
Feeding bees sugar syrup in the winter

Feeding bees sugar syrup

Сироп на зиму для бджіл – годування цукром.

Сироп для бджіл – це спосіб штучного створення кормового запасу, which for some reason not done the natural way.

The best food for insects, naturally, is natural honey.

Its in each of bees to survive the winter should be enough.

For a number of objective reasons can happen so, that the fall in the hive does not have time to gather the necessary amount of honey stocks, threatening the bees after wintering at death from starvation.

If you can not put the frame with real honey, to fill the missing amount of carbohydrate feed, you can do differently.

Moreover, this method is used in practice by many beekeepers and successfully.

In this case, necessarily spend feeding bees sugar syrup in the winter.

  1. When fed with sugar syrup
  2. Prerequisites for sugar feeding
  3. When and to what extent feed
  4. How to cook the sugar syrup

In some cases, used feeding sugar syrup.

Bdzholosim'yi fed sugar syrup has in various cases. Do not always blame themselves bees.

Already during the last evacuation beekeeper you need to decide on what, fully take honey or leave it as, as needed, and take a rest.

If pumped all the available stock, feed the bees have to fall in sugar.


Feeding insects such foods can increase yield, reducing the cost of honey, which must keep bees in the winter.

This definitely increases profitability of beekeeping, so often used in practice.

Many believe, bees overwinter on sugar honey or a little worse, than usual, thus to retain spring strength and health.

Besides feeding is performed in such cases:

Continuous observed adverse weather conditions and the bees were not able to put the right amount of honey and take the necessary reserves.

If winter stock has padevogo or quickly krystalizuuyuchoho honey. Neither one nor the other is not useful insects, So, that it will have to change.

If it is necessary to prophylactic measures in addition to food drugs.

If no natural supports enhanced tricks to stimulate egg in the uterus.

Cooking with honey syrup bees requires much effort and much wears them.

Therefore, it should only be fed solid strong bee colonies.

What is behind the development of the weaker offer better buffer feed honey from the main medosbora or replenish the amount of food in the hive are sealed sugar plant, taken from other insects.

If force is weakened hive to process syrup, Order it will be bad.

Alternatively for this purpose can be used family, vybrakuvaty are expected this season.

Prerequisites for sugar for winter feeding

To make feeding bees sugar syrup in the winter right, you need to follow these rules:

  1. Feed the bees can only be qualitative syrup, as part of preparation suitable only beet or cane sugar and thus only product. Using other options unacceptable, because the insects can easily poison present there harmful impurities.
  2. Bees are very susceptible to the presence of salts winter feeding. Its increased concentration will cause, that such food be left untouched, even in the case, If insects are obviously hungry. This meal they just do not take with feeders. Syrup, in which a small container of salt, can be successfully processed into honey, but wintering at a relatively affordable feed not very effective, who went on wintering bees can not be considered fully secured full meal.
  3. If insects feeding sugar to start earlier, then processing it to participate only old worker bees, those, were employed in Home medosbora. Young, born later, will not be involved in this type of work, so fall off the bees in the winter is not worn and physiologically strong, what will happen, If tighten the procedure.
  4. If the syrup to give late, insects then simply do not have time to completely transform the persistent cold weather in honey sugar syrup and close its honeycombs, which would entail the inevitable loss of wintering.

For, To successfully processed insects in honey syrup proposed winter supplies, required relatively high temperature outside the hive (close 20 WITH).

This will provide more rapid evaporation of water, thereby facilitating the process of bees.

Engaged in the production of honey in warm weather, they have less wear, in the cold more often die

To work on sealing honeycomb bees needed pollen.

If it does not exist in nature, cerago but also very little zapasly, need time, which bees costs of processing sugar (is about 15 days), provide them with adequate protein feeding.

When and in what quantities to feed the bees sugar syrup

To striped workers went into winter with the necessary reserve full of feed needed:

Zakormku bees sugar syrup in the winter right after start, was picked as the main bribery, ie around the end of summer.

When and how hodovuvaty bees sugar syrup

However, the exact time for everyone there.

In areas with colder climates do it with the best 20 August and end numbers 5 of September.

Usually at this time, just a steady warm weather, but many bee colonies brood, which will make it go in the winter is not produced.

In areas with longer summers and long period medosbora feeding can start a little later and move it to September.

Bdzholosim'yi necessary for successful wintering of 20 kg of honey. But this figure may vary depending on the climate (cold or warm), conditions (on the street or not), the duration of the winter period.

So at each apiary is your number, as each beehive need different amounts of sugar feed.

For, To answer the question of how much syrup to give a particular family, must first examine their existing stocks.

Further adding to the existing feed the amount of syrup, which will be able to compensate for the missing part.

As for the volume, which should be fed once, there also are different.

There are two ways to give a syrup:

  • give at once 3-4 l mixture, while feeding the procedure shall not exceed 5-6 days;
  • give 0,5-1 l mixture per day, at the same time feeding stretch.

As hodovuvaty bees sugar syrup

Please be aware, the first method can be applied in the case of simple kormozahotivli, if it has to be combined with a reinforced growing brood, the second option is more appropriate.

in addition, Bees simply not physically able to quickly alter quality syrup in a large number of winter, through the, that cooking honey they just need to allocate a huge amount of the enzyme invertase.

In the autumn of the same, and especially cooling, Insect activity markedly diminished.

Using a longer feeding mode, can be a high degree of certainty count on, Winter forage quality will be high.

Sometimes it happens, that bees take bad given them food, but the cells remain with him for a long time not sealed.

This honey can quickly disappear, and by eating insects cause upset stomach.

To exclude the likelihood of trouble, worth a few days (to week) pour a little syrup feeders (to 0,3 kg per hive) to support the activity of bees, to enable them to complete the sealing of cells.

Read more: processing bipinom bees.

How to cook the sugar syrup

Winter feeding is used only one type of sugar syrup.

Prepare it in proportion 1 of water on 1,5 parts sugar. This is the optimum solution concentration for this time.

Prepare sugar syrup

To prepare 1 l need syrup 0,9 kg of sugar in 0,6 liters.

In processing a liquid syrup bees will have to spend a lot of time, to evaporate moisture from it.

This rise and feed consumption, not economically.

A dense structure they must first be diluted with water and then can be sent to cell.

Highly viscous honey bees are reluctant or wear at its processing.

At a concentration 1 to 1, 5 (close 60%) 1 liter mixture will make about bees 1 kg of honey.

It costs the least power. This dressing is considered by all accounts the most correct and overwinter bees on it successfully.

Making syrup?

This will require capacity decent size. It is better to use large pots, as sugar feeding bee colonies should be put everyone at one time.

Prepare it at one time, store is not recommended. Sam syrup may prepare differently:

  1. Гарячим способом – доводячи рідину майже до кипіння, but it is not necessary to boil, it is still syrup, instead of caramel.
  2. Холодним способом – просто поєднуючи потрібну кількість води і весь необхідний за розрахунками цукор. Still need to carefully follow the same, to completely dissolve sugar crystals.

Quite a few times good mix. If this neglect, Crystallization of honey inevitable future.

Accidentally on fire scorched sweet liquid is applied to the application, as it can cause great harm to the bees.

Often feeding on winter combined with preventive or therapeutic measures, and in particular those, aimed at combating varroatozom.

How to make a syrup?

In the already warm sugar syrup want to add any selected drug, guided instruction and accurately following dosing.

It is also possible for this purpose adding acetic acid, is great inhibits disease development.

Prepare the sugar syrup to bees

Feed should bdzholosim'yi night, when all the bees to collect.

Giving can only warm syrup, but not hot.

For distribution feeders using sweet fluids, are filled with syrup and place on top slot.

This is the warmest place in the hive, and warm syrup bees are more likely, than completely cooled.

Furthermore feeders (or instead) can be applied inverted upside down to pour syrup cans or in plastic bags, knot tying edges and put a package of food to the frame.

Of these insects also proposed to refuse food. They do make small holes there and the next morning the package will be empty, and all the syrup bees will carry into cells.

Distribute syrup bees should be very carefully, not to rozpryskaty liquid, that can get to the hive or the ground around it.

If still a certain amount of spilled, it must remove.

This needs to be done, to prevent theft.

In most cases, in practice, feeding are fairly quiet.

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