Almost all bee products, and the unique properties of wax are effective for the prevention and treatment of various diseases.
The first mention of the use of wax treatment was in the XVIII century BC, which is confirmed by the ancient papyri.
Ancient doctors and the famous Hippocrates advised to apply hot wax melted in the treatment of angina.
Today, this bee product used everywhere.
To learn interesting details of its composition, how to melt the wax and store, you should read this article.
The labor process usually family of bees is to collect nectar and pollen from different inflorescences, then insects make honey, which retain comb.
To create these unique designs, Special glands produce a peculiar product, vaguely reminiscent of fat, which is called beeswax.
improbably, but the fact! Scientists have counted, the average bee family for a year to produce 3 kg of wax, used for building cell cells.
Many readers asked questions: where industrious insects making material for hundreds, To build such unique structures; where are the bees wax or where they get it.
To produce 1 kg of wax, family should eat about 3,6 кг меду і деяку кількість пилку – ось і весь секрет, but how daily work behind this process.
Wax has 300 chemicals, it includes propolis, minerals, vitamins, are well preserved in its proper peretoplyuvanni.
IN 100 g clean product contains about 4 g Vitamin A, а в такій же кількості свіжої моркви – всього 0,01 g.
A content of provitamin A in 80 times more, than beef. The exact composition of the wax is still not understood by scientists.
Виплавка воску – процес досить трудомісткий, t. as necessary to clean it of impurities and foreign particles, but in this case it becomes natural color and looks attractive.
He was then poured into molds conical shape, Some beekeepers use this specially made containers, where it freezes.
The technology is different, therefore obtained by extraction and melted (obtained using organic solvents) the final product.
You've already learned, bees make wax, Now consider the details of his appearance and basic components.
sure, it is a natural product, natural, t. as so far scientists have not managed to create something similar in the laboratory.
To distinguish natural wax from numerous fakes, be aware of his individual characteristics:
Read more: Fighting wax moth Traditional methods.
White beeswax has a characteristic odor and is used for industrial purposes, t. he obtained by bleaching natural product.
The main indicators are: density beeswax, that matters 0,95-0,97, hardness, viscosity and solubility.
As the temperature increases its density is significantly reduced.
Starts with beeswax to soften +40 C, а температура початку плавлення – 60 degrees above zero.
Хімічний склад воску – це досить складна суміш, which include esters, alcohols, fatty acids and fat around 75% of the total weight, the same number includes free fatty acids (13-15%), and about 15% carbohydrates.
Interesting! A natural product of bees consists of 284 compounds, but only 111 scientists are able to identify.
Hydrocarbons are not soluble in water, because they contain the maximum number of hydrogen atoms.
The presence of fatty acids allows the wax to change the original color when exposed to various metals: залізо – додає бурий колір, латунь – жовтий, but unnatural, а мідь – змінює колір з переважанням зеленого відтінку.
Therefore, the melting pot should be used enameled, tanks or stainless steel kitchenware.
We found, where does the wax in modern beekeeping, Now it is time to find out, which benefit from it and whether there are contraindications for its use.
Graduate medical education skeptical applying wax, but did not deny its therapeutic action in the treatment of various inflammatory processes of the skin, wounds or burns.
What remains unique ancestral recipes from this wonderful natural product, which are used to treat ulcers.
Chewing wax productive effect on the oral mucosa.
If you accidentally swallow a piece of wax, do not panic: getting inside the body, it acts more, than activated carbon, help get rid of the negative consequences of dysbiosis, normalize gut and quite simply excreted naturally.
Read more: As melt wax at home: main ways.
Given these unique characteristics, досить просто в домашніх умовах налагодити виробництво оригінального матеріалу для дитячої творчості – замочіть віск в гарячій воді не вище 60 degrees for half an hour, it becomes malleable.
Your children will be happy to sculpt figures from this fragrant mass, and through 15 minutes later he again becomes solid.
If they are swallowed with a little honey substance, nothing terrible will happen to them.
Медики впевнено заявляють – якщо немає алергії на продукти бджільництва, then the use of honey and wax within reason not prohibited.
Wax has a complex chemical composition and very high values of density, because his contact at the molecular level with other substances difficult.
Before starting to cook different ointments and creams based on it, need to find out all the details correct its melting process, to keep all the unique properties.
It is practically insoluble in such liquid substances, as alcohols, water and glycerin, but interacts with certain products of oil refining, and goes well with naturally occurring fats.
First, the substance must be cleaned of all contaminants, so pure to use for different purposes:
Головна умова – використовувати тільки якісне обладнання. First melt the wax in a water bath, not boiling, t. as it kills all its useful properties.
Melted wax quite easily soluble in essential oils or paraffin.
Importantly! At home, great options experts say melting methods using steam or in a microwave oven.
For the first option use cookware, half filled with water, a separate container for wax and gas stove.
Through 15 minutes after boiling the wax begins to melt, gradually moving in liquid.
Color depends on location, which was collected by bees honey, and the impurities, located in wax: dark honey comes from a very old sot.
For the use of wax in cosmetics it just melt in water banyah, because in this case easily monitor the melting point and not let it boil, melted in the microwave just for household needs.
If the whole process was carried out without violations, then the next day in a container, you will see a cake of wax with high density.
Read more: How to heat the wax without wax furnaces at home.
If you are the smallest irregularities in the process of melting and cooling wax, its quality is markedly reduced, example:
Some unscrupulous beekeepers poorly purified product begin to lighten, killing almost all its useful properties.
Гарантія відмінної якості – це очищений від домішок віск, expiration dates and restrictions on it have.
Professionals advise beeswax, packaged in the form of cakes or ingots, Store in a dry and dark place, кращий варіант – в закритих скляних або керамічних ємностях, and all premises processed by special means Wax moth appearance.
Very important! The presence of essential oils prevents interaction with other substances, increasing the shelf life of beeswax.
Rodents are dangerous pests for all products, their highly developed olfactory, because smell honey flavor is not big deal.
It is necessary to establish effective protection, to prevent the penetration of the premises for storing wax.
Mice can not penetrate the glass vessel, but the cunning rat traps are numerous bypass and penetrate everywhere.
Кращий варіант – це ємності з закручуються кришками або спеціальні контейнери з бічними засувками.
Shelf with careful implementation of all the recommendations of virtually unlimited, because the wax is often used as a preservative in cosmetics.
Archaeologists found inside the pyramids and burial mounds of Scythian bars of this unique product with a touch web.
They lay there for several centuries, but do not lose their individual properties.
Long storage should take into account the fact, this substance perfectly absorbs odors, so should not be next to products with strong odor, otherwise natural properties Unique remain the same, but the smell would not be honey.
Natural beeswax – це екологічно чистий продукт від бджолиного сімейства, which must be handled carefully and thoroughly implement all the recommendations for its further processing and use or storage.
Найменше порушення процесу переплавки тягне за собою непоправні наслідки – треба бути гранично обережними, not to spoil this unique gift of nature.
Storage is also necessary to organize proper precautions, in view of the recommendations of experts of their craft, then you always have on hand will be positive, high quality natural remedy, and how to use it and for what specific purposes, you decide yourself.
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