Маточне бджолине молочко – це чудовий продукт, produced by bees. It includes plenty of vitamin, micronutrients, proteins and amino acids. For the human body Royal Jelly is an extremely useful product.
It can not only raise the immune system and organize the work of all body systems. But is an excellent tool for external use for skin problems and hair.
Using Royal Jelly hair, you will notice amazing effect. However, in this case should digress. Currently, many companies producing cosmetic products with the addition of royal jelly.
If familiar with their composition, in addition to milk, you will see a lot of other components. It preservatives, fresheners, dyes, different cosmetic foundation.
All third-party product that makes this unlikely to positively affect the condition of hair. It's all chemicals, used for long-term storage, pleasant smell and color cosmetic products.
Therefore, for the restoration and growth of hair should use natural remedies, self-made. So, you will be assured of quality used products, and become pay more for brand and advertising margin.
Royal jelly has a high resolution regenerate tissues. This includes hair, scalp and hair follicles. Outdoor use of the product greatly improve the condition of hair.
Scalp and hair get maximum amounts of vitamins and minerals. After the treatment course using milk, you will see the following effect:
Miraculous Hair Mask with royal jelly facilitates virtually complete renewal of their structure. Affects hair follicles sleep, intensify their activity. That shows the great success of this product with alopecia.
These masks will be interesting to people, suffering from dandruff. Medical mask not only eliminates the external manifestations, It eradicates the problem from the inside. It affects the sebaceous glands of the skin, corrects hormonal system work.
Contained in milk vitamins, minerals and amino acids provide nutrition follicle. Vitamin B5 contribute in the fight against gray. Especially effective use of unique product both inside and externally.
Єдиним протипоказанням для застосування маточного молочка при догляді за волоссям – алергічна реакція. But even with allergies to honey and other bee products, should try to use an external milk.
It is necessary to apply cosmetic bend the elbow and leave for at least 15 minutes. If there was no allergic reaction, you can safely use royal jelly for outdoor use.
For people, hair regularly subjected to corrosive chemicals: dyeing, highlights, bleaching, such masks urgently needed.
Also, the use of this product is important for women, who regularly use heating devices for hair: hairdryers, Curlers, rectifiers.
Under the influence of these factors the hair structure is broken, lack of nutrients tested. The hair become brittle, brittle, difficult to provide the necessary volume and shape of hair.
Royal jelly contains a large amount of nutrients, rich in vitamins and minerals. The use of cosmetics, content of the product, Hair will provide everything necessary for the full growth.
Bee products promotes hydration hair, eliminates dryness and brittleness. Opens hair follicles, much better absorbed many nutrients. Due contain proteins and amino acids rejuvenates the scalp, recover damaged bulbs.
Not always a unique opportunity to purchase bee products pure. However, the problem with success pharmaceutical companies have decided. In commercially available alcohol solutions based on royal jelly, Capsules and Tablets. Such drugs are quite easy to use for making masks and balms at home.
Superb mask of a series for hair growth, nourishes and adds shine. To prepare the mask, should first boil the dried leaves of succession. The rate 0,5 Article. l. on 100 ml of boiling water, leave to cool.
Then 3 g milk mixed with 25 g of honey and pour 20 ml strained infusion, All thoroughly. If you count candied copper, then it should pre-heat the water bath to a liquid state.
Homogeneous mass apply on hair and leave for half an hour. After that process is complete standard washing head.
It is necessary to combine royal jelly and honey in the ratio 20/80 and diluted to the desired consistency with distilled water. Apply on scalp 3 times a week. Therapy course is 1 month.
For greater effect simultaneously recommended to use the product inside. You will notice significant changes on the skin of the head after 2 week. Sleeping regenerated hair follicles and will actively work.
For the manufacture of cosmetic product should be mixed 2 Article. l. honey, the same amount of burdock oil, 1 and raw egg yolk 2 ml of milk.
Apply tool head, wear a special hat, You can use a regular plastic bag, and leave 60 minutes. After this time the usual shampoo shampoo. This procedure should be performed every 7 days.
Adding a cosmetic clay helps cleanse excess fat and toxins. What strengthens the impact of royal jelly. It will take 2 Article. l. cosmetic clay diluted non-carbonated mineral water to the state of drinking yoghurt.
Add 2 g of milk and apply on the head. Particular attention should be paid directly to the scalp promazuvannyam. The duration of the mask 30 minutes, after the head should be washed in warm water.
Perfectly removes shine, makes hair smooth, obedient, more lush. Необхідно розчинити картопляний крохмаль – 2 Article. l. warm water, add the juice of aloe, copper 1 no. l. і бджолине молочко – 2 ml.
All carefully move, and put on his head. Treatment time is 40-60 minutes, then should wash your hair as usual.
Can be used for any type of hair, provides softness, silkiness, amount, accelerates growth. You must connect 75 g yogurt, 1 Article. l. honey and 3 Mr. royal jelly. Keep the mask should 40 minutes, then rinse with warm water using shampoo.
Before treatment pcheloproduktamy should consult your doctor and make sure no allergy to all components applied drugs.
The use of royal jelly Hair gives spectacular effects. Restores and strengthens damaged hair and dissected. Disappears extra shine, Hair becomes alive, thicker and obedient.
It is well suited for people mask data, suffering hair loss. The result will be seen later 14 days after the treatment course.
Bee Royal Jelly is ideal for making masks at home. It is possible to include any naturally occurring mixtures: copper, herbal teas, eggs, kefir, clay.
You can pick up and create individual cosmetic, which will solve your problems with hair. For maximum effect, carry out medical procedures regularly
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