Can a bee sting: what to do if bitten bumblebee.
Джмелі – це комахи, which are Hymenoptera.
It is in the areas of bumblebees, as crops and horticulture, assigned a responsible role pollinators.
This social insects, however, like bees, where they are similar in many ways.
Stinging apparatus with only females of insects.
But can bee sting humans or animals, example, cat? Let's face.
So, this type of insects can sting, but representatives of this type have a sting with smooth, smooth surface, they do not leave the skin sacrifice.
exept this, bumblebees can be considered a very peaceful, Unlike bees or wasps.
They attack people only, when there is a direct threat to their nests or through open aggression.
In medical aid there is no need, If a person has no allergies.
But nesylnyoyi local reactions necessary to procedures to minimize reaction.
In the absence of all of the above gently wash the wound with clean water.
You can ease the pain a bit and thus relieve severe itching, taking special medications or painkillers from inflammation.
Read more: or honey bees are?
You can also rub the bite area to aspirin, which previously required grind into powder, or apply cold compress to the wound, or salt solution with the following ingredients and herbal ingredients:
If you've ever suffered the question, Can bee sting man, but now he has to answer and recommendations, in such cases do.
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