Product of the bees themselves bees have long been used to prevent and treat disease.
Applying honey and beekeeping products has a positive effect on human health.
For prevention and treatment, including cancer, people resort to using pidmoru (dead bees).
Bee pollen is used less often in the oncology, but not inferior in efficacy.
With modern equipment for advanced technology manufactured drugs, including many different concoctions, ointments and powders.
Benefits pidmoru use in the treatment of cancer, many experts say. should understand, how can treatment and how to use this pcheloprodukty.
Cancer or, Simply put cancer, hit man, regardless of age. Faced with this disease, people use different methods to deal with it. Medicine, made from bee pidmoru, can help manage the disease.
Коли препарат лише призупиняє процес росту клітин раку – не впадайте у відчай, There is a significant progress.
Pcheloprodukty has excellent antioxidant properties: able to purify the blood and stabilize the work of the body.
This process helps curb the growth of malignant formation. substances, contained in pcheloprodukty, activating the work of the defense system of the body, giving strength to resist the destructive effects of the disease.
If traditional medicine products do not provide the necessary impact, can be used with drugs pidmorom.
It should be noted, that from the time of collection pcheloprodukty feature depends on its use. So, You can not take pidmor, harvested in winter, Despite the high levels of bee venom in the body, accumulated during the winter.
Product, harvested in spring, can be used not only for cooking drugs, but also useful to use as food.
Powder, obtained by grinding, can be used to make ointments, nastoyanok, and other drugs.
Among the many already known methods and recipes obtaining drugs for cancer treatment based on bee products is necessary to choose the best and get to cook it. Here are some recipes from bee pidmoru.
The structure includes infusion 3 Article. l. powder and 200 ml rubbing alcohol. The mixture should be mixed, pour into a sealed container and leave 14 days in the place, where sunlight does not fall.
Through 2 weeks strained infusion is ready for use. The dose should not exceed ended 3 ch.l. day.
This tool is designed for prolonged treatment. In his preparation used 2 ch.l. bdzholoprodukti of 2 cup of water.
The components are mixed and cooked no more 10 min. simmer, after which the mixture is covered with a lid and cooled.
The resulting broth is suitable for 3 days after its preparation. Accepted composition three times a day 2 Article. l.
tincture, prepared at the above recipe and diluted with water in proportions 1: 2, can replace broth.
Drops drug dosage is calculated according to patient age (the number of drops is divided into age and 3 techniques), then gradually increased.
Use pidmoru bees in combination with other methods and means to help accelerate the treatment of illness.
The increase contributes to the progress of cancer treatment application of the tincture combined with 20% propolis (alcohol solution), mixed in proportions 1: 1. To prevent cancer, Bees often used pidmor.
Drugs based pidmoru bees have a positive impact on the treatment of cancer. However, mistakenly rely on this method in the fight against disease.
Composition of pcheloprodukty, mainly, helps stop the growth of cancer cells and the formation of.
According to experts, effective action for the treatment of cancer drugs made from pidmoru, prepared with all the indications and dosages.
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