Beeswax Face: properties, use in cosmetics.
Eternal youth, as the beauty ideal, – це щось з області фантастики.
Cosmetic facial masks based wax will not make you beautiful Hollywood.
Та це й не потрібно – куди там всім зіркам екрану разом узятим до природної краси українських жінок!
But to fight the signs of aging, wrinkles, swelling, dryness and other "traces of time" can and should be.
The mask of wax is suitable for women of all generations: mothers, grandmothers, grandchildren.
The only obstacle may be increased sensitivity to bee products.
But for these women face masks are variants with similar effects.
Let's start with security. Beeswax worldwide officially recognized as harmless to health food supplement (E901).
It is added to pastries (sweets, chocolate, nuts), cover the head cheese and fruit (apples, peaches, pears, etc.), that the products do not dry and better preserved during transport.
And in medicine and pharmacology wax is part of ointments and medical patches of ulcers, wounds and burns.
This complex mixture of natural fatty acids and alcohols, rich in vitamin A, of approximately 50 various chemical compounds.
And it can only produce young individuals, ages 10 to 20 days.
Create a similar composition in vitro with preservation of useful properties, scientists are still unable.
Do not confuse the normal composition of candles with beeswax. Candles consisting mainly of paraffin and stearin with various additives.
Genuine beeswax has all shades of yellow: from warm white to dark yellow.
And if there is a mixture of propolis, it may even have a greenish tint.
But stores sell special, well refined beeswax Face.
There is absolutely white, but may be saturated yellow (Wax).
The best wax comes out after the sun peretoplyuvannya (no additional heating), white and he is under the influence of solar color.
The price difference between them is small, and both components are almost identical.
Importantly! Buy the best wax in a drugstore or specialty store.
The market, too, can find this item, but how it will be clean?
Note, in stores there are many varieties of wax, but they are not products of beekeeping and designed mainly for making soap and candles handmade.
For cosmetic procedures instead of wax refined paraffin future use higher quality (petroleum products).
It has a melting point just below, than natural wax, thus avoiding burns when applied to the face mask.
This is perfect for those, who does not tolerate bee products.
The only risk of using paraffin may be allergic to additives.
Read more: Making cream with bee wax yourself at home.
When the skin impose a layer of wax, beneath it creates a kind of sauna.
The skin warms a couple of degrees and that was enough, that from then began performing sweat.
But as to evaporate liquid nowhere (wax reliably block or cover), we get something like a separate saunas for skin.
And then begin to happen very interesting things.
Together with then from then washed out dirt, toxins, шлаки – все, what prevents us to keep the skin healthy and flourishing appearance.
It takes a little time, coat of wax starts to lose temperature, and the liquid, speaking from the pores, re-absorbed.
But! Water molecules are much smaller molecules of toxins and toxins.
So, when the skin cools, narrow pores, and through them "leak" can only be a small molecule of water, and everything else remains "overboard".
in short, we get clean water from impurities, which moisturizes the skin, and cooled mask tightens pores, not letting the liquid evaporate immediately.
In different parts of the face sweat allocated unevenly, but the liquid is absorbed mainly in dry places.
So, moisture is evenly distributed across the surface.
Importantly! Face to face on a wax-based approach for any woman.
Changing only additional components. Beeswax in cosmetics is suitable not only for masks.
It is part of lipstick, cream, close, sunscreens and other products.
Starting with 35 C beeswax becomes plastic, and after 62 ° C are melted.
Stir be thoroughly. There are warehouses, that even knock mixer.
Apply the mixture easier to brush, but you can finger. In the salons often impose gauze masks over with holes for eyes, nose and mouth, and on top put another layer.
But to cope with this task alone will not be easy. If you have a true friend, Let this operation it.
read More: How best to melt the wax at home.
The best mask and becomes, you do not lazy (joke). In fact there are different formulations, which are best suited to solve a particular problem.
Example, suitable for skin whitening wax mixture of lemon juice, and to make the face light tan shade needed carrot juice.
Rinse the mask should warm (not hot and not cold!) water.
Не варто відразу енергійно терти обличчя – спочатку хлюпніть кілька разів теплою водою, to little melted wax.
Then wash off the mask much easier. Usually, wax mixture after applying the cream does not need, but strictly individual.
If you think, need further soften or moisturize the skin, use cream.
Wrinkles that appear from the loss of skin elasticity. This is due to poor care, bad habits, disease or occasionally.
Physiologically, our bodies are designed so, approximately 30 years already appear first wrinkles, and 55-60 years their number comes up on.
Recipe dampening composition of wrinkles: Melt half teaspoon grated beeswax, pour into it 1 no. l. olive oil, as much avocado oil and honey.
Additional components pre-connect and slightly warm. The procedure lasts 20 minutes.
Acne appear from inflammation in the sebaceous glands.
Sebum or dead skin cells clog follicles (time), forming a black eels, But if bacteria get into these places, then pimples.
To prevent their appearance, quite regularly clean the pores of the skin using anti-inflammatory masks.
The mask of skin rash: on 10 g. wax need 5 ml freshly squeezed grapefruit juice and 5 g. White crushed coal.
The mixture is left to the face at least, than an hour.
Then you can wipe the face of boric acid solution.
Currant leaves have a strong bactericidal effect, benzoic tincture helps with irritation, treating small wounds.
First warm wax, vmishuyut he lanolin and benzoic resin, and three minutes later add other ingredients.
Тривалість процедури – 10-15 min. Spend it twice a week.
Importantly! Lanolin is considered the strongest of all cosmetic allergen components. Do test before use.
To soften and moisturize take half a teaspoon wax, by 1 no. l. olive oil and lemon juice and 1 Article. l. honey.
Leave the mixture on your face in 20 minutes. Do not forget: lemon juice bleaches the face.
If you intend to keep your tan, then this recipe does not suit you.
Read more: honey From salt at bath – guarantee Beauty.
For dried and lifeless skin suit is also a recipe: One teaspoon mixed wax bases as much oil and glycerol peach.
This recipe is versatile enough, it is suitable for normal and combination skin: one teaspoon wax and jojoba oil (can substitute olive).
The composition is very simple, but effective.
The procedure lasts only 15 minutes.
Cleansing effect inherent in the principle of the mask.
But it can enhance certain properties of the additives:
After connecting all the components of the mixture warm up a couple of minutes, incessantly stir.
Melting Wax, pour hot broth and whisk mixer (different components do not unite), then add oil.
Number of essential oil depends on the sensitivity of the skin. Start with one drop and listen to feelings.
Sample allergy mandatory!
The presence in the composition masks any of the base oils (not to be confused with essential) in itself provides a nourishing effect.
Do not be redundant and oil solutions of vitamins (but without fanaticism).
Note: askorutin contains many askorbinki (vitamin C), allergic reactions.
For facial skin moisturizing timely means maintaining flexibility, t. at least wrinkles and taut contours.
Apply on face evenly about 2 mm. Effectiveness depends on the duration of use.
Ideally, keep the mask on your face need an hour.
Read more: Hair masks with egg and honey: receptions.
Wax product so unique, even contraindications he almost none, except for allergies.
If you have ever had a reaction to medical or cosmetics, as part of which the bee products, the, probably, Natural waxes will have to replace paraffin.
Importantly! allergy Symptoms may not occur in the use of honey as food, but when applied to him or natural wax on the skin may cause redness and burning.
So, Benefits and harms based wax masks are more dependent on their constituent components.
Do not forget to test everything, that are going to put on the face!
For centuries,, if not thousands of years mankind has used bee products in the pursuit of beauty and youth.
Perhaps, famous beauties in ancient times were legends thanks to wax masks (and who will check?).
So why the modern woman does not take care of their young skin using the same methods?
Especially urban life dust, soot, exhaust, stresami, wild loads always leave their marks on face.
Clean and smooth skin, підтягнутий контур обличчя і свіжий вигляд – досить серйозна нагорода за витрачений час і сили на регулярний і правильний догляд за собою.
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