
How to feed the bees sugar – general rules of successful feeding

How to feed the bees sugar

Feeding bees sugar syrup: rules nutrient.

We often hear from beekeepers, they are going to feed the bees sugar syrup.

Let us understand the nature of this phenomenon and the rules of feeding bees.

Бджоли – високоорганізовані комахи, which in the wild may themselves take care of all aspects of life.

They provide feed itself not only in the warmer months, when at their disposal flowering plants.

In winter toiler stockpile enough food, to spend the winter without too much loss and keep the family until the spring.

Domestic bees provide not only himself, but their owners.

That is why beekeepers are trying to support their charges artificial feed, якщо недостатньо природних – меду і перги

  1. Does the season
  2. Autumn
  3. Winter
  4. Spring
  5. Summer
  6. Proportions for syrup

Does the season, or why not take bee syrup

Usually, has, Except for odym: If you live in northern regions.

In the beekeepers in regions with cold climates question, Why not take bee syrup.

The point is, that bees can only eat syrup only, when the temperature is below 10 C.

Therefore, late autumn and early spring in cold climates make the bees will eat syrup.


Nutrient bees syrup used in many cases. Перш за все – для заміни або заповнення відсутніх кормових запасів на зиму.

Her conduct, usually, fall, in preparation for wintering the hive.

Осіння підгодівля – нехитрий спосіб наростити потужність сім’ї за рахунок молодих бджіл.

In the winter your hive will go strong and viable, which guarantees a good job in the spring medosbora.

To replace padevogo honey is recommended to clean the frame with the honey and feed the bees sugar syrup high concentration.

Read more: Autumn of the apiary - ready for winter.

So your toilers will complete and high-quality food supply.


But in some cases experienced beekeepers can afford to do this winter, so as to know exactly arisen in bees problems, related hunger.

This is a special measure, which should go only in extreme cases. Hives, that go into winter without sufficient stock of fodder, basically doomed.

If such a situation arose suddenly, so to speak, форс-мажор – потрібно враховувати деякі фактори.

Read more: Building nests of bees in the winter

Feed should certainly dense foods.

They have several types:

The sugar and honey syrup in the following ratio: 1 liter of water: 2 kg of sugar: 600 g. honey. Water boil, and put it in sugar, bring to a boil and remove foam.

Reduce heat and pour honey. With constant stirring again bring to a boil.

Due out mass, from which cooling easy sliding ball. These balls gently placed in the hive, so as not to disturb the bees.

Sugar dough (Kandy). To make it, you need 2 kg. powdered sugar and 1 kg. dissolved at temperatures below 45º.

These ingredients make dough, which is then rolled into a ball and place the hive.

If the hive is found nozematoz, fumahillin added to the test on the basis 1 Mr. medicines 1 kg. dough.

Sugar candy. candy Cook, as a child. On 5 kg of sugar add 1 l. water and simmered for about 30 minutes.

Be sure to add 2 g. citric acid or vynnokamennoyi. These candies are placed in the hive and the bees happy they feed sweetly, filling the reserves.

Refined sugar. This is the most simple and affordable way, that does not require much effort and heat treatment product.

Pieces of sugar should be wrapped in gauze and lightly moisten with water. These bags are placed on top of the frame under holstyk.

After two or three days to track the consumption of such feeding bees. Якщо цукор став сухим – змочіть його знову, trying to disturb as less bees.

candied honey – непогана підгодівля для бджіл взимку. But it should be coarse, and consistency resemble fat.

It is wrapped in two or three layers of cheesecloth and cakes as well as placed under holstyk. Feeding bees in the winter requires special skills and practice.

Read more: Inverted syrup to bees - cooking

Novice beekeepers should not conduct such experiments. Better to put food in sufficient quantities fall, not to worry about the viability of insects during wintering.


Spring in the bee begins the most crucial and turbulent period of life.

Laying eggs, breeding, collecting and harvesting honey, а також інших бджолопродуктів – головне завдання бджолосім’ї.

І головне завдання бджоляра в цей час – підготовка сімей до великого медозбору, which is in the middle of June.

Read more: Календар бджоляра – весняні роботи.

Piduormka bees sugar syrup is made after the first flyby. At that time built up the strength and number of worker bees, guaranteeing medosbor rich and a large number of high-quality honey.

The main goals of the spring feeding bees sugar syrup:

  • restocking in the hive, After that winter may be limited, and in connection with the beginning of flowering and not the usual warm weather bees themselves are not able to provide its required number;
  • stimulate egg uterus, especially if a young individual. The presence of abundant food creates the illusion of large bees medosbora, and Queen will sow generously brood cells, which increases the number of worker bees in the hive;
  • preventive and therapeutic measures. In feeding bee added drugs, that bees consume and undergo treatment or enhance immunity.

Весняна підкормка – справа вельми клопітка і відповідальна. It is imperative to take into account the vagaries of weather.

Якщо на вулиці холодно – не слід давати занадто рідкий сироп. After the liquid feed provoke bees in flight.

But at low temperatures insects doomed. Moreover, that immunity after their hibernation weakened and increased susceptibility to various diseases.

This spring is the most responsible. After apiary may well come out of hibernation, and the spring is able to completely destroy the family, if they are to be improper care.


Assertion, summer feeding bees sugar syrup is needed, not so stupid, as many believe.

Even in the summer in central natural disasters may occur in a low temperature, rain or drought incredible.

Then the bees are not able to restock their own feed. If the beekeeper to unfavorable season pumped almost all the honey in the hope, that bees bring yet, it will simply must take care of their wards.

The rules in this case are the same, as in the spring feeding. Too liquid feed in cold or rainy days is not desirable, because it will provoke the flight of bees.

A low temperature and humidity can kill insects.

Read more: How to catch a swarm of bees in the hive empty.

The proportions for the preparation of sugar syrup

The best food for bees is undoubtedly honey. But some beekeepers with hives all take, brought toiler.

This is not entirely correct and safe for insects. Але є способи підгодівлі – зокрема цукровим сиропом, replacing natural honey.

Besides, there are cases, when forage and brings just need to feed the winged wards, that they died of starvation.

The concentration of sugar syrup plays an important role, Since different density it is used in different seasons. Even under different weather conditions.

Tips novice beekeepers!

  1. Dense concentrations in feed 2: 1, 1.5: 1 often used in fall or spring before the first purification flyby.
  2. A liquid feed in a concentration 1: 1 or 1: 1.5 used for spring, to help increase the number of bees family and go to the main medosbora with full force.

Empirically experienced beekeepers have developed a system, on which you can prepare foods for different concentrations of bees and feed their charges at any desired time.

Sugar syrup do not need to prepare for the future in very large quantities. Approximate amount you have to figure out before, how to start cooking.

Read more: Feeders for bees do with their hands.

Take care, that your bees left without feed and did not feel hunger. Then honey and bee products in your home are plentiful.


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