beeswax: healing properties, formula, damage.

Bees wax can be called natural polymer.

This plastic substance produced by bees in special glands, located on their abdomen, and then used to create hundreds.

Color pcheloprodukty it depends on the season and therefore its assembly seats comb, where it was located. In the spring he is white, до осені – більш темний.

The most useful and rich in biologically active substances wax, used for drugs, leaves with zabrusa – кришечок, which the bees seal their cells.

From one bee family can get around 2 kg of product (or 10-12 vidstroyenyh frames per season).

  1. How and where to get beeswax?
  2. The chemical and physical composition of beeswax
  3. Healing and beneficial properties of wax
  4. Use wax in traditional medicine
  5. Medicinal properties of beeswax for children
  6. The use in cosmetics
  7. Check the quality of the product
  8. Eat wax bad?
  9. Contraindication
  10. Storage

How and where to get beeswax?

To understand, how best to use one or another type of natural wax, need to determine, how to get beeswax wax raw materials directly from the apiary.

The primary method of obtaining it, This wax peretoplyuvannya followed by multiple filtering.

Strained product is poured into forms, then you can use.

White beeswax is obtained bleaching in the sun. His crushed and placed under direct sunlight, regularly mixing and wetting.

Medicinal properties similar treatment when it is not broken, but you can buy a pcheloprodukty only proven specialists in apitherapy or beekeepers, guaranteeing its quality.

Often white product obtained by chemical bleaching wax shavings, and then there is the preservation of its natural qualities Needless to say.

Bleach in this case are potassium dichromate (0,01%) or potassium permanganate (0,01%).

People have learned to use this unique product of beekeeping few thousand years ago.

Wax weight is used for embalming Scythians. The ancient Greeks produced with the help of waxed tablets in writing, and ancient Romans used wax candles lighting.

Лікарі – засновники наукової медицини використовували його в своїх дослідженнях.

There are hints of Hippocrates to treat diseases of the throat warm compresses wax, and Avicenna offered with angina take it inside.

The chemical and physical composition of beeswax

What beeswax terms of chemistry, and which explains its beneficial properties?

beeswax- contains about 72% esters of fatty acids and higher alcohols (33% miristilpalmitata), to 13,5% free acids, 12-12,5% hydrocarbons.

melting point 62-70 WITH; dissolved in chloroform, gasoline, carbon tetrachloride, poorly soluble in alcohol

All recipes, is successfully used, we know the history of our ancestors.

beeswax, medicinal properties which, and the exact composition of its research is still far from complete, все більше привертає увагу вчених – біохіміків.

Today, scientists have managed to find this stuff at least three hundred ingredients, many of which have on our body very strong influence.

The composition of this unique bee products fickle and depends on the diet of bees, time favorites in cells, and the shelf life of raw materials, and where it is extracted.

From natural beeswax, along with the saturated hydrocarbons and fatty acids, make esters neotserotinovoyi, melissynovoyi, and palmitic acids, а також жирні спирти – меліссіновий і цетиловий.

Жовтий колір воску в сотах надають ретинол – речовини, similar in structure and action of vitamin A.

Many esters makes it chemically inert and long stored product.

Biological activity it reveal resins in small quantities and various aromatics.

Healing and beneficial properties of whiskey

It is difficult to enumerate a few words, How useful and treats beeswax. With its low melting point and good absorption, it can include ointments and plasters.

Antiseptic healing properties of bee products allow you to use it to treat skin damage, including burns.

Natural beeswax perfectly cleans and disinfects the mouth and can be used as an adjuvant for the treatment of pharyngitis and stomatitis, for withdrawal from smoking, and as a useful analogue toothpaste and chewing gum.

Віск пасічний – унікальний продукт, which has a very complex composition. Its formula includes a variety of vitamins and trace elements beneficial.

It consists of about 300 nutrients, such as water, minerals, esters, etc.. d.

Due to such a rich composition can provide many useful properties of beeswax:

  • Pronounced protective effect, so widely used wax cosmetic tools and medicinal ointments, protecting skin and hair from environmental influences.
  • Anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect beeswax, so it is recommended to apply as a compress for burns, cuts and other skin damage.
  • analgesic properties, Because of this, many beekeepers bandage with wax arthritis, radiculitis etc..
  • antibacterial activity. Colds and flu are recommended to chew honeycomb, so the wax will destroy bacteria and relieve pain.
  • Cleaning properties, whereby it is often used to make the shoes and furniture glitter.

Damage beeswax is likely to only be, if you have allergic to wax and the bee products or idiosyncrasy product, in other cases apitherapy (treatment of bee products) You can not hurt.

Swallow it in this case is not required, After several minutes of chewing it vyplovuyetsya.

Use wax in traditional medicine

Recipes using this unique product knows a lot. Here are some of the most popular.

Most people are interested, how to use beeswax to treat external skin damage. A mixture of wax and propolis is useful chewing gum to remove.

Easy transfer of, that treats the product of beekeeping can be time consuming, as well as one of the active ingredients or excipient it is used in large quantities emulsions, plasters and ointments.

Medicinal properties of beeswax for children

Why use beeswax for children? If your child is ill or stomatitis his teeth caries attacked, it is better than drugs wax these problems have not just invented.

Now our confectionery industry produces even honey and wax fortified candies.

Any child with great pleasure to chew candy, than to swallow a pill or medicine.

in addition, such candy cleanse and disinfect the mouth of the child, strengthen gums, simple chewing enhance their production of saliva and gastric juices and thereby improve digestion.

The use in cosmetics

Especially widely used beeswax in cosmetics. He is considered one of the most effective means to care for face and body.

This pcheloprodukty anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, and protects the skin from dryness.

breathable film, he creates on the skin surface, it helps maintain optimum water balance and prevent dehydration.

In the manufacture of cosmetics from beeswax should be considered, that in aqueous alcohol solution and it does not dissolve, but may leave in oils.

How to get wax in liquid form?

Simply gently warm it in a water bath.

To dissolve the product should not be used copper or aluminum dishes, as the hot wax can enter into a chemical reaction with the metal.

The best option for cooking utensils compositions with wax to glass or enamel bowl.

Beeswax hair

Thanks to the healing properties of wax, Hair after its use becomes smooth, shiny and silky, and holding styling is much better.

But the remedy is not particularly suited for oily hair, since after applying hair starts to get dirty quickly.

So beeswax better suited to owners split and brittle hair. But in general, each person is unique, each of us unique metabolism, so you can just pick up empirically for yourself remedy for hair wax on NPA.

If you decide to try to care for your hair using the product of beekeeping, can try some of the recipes, who can prepare and use at home.

Hair balm, that does not require rinsing

To make a balm, must take the following ingredients: 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, 1 tablespoon of wax shavings, 5 drops of any essential oil, example, orange.

Preparation: Melt wax and coconut oil in a water bath, then add essential oil there.

This mixture is spread over the entire length and do not wash. This will get rave reviews around your beautiful conclusion, Hair will become much more obedient, than before.

Ointment with beeswax

For the treatment of many diseases in medicine often use this type of ointment: take a glass of oil, there is added a tablespoon of wax and melt it in a water bath.

Boil eggs, add egg yolk obtained in the ointment, mix thoroughly and hold while on a water bath. The resulting mass can be stored in the refrigerator.

Useful properties such ointments help in the treatment of sinusitis, sore throat, burns and many other diseases.

Check the quality of the product

Before you take at home for the manufacture of medicinal or cosmetic products based on wax, need to make, it is really a quality product, because the store or the market will most likely be sold fake synthetic, in which wax mixed with paraffin, stearinom, or other products.

Guided makes sense for the following signs:

  • natural wax has a solid texture and a matte surface on the cut or fracture;
  • it is easy to break a major blow to small pieces;
  • melted piece of product fully retains its original color;
  • yellow wax smells honey or propolis, white product is practically odorless, in bleaching or chemically added to the product of chemical additives, may appear strange smell;
  • with warm fingers he softened, and at the hands of not feeling oily film.

Eat wax bad?

Can swallow or specifically use this product inside?

A frequently asked question experts: or you can eat wax, and will eat or if accidentally swallowed a piece of honeycomb with wax.

All the experts agree on one thing: nothing wrong this does not happen. Wax WTO is not digested in the gut, and acts as a mild sorbent, absorbing and binding toxins, and taking them out of the body naturally.

There are well-founded opinion: eat this product useful as beekeeping, it promotes better bowel perystaltytsi, and stimulates ingestion job glands.

So in recreational purposes can eat a piece of wax cell with honey.


Speaking of contraindications for use beeswax, the benefits and dangers of it, the benefits of its use are comparable: sorry this product is possible only in case of individual intolerance, which is extremely rare.

Even people, suffering from allergic reactions to honey bee and other items, usually, feel no discomfort when using it as a part of medical and cosmetic products.

Oh remember something: before, start treatment bee products, consult your doctor.


Віск – це єдиний бджолопродукти, which can be stored for years without losing its properties. He is not afraid of any pests, he's not afraid of the cold, no heat, No mold and dampness.

For it does not require any special storage conditions. It is very stable substance, that can store hundreds of years for its medicinal and useful properties.

The significance of beeswax to humans and bees can not be overestimated.

This great application in human life has no bee products.

About forty industries use it as raw material (metallurgical, aviation, confectionery, automotive, leather and many others.).

In medicine, it is used to preserve the medicinal properties of other substances (in candlelight) and as a coolant (Applications at).

Although mankind has achieved great success in the invention of high-speed aircraft and rockets, to create using beeswax, a substance similar to, creating bee, People have not yet learned.

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