Bees in October

Bees in October: of the apiary.

With the onset of autumn, bees almost do not fly out of the hive, but during the warm days they may carry out cleaning overflights.

In October, the bees actually moving in winter, with a significant decrease in temperature they stray club, to warm themselves and nest.

This month could be called important in the life of toilers, as their preparation for winter depends on the power of the family in spring.

  1. Apiary in October

At this time, all efforts aimed at preparing the beekeeper insects and their home to cold.

Apiary in October

Major works:

During the warm days of frequent cases of theft in weak families, so if you have a large number of notch pidmoru take appropriate action.

To reduce the duration of hibernation, Increase the summer. To do this, put the hive in makeshift greenhouse.

You can simply kill the metal pins and their obtyanut transparent film.

So you protect the insects shelter from the wind and allow for later cleaning overflights.

Apiary in October

This will reduce the number pidmoru and build families for the spring.

In October often go cold showers. It is necessary to try to minimize the hive namoknennya.

Ensure waterproofing. Close all the cracks in the hive and check for leaks.

On top roofing can conclude. pay attention, at higher humidity insects are beginning to move and work the pectoral muscles.

With the heat they try to remove the excess moisture from the slot, this increases feed intake, threatening diarrhea.

In mid-autumn to come nests of bees mice and other rodents from fields. They need food, because they can penetrate into the hive and steal stocks of bees.

Therefore, take care of protective fencing. Жовтень – саме час подбати про приміщення, where they will spend the winter toiler.

If possible, prosushіt zimіvnik. Ідеальний варіант – протопити його.

If you plan to move the hives to the barn, be sure to dry the room.

Excess moisture adversely affects the insects.

In October, often sharply colder, so you need to insulate hive mats or cushions of moss.

Walls uteplit foam or other material. Double check the quantity and quality of feed.

Follow, that it was not pidmoru. Autumn uterus is not eggs, and any stray insects club.

Once appreciate notch condition. Near them should not be drones. If you find them, carefully observe family.

Perhaps, there is no uterus. In this case, family break up or to plant new queen.

In rainy weather inspect their equipment and repaired Coming down devices.

An inventory of all equipment.

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