Bees in May: May work in the apiary.
With the arrival of spring begins crucial period in the apiary.
May Bees collect nectar and pollen, feed their brood, vidbudovuvannya involved in cell.
Bees in May accumulate power for productive gathering honey.
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Video, made beekeepers, detail covering Topic May work in the apiary.
In beekeeping maintain their offensive signs of a season. The arrival of spring begins with the first flyby of spring bees.
In May, when they start to blossom honey plants, an increase in the bee family, perezymuvavshi insects are replaced by young.
The strength of the family grows proportionally to the number of bees in it.
If the number of individuals of April 79-86 thousand., of these young 25%, it has to 15 May family has 95 th. species, причому молодих стає набагато більше – 97%.
State of bee colonies tested when establishing warm weather. The temperature during the audit should be below 15-18 ° C.
We estimate the general state apiary after hibernation, counts the number of families.
After revisions necessary to carry out work on strengthening the weak families. First of all, must complete inventory feed honey, pollen and sugar and sugar syrup.
May work in the apiary starting with revision.
In May beekeeper's time to start work on expansion slots by adding additional frames in the case.
It therefore held, at this time there is intense increase brood, the emergence of young insects, and therefore is closely bdzholosim'yi in the nest.
Beekeeper should carefully monitor the situation and increasing the number of nests of bees add additional marquees.
To conduct works on expansion slot can not be late, because it could lead to a slowdown in the development of family, and to, Later that bees will start working at an early gathering pollen.
If you are constantly late with the addition of framework, it will lead to swarming bees.
Vice versa, in the expansion slot without having to be held hypothermia brood, and uterus least postpone eggs.
To accurately determine the time slot increase beekeeper should conduct periodic checks of the family, rozsuvayuchy with extreme diaphragm and beyond.
If most visible presence of bees between extreme frame and diaphragm, and the second frame edge there brood, then the nest should be expanded.
The new frame is added to the nest, exposing its near extreme brood box. Bees while better not disturb. Repeat after expansion slot 4-5 days.
In May, spend increasing width of cells. For, To start with bees medosbora freely flew in May, notch to expand 5 cm depending on the strength of fly bee, in this way you can avoid congestion at the entrance of bees.
After, such as family expands, that it will be little room in the nest, generating first extension, adding additional housing.
It is an incomplete set of frames, and the growth of family frame attached.
Expansion slot housing the addition weaken the desire to swarming bees.
Bees begin work hard to trick and not swarming.
The uterus is smaller sow, If the nest miss honeycomb cells.
This will reduce the number of young bees, weaken the power of the family, and therefore reduce the collection of honey.
If removed many worker bees, and mobile centers had, the bees will not work.
In addition to the full set of combs, corresponding to the number of families, the apiary to the main trick is required to prepare additional amount rebuilt framework for, that bees started making stock feed.
To form new families, to replace old females each year in the apiary should remove young females.
Also prior to the trick you want to display a uterus-assistants.
Getting females output depends on the average daily temperature, the weather must be established heat.
Importantly, The first to bloom honey plants and two weeks before it appeared drone brood.
If honey plants do not bloom, they have less cancer fertility, since less feed, and without drone brood they are barren.
All of the withdrawal of females must be performed at a fixed time.
The beekeeper can not exactly remember the whole sequence, so is the calendar perform such work strictly adheres.
Given all the breeding females rules, start work 5 May and continue through 2-10 June.
When breeding females must maintain strict accounting Origin queen and larvae for, to fully possess information about cancer.
In May (somewhere 9 number) acacia blossom begins, and beekeeper should increase this time at full bdzholosim'yu, such as Beehive-lounger on 20 framework, ought to occupy all the family 20 framework.
If you do not, then one day the family need to 200 g of honey or sugar syrup, whether, offerings are nectar or not.
In fact, always have to look into what region you live and adapt to it.
The disadvantage of feed may lead to fewer brood, through a family poorly developed or not developed at all.
Poor family will not be able to collect a lot of honey. So, May pursuing work to create conditions for the breeding of bees, necessary to maintain constant hive of honey and pergi stocks.
Modern technology based on rich bee feeding bees.
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