuvenation.

Drone jelly for women

In the beautiful half of humanity core values, крім здоров’я – молодість і краса. To skin shone with youth and freshness, preparing a face mask with drone brood, mixed in a ratio 1: 6 honey.

so mask gives the skin rejuvenating, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. Трутневе молочко для жінок – справжній еліксир молодості.

Дослідження складу продуктів бджільництва показали в ньому високу концентрацію вітаміну А – головного вітаміну, responsible for healthy looking skin, hair and nails.

Tool has an active recoverability effect not just on men, but also on women's reproductive health. Biologically active substances, contained in milk drone, stimulate the ovaries.

Therefore, it has been successfully used to treat female infertility, gynecological diseases, menstrual disorders, Negative manifestations of menopausal.

in addition, There are a number of common diseases, which is used to treat drone jelly:

  • hypertension, disruption of the endocrine system;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • high cholesterol;
  • cardiovascular system;
  • acute and chronic pyelonephritis, urolithiasis;
  • neuralgia, neuritis, multiple sclerosis;
  • ischemic stroke during rehabilitation;
  • malfunction musculoskeletal.

Drone jelly for children

Захист імунітету організму улюбленого чада – одна з головних батьківських турбот. Any illness, even harmless colds, – перешкода до правильному росту і розвитку дитини.

To help concerned parents, who care about children's health, apiterapevt offer drone jelly.

It acts as a natural immunomodulator, has a restorative and tonic effect. The perfect balance of structure pcheloprodukty, which includes, except for vitamins, natural hormones, enzymes, amino acids and proteins, has a special benefit for the body, developing.

Drone jelly has another interesting property, which makes it indispensable for a treatment for children, with developmental delays. Receiving drugs based on it helps to restore the connections between neurons, improves brain activity, increases motor activity.

How to properly take homogenates?

Some recommend drinking fresh apiterapevty (native) jelly, citing the recommendation in retaining all the nutrients pcheloprodukty.

The disadvantage of this method is extremely short shelf life milk.

Even in the refrigerator and blackens it sour for hours.

To preserve its regular use one of the above methods, with proper treatment most useful elements are kept.

Найбільш поширені форми випуску бджолопродукти сьогодні – драже або гранули, отримані шляхом адсорбції лактозо – глюкозной сумішші.

Milk drone use

Patients, are interested in this unique product, primarily, interested in the: accepting drone jelly?

The treatment of any disease requires an individual approach, so without consulting a doctor to manage is unlikely to succeed.

However, if a medicine used to prevent and general health, most recommend taking apiterapevtiv 1 teaspoon twice a day.

For half an hour before meals tablets or granules are placed under the tongue and dissolve until dissolved.

Ідеальний час для прийому трутневого молочка – ранок і обідній час.

Трутневий гомогенат – потужний тонізуючий засіб, evening medication can trigger insomnia.


There are several factors, under which admission is contraindicated brood:

  • Addison's disease;
  • tumor formation;
  • infectious diseases in the acute stage;
  • allergic to bee products.

Before treatment pcheloprodukty should consult your doctor and make sure no allergy to all components applied drugs.

If you want to restore reproductive health, boost immunity, get rid of chronic fatigue? Do not rush to buy strong medications.

Their reception is not always possible to achieve this goal and is often accompanied by adverse side effects.

Refer to natural pantry, продукти бджільництва – натуральні засоби, can not only restore virility and female beauty, restore good physical shape, but also to improve mental activity.

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