Tea with honey and lemon: benefits and recipes.

This drink, tea, our country has long been considered traditional.

Today, the stores crowded slender rows of tea leaves: white and red, зелена і чорна – на будь-який смак.

But the most useful drink is considered, which added honey and lemon.

Our ancestors used honey as a medicine, adding he was not only ready meals, but also herbal teas, hot drink and various ointments.

  1. What are the benefits of tea with lemon and honey?
  2. How to brew tea with honey and lemon?
  3. What can be added to drinks with lemon and honey?
  4. How to prepare a drink for treating colds?
  5. Drink from overweight

What are the benefits of tea with lemon and honey?

assumed, that coffee invigorates, tea and relaxing. This misconception, because, drinking before bedtime cup of strong green tea, You can not fall asleep until morning.

The point is, virtually all teas fine tone, but brewed with honey, lemon, mint or ginger can relax the nervous system.

Tea with lemon drink we are beginning in late September, When the first cold days are coming.

What is the reason? It is easy: Our body needs vitamin C, which is necessary for the prevention of colds and increase immunity.

If we add a warm drink 1-2 teaspoons honey, we can improve digestion, cleanse the body and even lose weight.

Noteworthy, the green variety, which added lemon and honey, doubly useful.

Vitamin C and honey all enhance the beneficial properties of this grade of tea. If you add a pinch of red pepper drink, you get excellent remedy for bronchitis.

Drink with added lemon and honey is useful in such cases:

  1. Cold, bronchitis, dry and wet cough, sore throat.
  2. Headache, depression, especially women during PMS.
  3. Stimulates digestion.
  4. Green tea is recommended to drink swelling, drink good displays excess water. Output stagnant water helps the body cope with cellulite.
  5. Any sort of tea with lemon and honey is very good for weight loss.
  6. Preventing Skin Cancer.

exept this, Sweet drinks uplifting, hot warm, but the cold well quenches thirst.

How to brew tea with honey and lemon?

To drink lost of useful properties, it needs to properly brew.

What could be simpler brewing tea?

Put the kettle zakipati, threw a cup of lemon, of honey and brew, poured boiling water, and a delicious beverage is ready!

And so can, but some wisdom we tell more.

Advice applies water temperature: Never put honey and lemon in water, the temperature is higher 40-45 ° C.

But if you like to cook and drink tea quickly it hot, then the recipe can not change.

Some useful vitamins will remain in the drink.

What can be added to drinks with lemon and honey?

Different herbs, added to tea with honey and lemon, only strengthen its medicinal properties.

To brew the beverage from depression and insomnia would be the best mint, липа – при хворому горлі і температурі, а ромашка – від захворювань кишечника і шлунка.

With tea you brew these herbs and fees:

  1. Thyme enveloping the intestinal wall, gently heals, useful in bronchitis.
  2. Hibiscus, or rose petals, they contain red pigment, rich in vitamin P. This vitamin helps the cardiovascular system.
  3. Мелісса – основний компонент заспокійливих зборів.
  4. Fennel provides cleansing effect on the body, bring toxins and salts.

If the house is not any of these herbs, do not worry, Tea with honey і з лимоном – це вже дуже корисний напій.

How to prepare a drink for treating colds?

Of course, glutton main honey tea Children. Kids happy to drink a beverage and during illness.

We offer you a delicious recipe for honey drink with photos of children:

  • Black Tea, green variety should not be given to children younger than 5 years;
  • 1-2 lemon slices;
  • 2 Article. tablespoons honey;
  • Fresh or frozen berries (raspberry, strawberries, You can add orange);
  • 1 teaspoon lime flowers.

Put a cup of tea leaves and lime, When this fluid will not burn, add honey, lemon and berries, previously required mash with a fork.

The drink helps with pain in the throat, child can drink it warm, to sweat.

Drink from overweight

As we have said, Tea with honey and lemon helps with weight loss. Calories 200 ml drink no more than 75 kcal, good body and he will bring many.

In honey contains natural glucose, which when diet will support the body and activates the brain. А лимон – чудовий живий вітамін!

Ginger (100 kcal 100 gram) – один з 5 products, that help burn fat.

If garlic with celery not put a drink, then the grated ginger and taste will improve, and start the process of lipolysis.

On 1 cup of tea with honey and lemon put 1 no. spoon grated ginger, recommended to mix it with brew.

Fresh and warm drink drink in the morning on an empty stomach, as it can awaken the appetite.

For a taste you can put mint, thyme and even garlic. But if you put sharp cloves, then leave lemon and honey for a snack.

Чай з лимоном і медом – улюблене питво дорослих і дітей. But even with such a simple beverage should be careful, excessive consumption due time affect the kidney.

Ідеальний баланс – це 1 cup in the morning, а друга – перед сном. During the day you can drink 1 glass of water with honey 15 ml lemon juice.

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