Caring for the bees: Tips novice beekeepers.
Доглядати за бджолами – це основне заняття, owned beekeepers, when a novice just started to create his apiary.
On the honey until it is not. he, Of course, will be in small quantities, but it is not important.
The development and health of families, від яких залежить майбутня продуктивність – ось що повинно цікавити кожного бджоляра в першу чергу.
The only difference is, that this novice just learning classes, а досвідчений – працює і ділитися знаннями.
If bees create favorable conditions in the hive and unobtrusively help at key stages of their life, then after a year or two can be a good apiary, which begins profitable.
Без належного і своєчасного догляду зробити це неможливо – бджоли часто хворіють, Bad increasing strength, because of the small number of family medosbor their poor, wintering colony insects are generally very difficult to carry, often die.
Бджільництво – складна наука. novice beekeeper not always easy to understand all the intricacies of the case.
Spoil it all in the first stage nobody wants. Therefore, before purchasing newcomer families may need to know all about, how to care for bees from scratch.
Нових бджіл купують зазвичай в кінці весни – початку літа. Earlier buying better.
Insects have time for the season rebuild new cells, increase the number, provide good feed itself, worked on medosbora.
In the winter they go as a complete family. Prior to good trick they have to feed, but this is not difficult.
Buying Bee packages, you can count on chystoporodnist bees and lack of disease, confirm with veterinary certificate and quality certificate.
quality bdzholomateriala, purchased from hands, beginner beekeepers will be difficult to determine.
It requires experience with bees, so it is best practice to help invite.
It is necessary to organize and advance to arrange place in the apiary, make it easier to care for bees.
At first it can be arranged in the private sector, which is very convenient.
Головна умова – наявність поблизу honey plant, fodder for population.
Start with recommended 3 – 5 hives, then gradually increasing their numbers their bees.
Ще одна деталь – тип конструкції бджолиного будинку. It is, that hives beds suitable for novice beekeepers more, Care for the bees are easier to implement.
There is another view: any type of hives has obvious advantages, is the only features to work with him.
So, the main criterion for selection is a personal preference, and added experience.
Once the bees are placed in hives, it's time to care for the beekeeper apiary.
It's enough to make a quick review of the nest the day after purchase and within a week, make sure, the family settled in a new place safely.
If the queen lays eggs, everything goes well.
In the hive must add frame. If bees are purchased early, when there is no good trick, the weather is wet, cold, нельотна – вони повинні бути з кормом.
With warm weather and presence of blossoming melliferous put empty frame.
Family is the most honey. To increase the possibility to procure more feed, insects should not be allowed to build their own cells.
For this hive placed frames of Wax. They combine with already existing sections rebuilt, having new between.
Наявність в розпорядженні бджіл порожніх рамок до моменту головного взятку – це все, they need.
Without having to beekeepers often not necessary to look into the hive, these insects disturb.
If the bees are flying for nectar actively, біля вічка немає хворих і мертвих особин – колонія розвивається нормально.
If necessary, install or replace all of the framework should be carried out quickly, not to chill nest with brood.
For novice beekeepers to remember, that care for the bees should carefully, because you may experience trouble.
Manipulation in the hive and the beekeeper inexperience can sometimes result in the loss or death of cancer. It is very bad, but should not be lost.
Bees without cancer can not do, begin to worry, merge, do not fly for nectar.
This family is doomed, but it is possible to plant them new womb, merge with another family or they withdraw uterus, але це займе місяць – легче купити.
If you do it quickly, Colony continues its development.
Останній місяць літа – час, beekeeper when there are new worries. Day still hot, but the nights are cold, bees fly out to work later.
Shed much honey plants, that ends the main tricks. We can say, insects that feed the main season production came to an end.
Осінь – період активної підготовки комах до зимівлі. In September, ending the feeding of bees.
Now the entire stock is in their hive. At the same time there is the latest generation of young bees, frame with brood are empty.
There honey bees begin to move, placing its top slot. Beekeeper task now is, to inspect the hive and make adjustments if necessary.
Бджільництво – не точна наука, and art. Identical time frame for the same work simply does not exist.
The difference lies in the climatic characteristics of the region, where the apiary, duration medosbora, type of management.
Nature, too, can make a calendar beekeeper their adjustments. To be successful breeding of bees, need to constantly look closely insect, learn them, understand, they live.
Then beekeeping will bring joy.
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Good article, Thanks for the info.